Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 Citizens Foundation awarded $200,000 in grants By Tara Vocino he Everett Citizens Foundation awarded grants to 26 agencies on Monday at City Hall. Centro Comunitario Scalabrini, Inc. received a $4,781 grant; and Everett Girls Softball and Action for Boston Community Development, Inc., which each received a $10,000 check, didn’t have any representatives present.. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Adrien Grande (in center) accepted a $10,000 check on behalf of Youth Power Group. T Dennis Wilcox and Joseph Ricciardi (in center) accepted a $4,467 grant on behalf of Broadway Boxing Club. Marsha and Jerry Sokol accepted a $4,781 check on behalf of Art Lab Everett. Eleanor Gayhart, on behalf of Eliot’s Family Resource Center, accepted a $10,000 check. Everett High School E Club President Carl Colson (in center) accepted a $10,000 grant on behalf of the E Club. Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett Outreach Coordinator/Navigator Samia Bennett (in center) accepted a $10,000 check for her organization. Michael Piazza accepted a $4,310 grant on behalf of the Leonard Piazza Memorial Scholarship. м Senior Pastor Larry Russi alongside his wife, Judy, accepted a $4,389 check on behalf of Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church. James and Linda Booker (in center) accepted a $10,000 check on behalf of Sober Shuttle, which covers Everett, Malden and surrounding communities. Members of Read to a Child accepted a $10,000 check on behalf of the organization. Not present: members of the Everett Youth Commission also received a $10,000 check. Laurence Arinello and Patricia Ells (in center) accepted a $4,624 grant on behalf of the Everett Historical Commission. Amanda Gil and Riley Dunn (in center) accepted a $4,702 check on behalf of The EHS Wave Club.

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