Page 16 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 EHS Crimson Tide Football Ousted in MIAA Tourney Quarterfinals Everett wide receiver Pedro Rodrigues says a pre-game prayer before facing Central Catholic. Ralph Pierre (#52) and Chandler Timoleon (#5) show off their strength against a heavily offensive Central Catholic. Everett cheerleaders keep the spirits high during a rainy game at Veterans Memorial Stadium. Everett’s friends and family get loud to try and keep their team fired up. Running back Chandler Timoleon explodes through the Raiders defense for a first down. The Tide’s Damien Lackland (#10) finds an opening to gain yards for Everett High School. Donald Michel gets focused during the National Anthem. Heavy rain starts at halftime as Ralph Pierre walks off the field. A touch of Everett was brought to Lawrence as the band plays on. (Advocate photos by Mike Riley) Coach Lubern gets animated in the heat of the moment to try and rally his team. Crimson Tide’s Kevin Ruiz makes an incredible onehanded catch down field during the first half. Central Catholic’s defense produces a fumble against Everett High School.

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