Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, DECEmbER 8, 2023 BEACON | FROM PAGE 17 mane, but they also only serve to mask the problem. “Housing ought to be a human right and combating homelessness will require a comprehensive approach that includes housing production, tenant protections and bigger investments in affordability and services,” said sponsor Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge). “What will not work is designing public spaces that are hostile to unhoused people. This only sends the issue deeper into the shadows.” BAN SOME ARTIFICIAL TURFS (H 3948) – Another measure heard by the State Administration and Regulatory Oversight - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 865-4000 Docket No. MI23P5939EA Estate of: ANGELO CAGNINA Date of Death: 08/27/2021 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION To all interested persons: A petition for Formal Adjudication of Intestacy and Appointment of Personal Representative has been filed by: Paul Cagnina of Salem, NH requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that: Paul Cagnina of Salem, NH be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration. IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 01/02/2023. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Terri L. Klug Cafazzo, First Justice of this Court. Date: December 05, 2023 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE December 08, 2023 Committee would ban municipalities and the state from installing or subsidizing new artificial turf fields that contain zinc, plastic, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or other toxins. It would not affect current turf fields which would be grandfathered in under the bill, but it would assure that no new public artificial turf construction would take place. “Based on the growing body of evidence that shows that these turf fields pose a danger for athletes from heat stress, severe abrasions and toxic chemical exposure, and cause substantial environmental harm to the local environment,” said sponsor Rep. Carmine Gentile (D-Sudbury). “These concerns have led the U.S. Men and Women’s soccer teams to stop playing on turf, and have compelled towns and cities, including Boston, to issue moratoriums on new turf construction.” GUN LEGISLATION – The Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on several bills dealing with guns including these three: GHOST GUNS (S 1496) – Would make ghost guns illegal in Massachusetts. Sponsor Sen. Cindy Creem (D-Newton) explains that ghost guns are unfinished firearms that allow individuals to easily build their own guns from unregulated kits. “Once constructed, these firearms are unserialized and untraceable,” she said. “To address this loophole, this bill would make it illegal to manufacture, sell or purchase any firearm without a valid serial number, which would include the unfinished frames and receivers. In addition, this bill would make it illegal to manufacture, or 3D print, firearms without a license. “I filed this legislation, because although Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun laws in the country, these laws are being undermined by the proliferation and availability of these untraceable ghost guns,” continued Creem. “We cannot sit idly by as people continue to exploit this loophole to skirt our state’s firearms regulations and contribute to gun violence across the commonwealth.” CANNOT CONFISCATE LEGAL GUNS (S 1513) - Would prohibit police, other law enforcement officers and other government officials from confiscating any lawfully owned firearm, rifle, shotgun, machinegun or ammunition. A civil fine of between $500 and $5,000 or up to a 2.5-year prison sentence would be imposed for each confiscated weapon. The legislation does not prohibit the confiscation of a firearm from any person who has been BEACON | SEE PAGE 20 - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Division Docket No. MI23P2497EA Estate of: JANICE M ROBERTS Date of Death: JANUARY 30, 2022 NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE G.L. c. 190B, § 3-306 To all persons who have or may have some interest in the abovecaptioned estate and, if interested, to the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Veterans Affairs, notice is hereby given on DECEMBER 07, 2023 that the Petitioner STEPHEN M ROBERTS of EVERETT, MA, intends to file with the above-named Probate and Family Court, not sooner than seven (7) days after this notice, a Petition for Informal Appointment of Personal Representative, to serve without surety on the bond STEPHEN M ROBERTS of EVERETT, MA The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. December 08, 2023 City of Everett Conservation Commission Everett City Hall, Room 40 484 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 Carlo DeMaria Jr., Mayor Jon E. Norton Chairman Phone: 617-394-5004 FAX: 617-394-5002 LEGAL NOTICE The Everett Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 7 PM pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. 131 c40. The hearing will include consideration of a Request for a Determination of Applicability (RDA) by Diane Mikovsky of Site Centers, for the replacement of a water meter at the existing Gateway Mall Facility at 16 Mystic View Road. Said hearing will be held in the George Keverian Meeting Room, City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. To view application and related plans, contact the Conservation Agent Tom Philbin 617-309-8038. Jon E. Norton Chairman Everett Conservation Commission December 08, 2023

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