Page 2 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 19, 2024 Malden City Council President Steve Winslow announces committee assignments By Steve Freker M alden City Council President Stephen Winslow announced his appointments to the City Council Committees at the first City Council meeting of the year earlier this month. Following are his appointments and the committee chairpersons and vice-chairs who will lead them. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Carey McDonald (at large) is chairperson; Paul Condon (Ward 2) is vice-chair; Karen Colón Hayes (at large); Craig Spadafora (at large); Ari Taylor (Ward 5); and Stephen Winslow (Ward 6). LICENSE COMMITTEE: Jadeane Sica (Ward 8) is chairperson; Hayes is vice-chair; Condon; Chris Simonelli (Ward 7); and Taylor. RULES and ORDINANCE COMMITTEE: Amanda Linehan (Ward 3) is chairperson; Peg Crowe (Ward 1) is vice-chair; Ryan O'Malley (Ward 4), Sica, Simonelli. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: Peg Crowe (Ward 1) is chairperson; McDonald is Vice-chair; Simonelli. PERSONNEL and APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE: Winslow is chairperson; Colón Hayes is Vice-chair; Crowe, Linehan and Spadafora. PUBLIC HOLDINGS COMMALDEN CITY COUNCIL: Pictured from left to right: Seated: Jadeane Sica (Ward 8), Chris Simonelli (Ward 7), Carey McDonald (at large), Ari Taylor (Ward 5), Amanda Linehan (Ward 3); standing: Peg Crowe (Ward 1), Craig Spadafora (at large), Karen Colón Hayes (at large), Paul Condon (Ward 2), Ryan O’Malley (Ward 4), Stephen Winslow (City Council President–Ward 6). (Courtesy/City of Malden Photo) ~ Political Announcement ~ Nichole Mossalam Announces Candidacy for State Representative of Massachusetts’s 35th Middlesex District [ MALDEN & MEDFORD, MA] It is with a deep love of our community that I am excited to announce that I will be running again for State Representative of Massachusetts’s 35th Middlesex MITTEE (incorporates Cemetery, Public Property and Public Works Committees): McDonald is chairperson; O’Malley is Vicechair; Spadafora. 15 Month High Yield Certificate of Deposit 5.35 Visit us at www.mitfcu.org or call (781) 423-2022 % APY1 $500 Minimum Deposit required. 1 APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Share Certificate APY assumes dividends are retained in the Certificate; there may be a penalty for early withdrawal. Other terms and conditions apply. Rates are accurate as of the current date. Rates are subject to change without notice. Please consult a Representative for complete savings information. Nichole Mossalam Candidate for State Representative District. In 2022, we worked diligently to engage with neighbors all across the district and built up a true coalition that reflected our beautifully diverse community that I am proud to call home. Together, we came just 50 votes shy of an anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, 22year incumbent. Our time is now to change the face of politics, and with the experience and relationships we possess, the energy for our movement is strong. Medford and Malden deserve a legislator who will fight for the issues impacting all of our neighbors and we need someone who accurately represents our values: Respect, Dedication, and Inclusivity. Someone who will put our neighbors first above all rhetoric and divides. It is clear that our current leadership does not reflect that, and we must move forward. In 2024, I know we can win this race. I am not running this race for me, but I am running to uplift members of the community who will finally be able to have leadership that they see themselves reflected in. I am running for those who wish to be heard and deserve a seat at the table. I am running for those who have felt ignored and disenchanted by the political process, and for generations to come. We need someone who will put our neighbors first above all rhetoric and divides, and we need the support, dedication, and love of an entire community to achieve the representation that the working families of Medford and Malden deserve! I am looking forward to the campaign ahead, and the bright future for our community is just across the horizon. It’s time to put our Neighbors First. Visit https://votemossalam. com/ for more information and please reach out to the campaign with any questions.

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