Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, DECEmbER 8, 2023 Zion Church Ministries hosts Prayer for Peace Z By Tara Vocino ion Church Ministries held a Prayer for Peace last Wednesday night. Those in attendance took a group photo. Front row, shown from left to right: Robert Price, Sheila Lee-Caldwell, Marcia Brown, Dominique Gooding, Duncan Brock, Councillor-at-Large John Hanlon, Haley Drane, Simone Holyfield, Councillor-Elect Holly Garcia, Vilma Torres, Rev. Joseph Chacha Marwa, Kathleen Parker, Frank Parker, Bishop Regina Shearer. Second row, shown from left to right: Dotty Amos, Nena Price, Senator Sal DiDomenico, Yanique Louis, Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Rev. Bishop Robert Brown, and Councillor Al Lattanzi. Top row, shown from left to right: Peter Sikoro, Kim Nicolo, Jermaine Bellard, and City Councilor-Elect Anthony DiPierro. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Zion Church Ministries Bishop Robert Brown said the world has changed to bring about more destruction and hurt, increasing the need to pray. Mayor Carlo DeMaria said the power of prayer is very personal to him, adding that he prays for world peace. Immaculate Conception Priest Joseph Chacha Marwa prayed for the Middle East. Shown from left to right: Ward 6 Councillor Al Lattanzi, Marcia Brown, Councillor-At-Large John Hanlon, Immaculate Conception Priest Joseph Chacha Marwa and Ward 4 City Councillor Elect Holly Garcia at Zion Church Ministries during last Wednesday’s Prayer For Peace. Marcia Brown said God is love. Bishop Regina Shearer prayed for those on the front lines, city and government officials. State Senator Sal DiDomenico said to push out the evil and push forward the good. Prayer changes things — are you ready for a change? Were asked of guests. Shown from left to right: Ward 3 City Council Elect Anthony DiPierro with Kathleen and Frank Parker, who is a former School Committee member. Councillor-At-Large John Hanlon said the power of prayer works. Police Officer Jeraime Bellard said we need to rise above turmoil. Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi said he wishes the world would change and be a better place for all of us. Shown from left to right: Marcia Brown, Kim Nicolo, and Dominique Gooding. Simone Holyfield spoke about what God means to her. Ward 3 City CouncillorElect Anthony DiPierro said although he’s made mistakes, forgiveness is possible. Duncan Brock prayed for peace.

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