Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, DECEmbER 23, 2022 Lady Tide Basketball trounce Revere, 46-28 Everett’s Taisha Alexandre looks for a teammate to pass to during the Crimson Tide girls’ basketball game against Revere on Tuesday night in Everett. Everett’s Amelia Maria-Babcock looked to defend against a Revere player as they moved up the court with the ball during Everett’s matchup on Tuesday night. Everett’s Malaica Guillaume battled for control of the ball. The Crimson Tide’s Nehemie Lucien drove to the basket during the Crimson’s Tides matchup with Revere on Tuesday night. Everett’s Kayley Rossi worked her way past a Revere defender for two points. Everett’s Malaica Guillaume went up for a basket. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney) Crimson Tide Captain Kayley Rossi went up for a basket during Tuesday night’s action in Everett.

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