Page 22 Sa nr Sa a y Senior Seni by Jim Miller Daily Money Managers Can Help Seniors with Financial Chores Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any services that can help my elderly mother with her fi nancial chores? My dad always used to handle the bill paying and paperwork, but he passed away last year, and mom struggles to keep on top of things. And I don’t live close enough to help her on a regular basis. Concerned Daughter Dear Concerned, It sounds like your mom could use a good daily money manager (or DMM). These are financial savvy professionals that can help older adults who have difficulty managing their own day to day personal fi nancial aff airs. The types of services they provide typically includes paying bills, maintaining fi - nancial records, balancing checkbooks and negotiating with creditors. DMMs can also prepare checks for clients to sign, help older people organize bank and financial records, prepare and deliver bank deposits, gather and organize documents for tax returns, help decipher medical bills, and review bank statements in order to detect potential fi - nancial abuse or fraud. Where to Find DMMs Depending on where your mom lives, DMM services may be available through private non-profi t elder assistance organizations or government agencies. These agencies often use volunteers to provide basic DMM tasks, such as bill paying at no cost. To find out if this is available in your mom’s area contact her Area Aging Agency. Visit ElderCare.acl. gov or call 800-677-1116 for contact information. In addition to the non-profit DMMs, an increasing number of individuals and private for-profit companies have started off ering DMM services for a fee. Cost for these services varies by region but it often ranges between $25 and $100 per hour. Most clients need approximately four hours of services per month, but this too varies according to the complexity of the person’s fi nancial situation. The best place to look for a professional DMM in your mom’s area is through the American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM.com), which offers an online directory that lets you search by ZIP code. All the pros listed there have signed the group’s code of ethics. Some have passed a certifi cation exam to earn the designation of Certifi ed Daily Money Manager. Before hiring a daily money manager, however, get references from two or more of their clients and check them. Also, find out what they charge and what type of insurance coverage they have. Keep in mind that neither federal nor state governments regulate the DMM industry, so there is little oversight of these services. So before turning over your mom’s bills, make certain it’s someone you can trust. One other highly rated bill-paying service you should know about that’s specifically designed for older adults and caregivers is SilverBills (SilverBills.com). Available nationwide, this is a secure concierge bill management service that will manage your mom’s bills and pay them on her behalf, on-time and correctly, for a fl at fee of $50 per month. If you opt for this service, your mom will be paired with an account manager who will communicate and work with her over the phone, or through email, text or mail (her preference) – no computer is required. SilverBills also reviews all bills for errors and fraud and provides monthly statements showing the date, amount and manner of each payment. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. nior ior THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 FOOTBALL | FROM PAGE 18 doubt made the game tougher for us. But our team still showed tremendous resiliency by giving our very best right through the fi nal snap of the game.” Senior quarterback Karmarri Ellerbe completed nine passes for 98 yards and rushed for another 43 on 17 carries. Senior running back Chandler Timoleon was credited with 39 yards on eight carries. Altogether, the Tide ran the ball 33 times for 91 yards. Senior tight end Kevin Ruiz caught two passes for 41 yards, and Giacobbe Ward was on the receiving end of three passes by Ellerbe for 35 yards. Juniors Christian Zamor (13 yards) and Pedro Rodrigues (11 yards) each accounted for one reception. DiLoreto laments that there won’t be any Thanksgiving Day game this year, but he’s trying to procure an opponent to play on the holiday going forward. “Sadly, we do not play on Thanksgiving this year, but we are actively seeking an opponent, hopefully starting next year,” the coach said. “We are hopeful that a GBL team may agree to play us on Thanksgiving. “We all wish we were playing on Thanksgiving this year, but we also know that not having a game this season is out of our control,” he added. “Masconomet ended the rivalry with us a few years ago. Last year, we played St. John’s of Shrewsbury, but they decided to play Malden Catholic, so as a result we are now searching for another Thanksgiving Day rival.” But overall, DiLoreto sees nothing but positives emanating from his squad this year. “This season, our team showed tremendous growth and improvement,” he said after last Friday’s Central Catholic game. “Our senior class showed tremendous leadership, and every one of them will be dearly missed. Looking ahead, we have many starters returning on both sides of the ball, so we are confi dent we will fi eld, once again, a very competitive team in 2023.” CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that, the matter referenced below, originally scheduled to be heard on November 21, 2022, will instead be heard at a Special Meeting on November 28, 2022 at 6: 00 P.M, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor in the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. The matter will be called at the Board’s November 21, 2022 meeting solely for the purposed of immediately continuing the matter to November 28, 2022. No testimony or evidence will be taken in this matter at the November 21, 2022 meeting. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: Person Requesting: 17 Albert Park Map/Lot: A0-05-000047 Harcharan Singh and Jagtar Singh 17 Albert Park Everett, MA 02149 Owners Representative: John Mackey 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: To alter the existing single family residential house into a two (2) Family residential house Reason for Denial: The lot size is too small at 4657 square feet in area, and no parking was indicated on the supplied plot plan. Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Violations: • The existing lot does not have the required size of 7,000 square feet • The supplied plot plan does not indicate any proposed parking for the required four (4) required spaces Zoning Ordiance: Section 4 Dwelling Districts b Dimensional Requirements line 2 Lot Area which states: b. Two Family Dwelling------7000 Square Feet Section 17 Off-street Parking line 2 (A) Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements as outlined below. Where the Term “gross square feet” is used, it shall mean the total occupiable floor area measured within the exterior walls of the building. (Original Ord. Of 2-26-1965, 6-29-87) 2. Multifamily dwellings--------------------------------2 spaces per dwelling unit MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals November 11, 18, 2022

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