Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenant sworn in Dockery with his extended family, Man in wheelchair is Father Jim Dockery, little girl with pink shirt and bow is niece Charlotte Dockery (6), little girl in leopard dress Daughter Josslyn Dockery (8), girl with Black shirt Niece Avah Berardino (11), boy with grey sweater Nephew James Dockery (7), girl with brown hair grey sweater niece Victoria Dockery (10), baby is daughter Emersyn Dockery (9 months), holding baby is wife Samantha Dockery. Woman with short brown hair and glass was Stepmom Joan Miron, Short blonde hair on right side was mother Ellen Dockery, On Left side of photo almost back row - man with hat father-inlaw Arthur Berardino, Woman with beige coat blonde hair is mother-in-law Lillian Berardino, woman with dark hair and glasses A’ndrea Berardino, in middle was LT Christopher Dockery, Son wearing grey shirt Christopher Dockery JR (14), brother was on right side Captain Jim Dockery and Mayor Carlo DeMaria. Deputy Fire Chief William Hurley is surrounded by his wife, Samantha, and children William Jr., Ava, and Alyssa. Fire Captain Derek Perretti was surrounded by his wife, Brenda, and their son, Derek Perretti Jr. Their daughter, Rory, was cheering them on via FaceTime video. Private Christopher Dockery was promoted to Lieutenant. Deputy Chief William Hurley was sworn in by City Clerk Sergio Cornelio. Pictured from left to right: Lt. Christopher Dockery, Deputy Chief William Hurley and Captain Derek Perretti. Lieutenant Derek Peretti was pinned by his son, Derek Perretti Jr. Dockery’s son, Christopher Jr., pinned his father. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Pictured from left to right: Father-in-law Arthur Berardino, his brother, Chris Dockery, and family friend Mayor Carlo DeMaria. By Tara Vocino C Deputy Fire Chief William Hurley was pinned by his children, Alyssa, William Jr., and Ava. aptain William Hurley was promoted to Deputy Fire Chief; Lieutenant Derek Peretti was promoted to Captain; and Private Christopher Dockery was promoted to Lieutenant during Tuesday ’s City Council meeting at City Hall.

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