THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, DECEmbER 23, 2022 Page 9 Elm Street Market Celebrates Grand Re-Opening Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at Mayor Carlo DeMaria (center) joined owner Rajesh Keshar (fourth from right) along with family and friends to celebrate the Grand Re-Opening of the Elm Street Market at 178 Elm St. Also in attendance were (from left) Ward 6 Councillor Mike McLaughlin, former Councillor Anthony DiPierro and Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins (far right.) Mayor announces Kwanzaa Celebration on Dec. 29 Special to Th e Advocate M ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett will be hosting the fi rst annual Kwanzaa Celebration on Thursday, Dec. 29 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Connolly Center (90 Chelsea St.). As part of Mayor DeMaria’s “Everett For Everyone” initiative, join us in celebrating Kwanzaa with music, poetry, culture, food and live performances from Uprising Dance Theatre, Big Redd’s House, Janey David and more. Don’t know much about Kwanzaa or never celebrated it before? That’s ok, because attendees will be introduced to the holiday, the meaning of it and the seven principles by African drum and dance (857) 249-7882 for details. 10% Off Senior Discount! group Uprising Dance Theatre. Following this, attendees will be treated to a jazz performance by Big Redd’s House and serenaded by vocalist Janey David with her magnificent voice. All residents are welcome to attend this celebration of food, culture and community at our annual Kwanzaa Celebration. SNOW BLOWER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS Pickup/Delivery Available 1039 BROADWAY, REVERE WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM Let us weatherize your home and wrap it in layers of savings. You can get up to 100% off approved insulation and no-cost air sealing. Think of insulation as a sweater for your home, keeping the air you want in, and air sealing as a jacket, keeping dust and allergens out. Insulation and air sealing work together to better protect your home from extreme temperatures in the winter and summer months. Schedule a no-cost Home Energy Assessment to see how you can save energy and money all year long. To get started, schedule your no-cost Home Energy Assessment today. Learn more at ngrid.com/assessment or call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283).

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