Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 Sen. DiDomenico secures millions in funding for his district in sweeping economic development bill His advocacy will support his district and residents in need across the state S enator DiDomenico recently joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts Legislature in passing a wide-ranging $3.76 billion relief package to provide targeted energy assistance, support ongoing transportation needs and invest in the state’s small businesses, caregivers, health care system, aff ordable housing and eff orts to fi ght climate change. On November 10, according to Governor Charlie Baker’s signing letter, he signed An Act Relating to Economic Growth and Relief for the Commonwealth, “vetoing 24 sections and returning 2 sections with amendment.” Senator DiDomenico secured signifi cant funding in this relief package for community organizations and public projects throughout his district: $425,000 in funding for community organizations: • Margaret Fuller House • East End House • Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee • Zion Community Services Corporation • John F. Kennedy Family Service Center • Harvest on Vine • Everett Haitian Community Center • Nurtury Funding for community projects: • Mary O’Malley Park enhancements | $75,000 • Northern Strand Community Trail improvements | $200,000 • Student and Parent Internship program and the Reality Check program at Everett Public Schools | $150,000 • College and career assistance programs at Chelsea Public Schools | $150,000 • Funding to help the Registry of Motor Vehicles take steps to ensure non-English speakers can still access state services, programs and activities | $500,000 • Funding for Roca to plan MARCHETTI CORP. 59 4.25 4.55 5.57 By Container Only 5.15 DEF SALE! $13.99/ 2.5 gals for and expand the delivery of training for police and other criminal justice partners | $1,000,000 Successful advocacy for statewide funding: • Food security infrastructure grants | $25 million • $150 million for early edDIESEL TRUCK STOP ucation and care providers through the continuation of the Commonwealth Cares for our Children (C3) stabilization grant program, including $60 million for subsidized providers. “I was thrilled to pass this bill and secure funding for local organizations and public projects that support my constituents and contribute to the well-being of my communities,” said Senator DiDomenico, who is Assistant Majority Leader of the Massachusetts Senate. “This bill will also provide much needed fi nancial relief to Massachusetts residents, boost our economy, work on addressing the housing crisis, help our early educators, and strengthen our fi ght against the climate crisis. I want to thank Senate President Spilka, Speaker Mariano, Chairs Rodrigues and Michlewitz for their commitment to getting this legislation over the fi nish line in both chambers.” “This compromise legislation makes critical investments to ease the fi nancial burden facing individuals and families, puts money back in taxpayers’ pockets and helps prepare our economic landscape for new challenges,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “I am proud of the significant investments made to assist residents with rising utility costs, boost aff ordable housing production, support our health care system, keep our climate goals on track and stabilize the early education and childcare sectors. We also take meaningful steps to ensure a record $3 billion in tax relief payments for taxpayers, the most ever in state history, is paid for. I am grateful to House Speaker Mariano, Chairs Rodrigues, Michlewitz, Lesser and Cusack, their staff s and my colleagues in Senate and House for their work on this legislation. I look forward to seeing it quickly signed into law.” In addition to $3.76 billion in direct investments, this compromise legislation ensures that the Commonwealth responsibly pays for the historic $3 billion one-time tax relief that will be returned to an estimated three million taxpayers over the coming weeks. Combined, this $6.76 billion in tax relief and direct investments will provide much-needed breathing room for families, small businesses and individuals feeling the pinch of infl ation. Notably, the bill closes the books on Fiscal Year 2022 and dedicates $500 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, leaving a balance of $1.74 billion in federal resources for future use. Appropriations Over $1.4 billion invested to support health and human services programs, including: • $350 million (M) for hospitals that have become fi scally strained during the pandemic • $225M for rate increases for human service workers and providers • $200M for COVID-19 response eff orts • $195M for nursing facilities and rest homes • $80M for Community Health Centers • $20M to reduce gun violence and related trauma throughout the Commonwealth, including 1) $3M for a grant program to support school safety infrastructure improvements and 2) $2M to provide behavioral health-related supports and resources in schools to reduce instances of gun violence • $20M to bridge impending federal cuts to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) programs and maintain critical victim service programs • $17.5M for reproductive and family planning services • $14M for facilities that treat Sal DiDomenico State Senator individuals with an alcohol or substance use disorder in the Commonwealth • $5M to support harm reduction eff orts and services to address substance use disorder in the Commonwealth • $2.5M for grants to support the nursing workforce talent pipeline $540M invested to support clean energy and climate resiliency initiatives, including: • $250M to accelerate and support clean energy initiatives, including 1) $100M to promote and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles through the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program as well as supports for the expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure; 2) $100M for ports and port infrastructure to support the clean energy economy; and 3) $50M for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to accelerate the transition to and expansion of renewable energy • $175M for the conservation and improvement of publicly owned lands and investments in green spaces, with an emphasis on investments in environmental justice communities • $115M for the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust, including $15M for planning and implementing water pollution abatement project in watersheds designated as nitrogen sensitive areas $409.5M invested to support aff ordable housing, including: • $304.5M to support and boost housing production, including 1) $100M for the Commonwealth Builder Program to support the production of forsale, below market housing to expand homeownership opportunities for fi rst-time homebuyers and socially disadvanFUNDING | SEE PAGE 4

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