Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 “E” Club annual Meeting Jan. 11 on Zoom T he “E” Club president Vincent Ragucci, Jr. cordially invites you to the annual meeting on January 11, at 5:30PM. Due to the circumstances, this year’s meeting will be available to watch on Zoom. If you have any questions, contact the “E” Club secretary, John Ragucci at or Daryl Colson, the “E” Club Webmaster, on Zoom Meeting. https://us02web.zoom. us/j/85303980619?p - w d=a2h5NGJIKzVD - cVGNk10N2YrZVlUdz09 16465588656,,8530 3980619#,,,,,,0#,,630364# US (New York) + Meeting ID: 853 0398 0619 Passcode: 630364 One tap mobile + 13017158592,,8530 3980619#,,,,,,0#,,630364# US (Washington D.C) Dial by your location + 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) + 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) + 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) + 1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE "42 Years of Excellence!" 1978-2020 Regular Unleaded $2.039 Mid Unleaded $2.399 Super $2.459 Diesel Fuel $2.439 KERO $4.359 Diesel $1.999 HEATING OI 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS • OPEN 7 DAYS + 1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) + 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 853 0398 0619 Passcode: 630364 Find your local number: kcfeSP1wVE We have now made it easier than ever to join or renew your existing membership online: https://www.eclubofeverett. com/memberships-1 You may also make a donation at any time here: https://www.eclubofeverett. com/donate We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. P-EBT benefi ts extended for Massachusetts T he COVID-19 pandemic caused uncertainty in families across Massachusetts regarding meals for their children who normally receive free or reduced-priced school meals. Through the CARES Act, the Pandemic Electronic Benefi ts Transfer program (P-EBT) was developed in the spring to assist these families in need. It was announced this week that Massachusetts will be the fi rst state to extend these benefits through the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. “Parents should not have to worry about providing a meal for their child,” said Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “I’m proud that Massachusetts is the fi rst state to extend these benefits. It’s heartbreaking that our community has felt the impact of this pandemic, but I am incredibly pleased that through the CARES Act, children who depend on school meals will not go hungry this school year.” The Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, in collaboration with the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, received approval to manage this program in response to the COVID-19 related school closures. Students that are eligible for this program must qualify for free or reduced-priced meals under the National School Lunch Program. They must also be in a hybrid or fully remote learning situation, and this must be confi rmed by the school. Eligible students in hybrid learning situations will receive $58.60 per month. Eligible students in remote learning situations will receive $117.20 per month. Using P-EBT will not impact a parent or their child’s immigration status. The public charge rule does not apply to P-EBT. Parents can also use P-EBT funds while still collecting food from Grab and Go student meal sites. For more information regarding the P-EBT program and for questions regarding eligibility, please visit https:// - tails/pandemic-ebt-p-ebt or Prices subject to change Christmas! M Merry Chr FLEET
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