THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2021 Page 23 what is a pulsar? 9. What is a supreme (or supreme – highest degree of quality) of poultry? 10. On Nov. 29, 1972, Atari 1. On Nov. 26, 1966, in Brittany, what European president opened the first tidal power station in the world? 2. In what country did apple pie originate? 3. What sex of turkey gobbles? 4. What one-word 1978 disco song title has four periods? 5. On Nov. 27, 1955, what engineer and author was born who had a PBS series about science? 6. Which U.S. state has the most pumpkin acreage: California, Illinois or New Mexico? 7. What U.S. bridge has been “sold” by con artists at least three times (one ending up in Sing Sing)? 8. On Nov. 28, 1967, the first pulsar was discovered; released what video game? 11. Where do wild turkeys sleep? 12. What is the first recorded year when Cape Cod cranberry bogs were flooded and frozen for a better harvest: 1732, 1838 or 1907? 13. On Nov. 30, 1872, the first-ever international soccer match took place in Glasgow; what two countries competed? 14. In the 1893 play “A Woman of No Importance,” who wrote, “After a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations”? 15. On Dec. 1, 1878, who installed the first telephone at the White House? 16. On Nov. 23, 1921, The Baltimore Sun reported that what took an airplane to the White House “wearing an aviation helmet and goggles and clad in a black and gold sweater held on by a pink bow” (and also a train ride after it got sick)? 17. December 2 is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery; what U.S. state’s constitution (1777) was the first U.S. document to abolish slavery? 18. What country produces the most cranberries? 19. Can turkeys fly? 20. On Dec. 3, 1800, the Electoral College had a tie vote for what two candidates? ANSWERS 1. Charles de Gaulle 2. England 3. Males 4. Y.M.C.A. 5. Bill Nye (the Science Guy) 6. Illinois 7. The Brooklyn Bridge 8. A pulsating radio source (thought to be a neutron star with a rapid spin) 9. A skinless, boneless breast 10. Pong 11. In trees 12. 1838 13. England and Scotland 14. Oscar Wilde 15. Alexander Graham Bell 16. A turkey named Supreme II 17. Vermont’s 18. USA 19. Only wild turkeys can fly. 20. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr

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