THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 8, 2021 Page 9 Greater Boston League announces new Athletic Season Calendar Winter season start pushed back to Feb. 1; “Fall 2” and Spring seasons will start later By Steve Freker T he Greater Boston League (GBL) announced Wednesday it would push back the start of the Winter Sports season to February 1 and also adjust the following two seasons, “Fall 2” and Spring Sports, to later starts as well. According to a statement on Wednesday released by league President Chris Mastrangelo, the Malden High principal, no sports are planned to be canceled. A variety of reasons were cited for the move, including a primary one, due to health and safety reasons precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hit the GBL communities especially hard in a lot of ways. There is one change of note in that the indoor and outdoor boys and girls track seasons will be combined into one track season, outdoors, planned to run from May 27 to July 3. The Greater Boston League, which was reconstituted last year, includes Everett, Malden, Medford, Revere and Somerville, with three new members joining offi cially in the fall of this year: Chelsea, Lynn Classical and Lynn English. With the announcement, in another note, the GBL is basically “going its own way,” as most other leagues around the state are going with the dates set by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association 2021 GBL Athletic Season Calendar January 11–Winter Season for Gymnastics, Girls Ice Hockey*. February 1– 26: Winter preseason. (The league Athletic Trainers will design this program and provide the oversight); Boys/Girls (B/G) Basketball, Swimming, Boys Ice Hockey. *Gymnastics and Girls Ice Hockey are in interscholastic play (Medford, Malden and Somerville). March 1–April 10: Winter season Interscholastic Competition – B/G Basketball, Swimming, Boys Ice Hockey. Following is the text of the GBL’s statement released on Wednesday: As we continue to navigate these unsettled times in our history, the Greater Boston League has consistently adjusted to meet the needs of our students. In the Fall we voted to participate in the Fall II season because ~ Legal Notice ~ Notice of Public Hearings and Public Comment Period (MIAA) for their respective seasons, meaning the GBL game schedules most likely will be exclusively all-league opponents. Additionally, with the changes in the calendar there remains the possibility the three newest GBL teams, Chelsea, Lynn Classical and Lynn English, may begin league play later this winter and in the spring, if their Boards of Health allow it. Lynn English Athletic Director Dick Newton publicly stated Wednesday his school would join the GBL in games being played immediately, judging by the new dates, if allowed by his city. “We are pleased we are able to accommodate all the teams and have something to off er our GBL student-athletes if all goes well,” Malden High’s Mastrangelo said. “It’s been almost a full year since our GBL student-athletes have competed. They deserve a chance to practice, play and compete if it’s safe to do so,” Malden High Athletic Director Charlie Conefrey, who is also GBL Commissioner, said. “Many hours and a lot of work has gone into this plan.” Fall 2 Preseason Conditioning: Girls Volleyball, Football, Field Hockey, B/G Soccer, Golf (The league ATs will design this program and provide the oversight). April 12–May 15: “Fall 2” Season – Girls Volleyball, B/G Soccer, Golf, Cross-Country, Football, Field Hockey. Spring Pre-Season Conditioning: Baseball, Softball, B/G Tennis, B/G LAX, Outdoor Track, Crew (The league ATs will design this program and provide the oversight). **** May 17–July 3 Spring Season – Baseball, Softball, B/G Tennis, B/G LAX, Outdoor Track, Crew, Boys Volleyball. CDBG and HOME Program Year 2021 (City Fiscal Year 2022) Funding and Annual Action Plan The Malden Redevelopment Authority (MRA) on behalf of the City of Malden (Malden) and the North Suburban Consortium (NSC) will conduct public hearings regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program Year 2021 (City Fiscal Year 2022) funding. The MRA administers the federal CDBG Program for Malden and the federal HOME Program for the NSC comprised of the communities of Arlington, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Revere and Winthrop. The MRA has established a schedule for Program Year 2021 (City Fiscal Year 2022) CDBG and HOME programs, including dates for CDBG applications, public hearings, and the Annual Action Plan. While CDBG applications have set deadlines, HOME applications are rolling throughout the year. January 12, 2021: Public Hearing #1, at 5:30pm via Zoom. The hearing includes public input on community needs, current programs and strategies, priorities for housing, addressing homelessness, neighborhood preservation and revitalization, and economic opportunity that might be addressed with CDBG or HOME funding. The hearing will include an overview of the CDBG and HOME programs, Consolidated Plan goals and objectives, and the Annual Action Plan process. January 13, 2021: CDBG Applications Made Available. Applications will be available online at CDBG applications are due February 16 at 5:00pm. January 19, 2021: CDBG Application Technical Support, at 5:30pm via Zoom. This meeting is for potential CDBG applicants to seek and receive technical assistance regarding CDBG applications. February 16, 2021: CDBG Applications Due. Applications are due February 16, 2021 by 5:00pm. Applications must be submitted electronically. Instructions will be included in the application. March 8, 2021: Public Comment Period Begins. The draft Annual Action Plan will be made available for review and public comment online at for a 30-Day Public Comment period from March 8 to April 8, 2021.Comments on the Annual Action Plan may be emailed to or sent in writing on or before April 8, 2021 to the Malden Redevelopment Authority, 215 Pleasant Street, Third Floor, Malden, MA 02148, Attn: Alex Pratt. March 16, 2021: Public Hearing #2, at 5:30pm via Zoom. The public hearing includes discussion of and public feedback on the draft Annual Action Plan. April 8, 2021: Public Comment Period Ends. May 15, 2021: Annual Action Plan Submitted to US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Annual Action Plan is due to HUD no later than May 15, 2021. July 1, 2021: Program Year 2021 Begins. All meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Zoom log-in information will be available at If you require assistance or accommodations to attend one of the public hearings, please email that was best for our kids. As we head into the winter season we are preparing to adjust once SPORTS| SEE PAGE 18 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY January 8, 2021
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