EV Vol. 31, No.45 -FREEEVE ER TT Check out the NEW ADVOCATE ONLINE: www.advocatenews.net ADDOCCO TEAT www.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday 617-387-2200 Friday, November 11, 2022 Rep. McGonagle (4,629) crushes Marchese (1,926) O Sweeps all ward precincts in overwhelming victory By Tara Vocino ut of 22,564 registered voters, 8,232 ballots were cast, resulting in a 36.48 percent voter turnout during Tuesday’s State General Election. State Representative Joseph McGonagle topped the ticket with an impressive landslide victory with 4,629 to 1,946 votes over his opponent, Michael Marchese, an Everett Councillor-at-Large. State Rep. Judith Taylor won the 11th Suff olk District with 406 votes to Todd Taylor’s 225 votes. Rep. Daniel Ryan was unopposed and won the majority of the votes. Senator Sal DiDomenico won unopposed in his bid for reelection. Everett voted for DemocratVICTORY | SEE PAGE 2 Simply put, thank you. We wanted to say Thank You to those that served our country. We are honored by your service and grateful for your patriotism. We’ll be closed Friday, November 11th in observance of the holiday. As always, you can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you! VICTORY: State Rep. Joe McGonagle and his girlfriend, Margie, give their “thumbs-up” following his overwhelming Election Day win at his victory party at Oliveira’s Tuesday night. See pages 8-9 for photo highlights. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) Carlo Demaria, Jr. vs. Everett Leader Herald, Sergio Cornelio, Joshua Resnek, matthew Philbin and Andrew Philbin, Sr. In response to Philbin’s ‘emergency motion,’ DeMaria’s attorneys fi le motion to compel defendants to turn over evidence, appear for depositions By James Mitchell A SINCE 1921 Messinger Insurance Agency 475 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 Phone: 617-387-2700 Fax: 617-387-7753 NEW COMPETITIVE AUTO RATES AND BENEFITS AVAILABLE  ACCIDENT FORGIVENESS  DISAPPEARING COLLISION DEDUCTIBLE  11% DISCOUNT WITH SUPPORTING POLICY  10% COMBINED PAY IN FULL DISCOUNT AND GREEN DISCOUNT  10% GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNT Celebrating 100 years of excellence! Monday thru Friday: 8am to 6pm Saturdays 9am to 1pm! Check out our NEW website! www.messingerinsurance.com ccording to records obtained this week that were filed in Middlesex Superior Court, on October 19, 2022, attorneys for Mayor Carlo DeMaria fi led a second motion for Dorchester Publications, LLC to produce documents and to duly comply with a June 30, 2022, court order. This was the second request by DeMaria’s attorneys for defendants Joshua Resnek, Matthew Philbin and Andrew Philbin, Sr. to produce additional documents, including communications between the defendants, which was refused by the Philbins through a motion by their attorneys filed last month. DeMaria is also seeking the cost for attorney’s fees incurred in moving to enforce the Court’s Order, according to the motion. As of this writing, the Philbins have also refused to appear for the depositions, including the Everett Leader Herald’s offi ce manager Mary Schovanec, sister Tara Philbin, president of Philbin Insurance, and brother Andrew Philbin, Jr., business partner in Philbin Insurance and Philbin Realty. Philbin, Jr. is currently employed as an Everett fi refi ghter and is reportedly out on a knee injury. According to the October 19 motion conclusion, “Philbin’s emergency motion disregards or runs afoul of black letter Massachusetts law at every turn. The fi nancial evidence regarding Philbin and the entities that he personally owns and controls is directly relevant to the issues in this public case, fi led in a public court, involving a public fi gure, a public election, and extensively covered by the public media. Massachusetts courts have spoken time and time again about the presumption that evidence in a public judicial proceeding is to be accessible to the public, and not sealed from public view.” The motion continues, “Massachusetts courts have not only frowned upon the very sealing off from public view of RESNEK | SEE PAGE 5

Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 School Committee approves settlement agreement between the schools and custodian union By Tara Vocino T he School Committee voted 7-1 to approve a settlement agreement between the Everett Public Schools and the SEIU, a custodian union, during Monday’s School Committee meeting at Everett High School. Ward 2 School Committee member Jason Marcus suggested that a two percent raise over a three-year term wasn’t enough to live on. “They gave social security an eight and a half percent increase,” Marcus said. “A lot of people get more than a two percent increase.” School Committee Chairwoman Jeanne Cristiano, who represents Ward 3, suggested that Marcus was out-of-line since negotiations are closed. “The city doesn’t control in73 4.25 4.55 5.78 By Container Only 5.54 DEF SALE! $13.99/ 2.5 gals VICTORY | FROM PAGE 1 ic Governor Maura Healey and Kim Driscoll – 5,363 – to 2,446 votes for Geoff Diehl and Leah Allen, who are Republican. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley won her quest for reelection, with 4,985 votes, against political newcomer Donnie Palmer Jr., who garnered 2,565 votes. Democratic nominee Diana DiZoglio won the Auditor seat, garnering 4,554 votes, to Republican challenger Anthony Amore’s 2,488 votes. District Attorney Marian Ryan and Sheriff Peter Koutoujian won unopposed. Residents voted yes 4,452 on Question 1 to 3,293 no’s. According to the state website (sec.state. ma.us), Question 1 would establish an additional 4 percent state income tax on that portion of annual taxable income totaling more than $1 million. A yes vote would amend the state Constitution to impose an additional 4 percent tax on that portion of incomes more than $1 million to be used, subject to appropriation by the state Legislature, on education and transportation. Everett voted 5,559 in the affi rmative to Question 2, with 1,939 no’s. Question 2 would direct the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Insurance to approve or disapprove the rates of dental benefi t plans and would require that a dental insurance carrier meet an annual aggregate medical loss ratio for its covered dental benefi t plans of 83 percent. A yes vote would regulate dental insurance rates, including by requiring companies to spend at least 83 percent of premiums on member dental expenses and quality improvements instead of administrative expenses, and by making other changes to dental insurance regulations. The city voted 3,259 yes on Question 3 to 4,572 no’s. Question 3 would increase the statewide limits on the combined number of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off -premises consumption (including licenses for “all alcoholic beverages” and for “wines and malt beverages”) that any one retailer could own or control: from 9 to 12 licenses in 2023; to 15 licenses in 2027; and to 18 licenses in 2031. A yes vote would increase the number of licenses a retailer could have for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be consumed off premises, limit the number of “all-alcoholic beverages” licenses that a retailer could acquire, restrict use of self-checkout and require retailers to accept customers’ out-of-state identifi cation. Everett voted 4,335 yes to Question 4 with 3,227 votes. Question 4 would allow Massachusetts residents who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a standard driver’s license or learner’s permit if they meet all the other qualifi cations for a standard license or learner’s permit, including a road test and insurance, and provide proof of their identity, date of birth and residency. A yes vote would keep in place the law, which would allow Massachusetts residents who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a driver’s license or permit if they meet the other requirements for doing so. fl ation rates for the country or the world,” Cristiano said. “While there are other unions who may have received more, this was an agreed upon negotiation.” Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani said there have been some inappropriate dealings with the union that Marcus may have been highlighting. “You’re highlighting some greater issues during this negotiation season,” Priya said to Marcus. “This may be an item for a future meeting.” Marcus asked why they (school board) don’t care about those employees. “You are welcome to vote it down,” Priya said. “To make a statement that anyone on this committee doesn’t care about certain staff members is inappropriate.” Cristiano cautioned Marcus to refrain from those types of comments. Vice Chair Michael McLaughlin, who represents Ward 6, said they worked in good faith and diligently to get support on both sides to start further discussion. “It’s a pleasure that we have the opportunity to work collaboratively together,” McLaughlin said. “I believe that we’ve done it openly and fairly.” School Committee member At Large Joseph LaMonica abstained due to a confl ict-of-interest. His family member is a union member. OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 519 BROADWAY, EVERETT SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: Rocco Longo, Owner WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM


Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 State Representative candidates Marchese and McGonagle campaigned during Tuesday’s General Election By Tara Vocino E verett voters went out to vote in the General Election on Tuesday with the main event between incumbent State Rep. Joseph McGonagle and Councillor-at-Large Michael Marchese highlighting the local side. Pictured from left to right: Former Legislative Aide to House Speaker Bob DeLeo Sofia Forgione, former City Councillor Rosa DiFlorio and former Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Assistant Superintendent Kevin O’Donnell campaigned for State Representative Joseph McGonagle along Broadway. $5.39 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 State Representative Jay Livingstone’s Legislative Aides commented on State Representative Joseph McGonagle: Audrey Herrmann said McGonagle has been a strong supporter of abortion rights, and Cassidy Trabilcy (at left) said he has a strong track record. Come Celebrate Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, Nov. 23 at The Schiavo Club 7:00 PM to Midnight * Free Food! * DJ and Dancing! 71 Tileston Street Everett Sign-holders in front of the library and State Representative Joseph McGonagle (at far left) – pictured from left to right: Michael Snee, former City Solicitor John Kryzovic and Pamela Mavilio said State Representative Joseph McGonagle works hard, is well respected in the state legislature and has experience. State Representative Jay Livingstone and State Representative Joseph McGonagle’s girlfriend, Margery Beckwith; Livingstone said he’s been a great colleague in the legislature, adding that he hopes he’s reelected. In Glendale Square, Everett resident Kelli Hamilton Ward campaigned for Geoff Diehl, because he supports recovery, veterans and addiction treatment. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 5 DiNapoli Brothers Answered the Call to Duty FAMILY HEROES: The DiNapoli family were well represented in the military service in the US Armed Forces, from WWII to the Vietnam War. Pictured during a past E Club banquet with former Everett Crimson Tide football player Victor Ruiz, were, from left to right, Bob DiNapoli (US Navy), Tom DiNapoli (US Marines), Mike DiNapoli (US Army, Vietnam War), and Guy DiNapoli (US Navy, WWII). THANK YOU to the DiNapoli brothers and all the veterans for their service to our country. RESNEK | FROM PAGE 1 relevant evidence that Philbin seeks, but have required that any request for such a sealing off be accompanied by a factual showing that the evidence sought to be kept secret is necessary, that is, that the person seeking it will be substantially harmed if it is not kept secret. Philbin has ignored that body of law as well, providing absolutely no factual showing of any kind and, indeed, not even informing the Court what, precisely, it is that he seeks to keep secret.” In one example, the motion cites an article the defendants reporting former Everett employee Guerline Alcy’s “claim” that over 11 years, in 2011, that the Mayor had supposedly exposed himself to Alcy and attempted to kiss her. According to the motion, “The article was so egregiously false that it alleged that these things occurred at a time when she worked at City Hall—when, in reality, she was not even an employee at the time the Defendants asserted that these events purportedly occurred.” In her deposition testimony under oath, Alcy couldn’t identify the year in which she claimed the alleged inappropriate conduct occurred towards her. It was also shown that through the limited emails produced by the defendants, demonstrated the continued and coordinated campaign by Philbin and Resnek to use Alcy to fabricate false assertions targeting DeMaria, in the weeks before the September 2021 mayoral primary. In the motion to compel, attorneys for DeMaria state that the defendant’s opposition does not in any way justify or explain away their failure to comply with the Court’s June 30 Order, and are in violation for failing to produce all documents responsive to the Order. The motion states that Resnek and Philbin failed to search for documents specifically identified in the requests, including text messages, “which they admit they did not search.” “All documents referring, relating to, refl ecting, or constituting communications of any kind, including without limitation emails, text messages, Facebook and other social media messages, that You have sent or received mentioning or referring to Plaintiff since January 1, 2019,” according to the motion. In DeMaria’s reply to the Philbin’s opposing motion seeking relief from producing documents and appearing for depositions, DiMaria’s attorney called Philbin’s claims that the Court Order is meant to harass and intimidate them is “absurd.” “Given that the Court has already determined Plaintiff DeMaria is entitled to the discovery he seeks, Andrew’s and Matthew’s argument that Plaintiff is somehow seeking overbroad discovery to harass and intimidate them is absurd. Their Opposition’s baseless attacks on DeMaria are designed to distract from the real issue before the Court: Matthew’s and Andrew’s clear failure to comply with the Court’s June 30 Order. Matthew and Andrew have failed to comply with the Court’s June 30 Order and their discover obligations,” according to the motion. Again, the Philbin’s failed to provide emails, texts, as well DON’T LET THEM PASS YOU BY! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in Everett at 183 Main Street or stop by any branch. as conducting a search using keywords in order to fulfi ll their obligations to provide documents and communications, including “electronically stored information…stored in any medium” related to the Court Order. The matter awaits a judge’s decision. Check out the NEW Advocate Online at: www.advocatenews.net HIGHER RATES ARE HERE! 4.00% APY* 2-Year Certificate massbaycu.org *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 11/1/2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available.

Page 6 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Mayor thanks Aggregate industries for community service M Advocate Staff Report ayor Carlo DeMaria would like to thank Aggregate Industries and its employees for recently volunteering to clean up Market Street and Rivergreen Park. Aggregate Industries, a new business in Everett, contributed two days of community service. On the first day, employee volunteers cleaned up over 40 bags of trash and debris on Market Street. On the second day, volunteers cleaned up 13 bags of trash and built over a quarter mile of waterfront and wetlands trails. “This type of service is invaluable to our community,” said Mayor DeMaria. “Not only does it save the taxpayers money, but it immensely increases the quality of life for all our residents and inspires others to do their part and make a difference. Thank you to Ryan McCormack and your entire crew at Aggregate Industries for doing a great job and giving back to your community.” Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net Volunteers cleaned up Market Street. Our 50th Anniversary Dan 1972 R.Y.O. TOBACCO ---------TUBES CIGAR SMOKER’S DELIGHT! 15 Handmade Cigars - Long Leaf Filler - Four Year Old Tobacco Wrapped including a Cohiba $43.95 We Sell Cigars & Accessories Buy Cigars by the Box & SAVE! Competitive prices on all Brands, Great Selection -----------Keys Made Any Cigars Priced with a Green Label or Buy 2, Get One Free! * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 STORE HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday & Holidays: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM A volunteer carried a bag of trash to help clean up the waterfront at Rivergreen Park. A volunteer pushed a wheelbarrow through the wetlands at Rivergreen Park. Volunteers loaded dirt into wheelbarrows to be transported. Volunteers built waterfront and wetland trails. Chris 2022

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 7 2022 MYSTIC RIVER HERRING RUN LARGEST IN THE STATE MYSTIC RIVER HERRING RUN 2022: 425,000+ A ccording to the official estimate from the Division of Marine Fisheries (Mass DMF), more than 425,000 river herring passed through the fi sh ladder at the Mystic Lakes Dam in Medford in 2022, and an additional 20,000 passed into Horn Pond. This the highest documented herring run this year in any river in Massachusetts! River herring — Alewife and Blueback herring — are migratory species that spend most of their lives in the open ocean, but return to freshwater every year to spawn in the river system they were born in. They are threatened by overharvesting in the ocean and — crucially — by the loss of inland habitat for breeding caused by dams blocking access to inland lakes and streams. The recent count represents the latest chapter in an ecological restoration success story that has included the installation of multiple fi sh passages on the river resulting in a sharply rebounding population of river herring in the Mystic River. HERRING NUMBERS IN CONTEXT This year’s total is a bit lower than last year’s estimate but consistent with the sense that the Mystic population remains robust. (Fish populations fl uctuate over time for multiple reasons). Often the Mystic is among the largest documented herring runs in the state, but this year it was the largest. This is both remarkable and a sign of some less positive changes elsewhere. It is remarkable because one might not expect the largest herring population in the state to be one that has to run the urban gauntlet of Boston Harbor and the Amelia Earhart Dam — not to mention the Mystic Lakes Dam — to get to their breeding grounds. Usually, the largest runs in Massachusetts are on rivers with relatively unobstructed streams and protected estuaries like the Herring River in Wellfl eet on Cape Cod Bay. But this year, numbers from herring counts from other usually high-count Massachusetts sites were notably lower than last year. The Herring River count, for instance, was 290,000, after counts of over 1,000,000 as recently as 2019. As Ben Gahagan of the Division of Marine Fisheries says, “Indeed it was a bad year across most of southern New England.” Similar patterns were seen in Rhode Island and Connecticut. “On the other hand,” Gahagan adds, “Maine had record runs and New Hampshire was actually pretty decent.” That is, there may be some phenomenon at work disproportionately affecting southern populations in recent years. Multiple causes may be at work, and state scientists say it is too soon to point to a single reason. One major factor in reducing Massachusetts herring populations in recent years might be the droughts the area has experienced. In many river systems, droughts late in the summer can prevent juvenile migration back to the ocean by drying up streams, reducing productivity in the population in a way that is seen years later in the fi sh counts of returning adults. The Mystic system may be relatively immune from this eff ect, at least currently. There are fewer dead ends for fi sh to end up in, even in relatively severe drought. MORE ON THE ECOLOGICAL SUCCESS STORY A fi sh ladder at the Mystic Lakes Dam in Medford was built in 2012 — allowing fi sh in the Mystic River to reach Upper Mystic Lake for the fi rst time in decades. At that time, the Mystic River Watershed Association MYSTIC RIVER | SEE PAGE 11 2.50 %APY* With rates like this, earning while you save is easier than ever. Ask about our in-home or office concierge service. 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Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 State Rep. McGonagle overwhelmingly reelected in Tuesday’s General Election By Tara Vocino 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com Call The Advocate: 617-387-2200 Pictured from left to right: Uvetta Volmar, Rachel and Roubens Fauche, Matteo Di Nunzio and James Mason (in back). They said McGonagle loves the Haitian community very much. Lana (at right) and Gayle Dannenberg said McGonagle is smart and loves his city. ELECTION | SEE PAGE 9 Monogram D4 Double siding Cedar impression half rounds McGonagle supporters showed their excitement after the numbers came in. Supporter AngelMarie DiNunzio and State Rep. McGonagle are shown at his victory party at Oliveira’s on Tuesday night. S tate Representative Joseph McGonagle won Tuesday’s General Election with 4,629 to 1,946 votes over his opponent, Michael Marchese, in a convincing win. McGonagle celebrated his victory with family and friends at Oliveira’s late Tuesday night. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Harvey Vinyl 64 Replacement Windows Custom Aluminum Trim work Windows & Doors Top quality Vinyl Siding! •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Roofing •Free Estimates •Replacement Windows •Fully Licensed •Fully Insured

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 9 ELECTION | FROM PAGE 8 Rachel Fauche watched the results come in on her phone. School Committee member Millie Cardello alongside Craig Hardy and Karina Hardy. Pictured from left to right: School Committee member Millie Cardello, David Fretti and Michael and Lisa Massa. Campaign Manager Phil Melki (third from right) was all smiles after the win. Supporters awaited the election results. Rep. Joe McGonagle with his girlfriend, Margie Former Ward 5 Councillor Rosa DiFlorio and Veterans Agent Gerri Miranda gave a thumbs up.

Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Mayor announces upcoming Everett Public Libraries events for November M ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce the Everett Public Libraries upcoming events for the month of November. All residents are encouraged to attend the wide variety of programming that is suitable for adults, teens and children. PARLIN ADULT & TEEN EVENTS Thursday Night Movies: Thursday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. Wakanda forever! We’ll be watching “Black Panther” in anticipation of the sequel’s theatrical release on Nov. 11! Brethren by Nature: New England Indians, Colonists and the Origins of American Slavery: Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Join Professor Margaret Newell in remembering the history of Native Americans in the Parlin Meeting Room. Cookbook Club: Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 6 p.m. We’ll discuss and sample this month’s recipes from “Dessert Person: Recipes and Guidance for Baking with Confi dence” by Claire Saffi tz. Email akempkes@noblenet. org to sign up. Parlin Book Group: Monday, Nov. 28 at 6 p.m. This month join us in reading “Daisy Jones & the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Email slipp@noblenet.org to sign up! PARLIN CHILDREN’S EVENTS Friday Family Movie Night: Friday, Nov. 18 at 3 p.m. Break out the popcorn! This month we’re watching “Paddington.” Storytime with Kathleen (Spanish): Mondays at 10 a.m. Librarian Kathleen will read stories in Spanish. SHUTE ADULT & TEEN EVENTS Teen Book Group: Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 3:30 p.m. Join us in reading “Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green for the fi rst meeting of the teen book group! For more information or to register for any of our programs, visit our full calendar of events online at bit.ly/EVELibCal Your local post offi ce will be closed in recognition of Veterans Day P ost offi ces across the Commonwealth will be closed on Friday, November 11, in honor of Veterans Day. There will be no street delivery, except for guaranteed overnight parcels, and all retail operations will be closed for the day. Full retail and delivery operations will resume on Saturday, November 12. As one of the largest employers of U.S. veterans, nearly 10% of our workforce nationally, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is proud to honor the men and women who have selfl essly served our country in war and in peacetime and those who continue that tradition today. As the saying goes, “America is the land of the free because of the brave.” The USPS generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations. Please Note: For USPS media resources, including broadcast-quality video and audio and photo stills, visit the USPS Newsroom. Follow USPS on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Subscribe to the USPS YouTube channel and like USPS on Facebook. For more information about the USPS, visit usps.com and facts.usps.com. More USPS holiday news can be found at usps.com/holidaynews.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 11 Sen. DiDomenico celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the CITC Mayor announces presentation on the War in Ukraine at the Connolly Center M ayor Carlo DeMaria and the Council on Aging invite you to attend an important presentation titled “Consequences Expected and Unintended, What’s Next?” by author and speaker Henry Quinlan on Tuesday, November 15 at 1 p.m. at the Connolly Center (90 Chelsea St.). Quinlan has more than 36 S tate Senator Sal DiDomenico (left at the podium) speaking on Saturday, October 29, celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC) at a convention hosted by the Massachusetts AssoMYSTIC RIVER | FROM PAGE 7 launched a volunteer herring count in collaboration with Mass DMF. Dozens of volunteers annually visit the dam to make 10-minute sampling counts of fish passing into Upper Mystic Lake every daylight hour from April to June, and the data are used to estimate the total number of fish passing through the fish ladder. In the first year, an estimated 200,000+ fish passed through the dam, based on data generated by volunteer counters. But river herring first return to freshwater to reproduce only at age 3 or 4, when they are sexually mature. When the first cohort of fish born in the newly expanded freshwater habitat reached reproductive age and returned for the first time to Mystic Lakes in 2015, volunteer counts showed that the population of fish loyal to the Mystic River had doubled (Figure 1). And numbers continued to climb over the next few years to an estimate of as many as 780,000 fish in 2019. This is a huge success story: the single simple fish ladder at Mystic Lakes doubled — and even tripled — a significant wildlife population. For a sense of scale: 500,000 of these footlong fish end-to-end would stretch 100 miles! NEXT STOP: HORN POND Volunteer fish counters also monitored fish entering the next big lake upstream in the Mystic River watershed: Horn Pond in Woburn. Currently the Scalley Dam at Horn Pond mainly blocks fish passage ciation of Community Development Corporations at Polar Park in Worcester. This tax credit empowers residents and businesses to work together to address specific local challenges and opportunities, thereby creating jobs, economic opinto the lake, although a small percentage of fish who arrive make it up a small cascading stream that goes around the dam when water levels are high enough. The estimated number of fish able to enter Horn Pond this year, based on volunteer counts, was approximately 20,000. Many more fish were seen at the base of the dam, most of which presumably turned back downstream. The good news is that money from two federal environmental damages settlements — including from famous Superfund cases in Woburn — will bring millions of dollars of investment in building a fish ladder at Horn Pond. The City of Woburn is also investing in this project, expected to be completed in the next few years. Fisheries scientists believe this will expand the population of river herring in the Mystic system even further. Horn Pond will also likely be a place where the general public will be able to view this migration directly. “Woburn has proposed expansive improvements to the park area to integrate the ladder and viewing opportunities for the public,” says DMF’s Ben Gahagan. “I think all parties see public engagement as integral to long term success.” GET INVOLVED Will the Mystic herring run reach a million fish? Will the Mystic continue to lead the state in herring populations? Stay tuned for more data from a remarkable urban wildlife migration. In the meantime, keep an portunities and vibrant communities. DiDomenico led the passage of this legislation in 2012, which was his first big piece of legislation secured, and he is now working to continue and expand this credit for the years to come. eye out for volunteer opportunities to participate in our in-person and video counting programs. Registration to be a herring monitor for the 2023 season will open in February/ March. And finally, this can never be said enough: all the data we have about the river herring population on the Mystic River we have because of volunteer community scientists. This is public knowledge generated by residents of the watershed. Thank you, all. years of experience in relations with Russia beginning with the George W. Bush administration – working on special projects in the former Soviet Union. He is also a longtime friend of former Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin. This presentation will examine the impact of the current war on Ukraine, Russia and the rest of the world – it’s intended and unintended consequences. Aside from death and destruction in Ukraine, the many possibilities of this war could lead to a world-wide food shortage where millions of people will slip into poverty. The United States is fighting a “third party” war, and the question is, how much should the United States be involved? The financial impact of this war extends far beyond Russia and Ukraine. All residents are invited to please join us for this informative discussion. For additional information, please contact Dale at 617-3942323. 10% Off Senior Discount! SNOW BLOWER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS Pickup/Delivery Available 1039 BROADWAY, REVERE WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM

Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Everett tames the Tigers to begin Division 1 playoffs O Tide now gears up for tough test against Central Catholic Friday night in state quarterfi nals By Joe McConnell ne down, two to go for the Everett Crimson Tide football team (8-1, 11th seed) after it dominated host Taunton (54, sixth seed) in Week 1 of the Super Bowl playoff s last Friday night (Nov. 4), 33-14. The Everett boys led, 26-14, at halftime and then proceeded to hold the Tigers scoreless, while scoring one more touchdown in the fourth quarter to seal the deal. “Our team gave a strong effort in all three phases of the game against Taunton, and I’m very proud of them,” said Head Coach Rob DiLoreto. But as the Division 1 playoff s continue on this week in the state quarterfinal round, the rode to Gillette Stadium gets even tougher for all fi rst week survivors. For the Tide, they will head to Lawrence Friday night to take on Central Catholic (7-2, third seed), who defeated Braintree in the Round of 16, 46-14. This week’s showdown in Lawrence will commence at 5 p.m. “We need to play a cleaner game and limit our turnovers, penalties and mistakes in order to have a chance against Central Catholic,” added DiLoreto. “We are very excited to advance in the playoff s, but we know we need to improve in every phase of the game this week.” Giacobbe Ward hooked up with quarterback Karmarri Ellerbe for a 62-yard touchdown pass to begin Everett’s offensive explosion. Adoni Santos followed with the extra point kick to give the visitors a 7-0 lead. But Taunton wasted no time to tie the score on a Malachi Johnson 56-yard run and subsequent kick by Sete Deletoile. However, Everett wasn’t deterred. Ellerbe scored the next two touchdowns as a result of 11- and 6-yard runs to the end zone. Damien Lackland continued the Everett scoring spree with a three-yard touchdown run. Taunton got one back on a 36yard pass from Jake Leonard to Dmitrius Shearrion. Deletoile then nailed his second extra point of the game. The Everett defense accounted for the fi nal touchdown of the game when David De Souza intercepted a pass and proceeded to run the fi nal two yards for six points. Santos nailed another extra point to close out the off ense in this game. There were many heroes in this game, and DiLoreto specifically mentioned Ward, who set the tone on Everett’s fi rst off ensive snap. “I believe that score gave our team confi dence and The Crimson Tide’s sensational QB Karmarri Ellerbe will be leading the team against Central Catholic on Friday night. (Advocate fi le photos by Emily Harney) energy,” added the veteran high school coach. “Karmarri Ellerbe also had some big runs for us throughout the game.” On the defensive front, De Souza led the way with two interceptions and one touchdown. “David also had several other key defensive plays in the game, while Pedro Rodrigues had a huge sack on a blitz, and Shane MacKenzie came up with a strip sack fumble recovery,” DiLoreto said. But now, the Tide has moved on to a bigger challenge, and DiLoreto knows it. “We know we have a huge challenge facing us, but we are going to work hard to put a game plan in place that gives us the best chance for success,” he said. “We are going to work on execution and playing fast this week, while knowing we also have to play at our very best.” Running back Jayden Prophete carried the ball against Lynn Classical recently.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 13 GREATER BOSTON LEAGUE NOTEBOOK: Congratulations on another GBL Football title for Everett Malden back in action in this week’s consolation round Special to the Advocate, Courtesy of the Greater Boston League I t may be one of the most prolific championship stories in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If anyone comes across another one close – please contact us! The Greater Boston League (GBL) has determined its league champion for 2022 and – drum roll please – it’s Everett High Crimson Tide! It is the 24th time in the past 30 years that Everett High School has been crowned GBL Football Champion! And that includes two years when there was no champion crowned (2020, 2021) and two other years when Everett (and the other then, three, GBLers were members of the Northeastern Conference [NEC]). That means that only two times in the past 30 years when the title was up for competition since 1992 Everett has not won the crown: 2001 (Cambridge) and 2015 (Malden). Congratulations to third-year Head Coach Rob DiLoreto and the Crimson Tide Football team on another winning season! Good luck on the road in the playoff s at Central Catholic Friday night after the opening round win over Taunton. **** Malden High football is back in action this week after taking a “bye” due to an infl ux of injuries, and hosted Beverly last night. The Malden High football squad (3-5) returned to action after not playing in the consolation round of the MIAA State Football Playoff s this week by choice. Malden hosted Beverly (2-7) last night at Macdonald Stadium. The season will conclude for Malden with a Thanksgiving matchup on Tuesday, November 22 at 7:30 p.m. at historic Fenway Park. A major infl ux of injuries to key personnel has made it a trying task to get out on the fi eld for experienced starters for Malden, and the decision was made to sit out this fi rst week of consolation competition. Malden has lost the services of two of its captains for the season with knee injuries, leading rusher and scorer Mak Blaise and defensive end Zach Pan and a slew of other players have missed time as well with a variety of injuries. Malden started the season hot, at 3-1, but has since dropped four straight games: to Lynn Classical, Lynn English, Everett and last week, Revere (23-0). Malden High senior Mak Blaise (1), the league’s leading rusher and scorer, is out for the season with a knee injury. (Courtesy/ Greater Boston League) Let us weatherize your home and wrap it in layers of savings. Now you can get up to 100% off approved insulation and no-cost air sealing. Think of insulation as a sweater for your home, keeping the air you want in, and air sealing as a jacket, keeping dust and allergens out. Insulation and air sealing work together to better protect your home from winter and summer weather. Schedule a no-cost Home Energy Assessment today to see how you can save energy and money all year long. Get started at ngrid.com/assessment. To get started, schedule your no-cost Home Energy Assessment today. Learn more at ngrid.com/assessment or call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283).

Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Saluting our Service Men & Wo State Stat Representative Joe McGonagle 650 Broadway, Everett (617) 389-9000 Councillor at-Large Richard Dell Isola & Family Council President John F. Hanlon & Family School Committee-at-Large Millie J. Cardello US Air Force Veteran Rocco Longo, owner Proud US Marine Corps Veteran DiDo & SABAT INSURANCE 519 Broa Ever 617-387 www.sabatin 26 G S Ev 617-3 EVERETT TAXI MALDEN TRAN (617) 389-8100 (617) 389-1 LESTER, PEGGY & DAVID MOR F.J. LaRovere Insurance Agency 492 Broadway, Everett * 617-387-9 Check out our new website: www.larov

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 15 omen on Veterans’ Day, Nov. 11 te Senator Sal omenico & Family TINO E AGENCY adway rett 7-7466 no-ins.com Garvey Street, Everett 387-6877 & NS 1000 ROVITZ e y 9700 overe.com School Committee Member Marcony Almeida Barros Ward 1 Councillor Wayne Matewsky Main Street House of Pizza 130 Main St., Everett 617-387-3388 419 Broadway, Everett 617-387-1110 Member FDIC Member SIF Honoring our Veterans of All Wars School Committee-at-Large Cynthia Sarnie SINCE 1921 475 Broadway, Everett 617-387-2700 Mayor Carlo DeMaria & Family Wife Stacy, Carlo III, Caroline & Alexandra Messinger Insurance Agency

Page 16 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Veterans’ Day 2022 Veterans’ Honor Roll Edward R. Cordeau William M. Daley Michael J. Fordi Douglas J. Kelly Robert F. Absher Dominic F. Bizzarro Robert L. Brogia George G. Cameron Domenic Colameta Karl A. Alander Roy F. Anderson Nicholas John Andros Joseph A. Astuti Basil E. Atwood Richard C. Babb Peter Bagarella Robert A. Barbanti Ernest R. Barton Jr. Chester E. Blair Roland F. Blair Harry M. Blake Charles H. Blanchard Carl O. Bodvar Oscar Bregman John J. Brennan Paul R. Bright George E. Brogna Willis D. Brown Charles E. Bushey Robert E. Buzzell Michael L. Cammarata William J. Cannon Matthew Caradonna Joseph Carideo Kenneth B. Carter Richard P. Casey Robert P. Coakley Carmelo Colonna Ralph Congelio James R. Connors Jr. Robert W. Conron George D. Cormier Andrew Cornoni Arthur F. Cote Joseph A. Covino John J. Coyne Richard Crooker James F. Cruikshank William D. Csicsek Augustus F. Danton Gelardo J. Dascoli Herman A. Day Thomas F. Delano Rudolph J. DeSalvatore John K. Desmond Mario E. DeVitto Joseph A. DeYoung James R. Doucette Hazen V. Earle Thomas A. Eaton Jr. Henry Edward Evans Luciano J. Filadoro William Fiore Robert R. Fiorentino Vincenzo A. Floramo Charles E. Florentino Joseph Forrest Bernard E. Gallagher Solon O. Galvin Vietnam Edward J. Murphy James R. Pizzano Robert Ronga Charles F. Drew Edward H. Goodman Richard Goss James Johnstone Jr. World War II James J. Gannon William J.A. Geary Anthony Giaimo John Lucian Gregory George McLeod Guild Russell A. Henderson Everett H. Hull Warren C. Hussey Payson Hyman Herbert E. Jackson Michael Jarmulowicz Anthony J. Jeleniewski James I. Johnson Melvin J. Kelley Thomas L. Kennedy Thomas Langone Edward J. Larkin World War I Adelbert H. Bicknell William T. Blake Alexander E. Boyland Paul A. Brosseau Mary C. Burke Roy H. Chandler Angelo Consalvo John F. Durant Anthony Dzierkocz Ivan E. Ellis Jamrs H. Evans Oreste Gagliardi Charles E. Glazebrook Carroll D. Harpell Earl G. Hilton Ralph G. Howes Wilfred B. Johnson Wilbur E. Jones John T. Kearins John F. Keefe John L. MacLean Walter L. May Daniel N. McRitchie Arleigh R. Mosher Rank J. Murphy Harry E. Murphy Edward P. Murray William S. o’Keefe Arthur H. Olsen John P. Prower Fred A. Quarleno Edgar L. Reed Charles H. Savage Jack Scharf William E. Smith Harold M. Spaulding The Santagates Veterans Anthony Charles God Bless America Charles Anthony Joseph John Stephen Spike Arthur C, Stacy Simon Steiner Edmund G. Tart Henry B. Valpey Harold C. Wasgatt Edward O. Watson Joseph F. Wehner Robert B. Whittier Anthony Lattanzio William Lepore Charles B. Logue Robert E. Lord Jolin L. Lutley Everett L. MacDonald Herbert J. Marshall Peter P. Mastrocola Eugene D. McDonald John E. McGee Robert McGehearty Robert P. McGrann Thomas W. Milliken William Moreschi Jr. Harry C. Morrissey John E. Mulry J. Arthur Nelson George I. Nicolson Alexander W. North William J. O’Keefe Curtis W. Olson Samuel R. Parsons Fenton C. Perry Warren S. Perry Donald G. Peterson Pellegrino Porcaro John J. Possemato William R. Queenau Carmen J. Razza Albert M. Reed Armand Riccio Hazen M. Ring Arthur J. Rogers Leo J. Ronan Daniel L. Rugani Albert F. Russell Morris Rutberg Anthony J. St. Saviour Elmer P. Sampson Alexander Santilli Arthur P. Savage Walter E. Scarsciotti Carmen A. Schiavo Nuiuzione Sciulla Edward P. Scopa Sidney I. Shapiro Daniel F. Shea Jsoeph H. Simoski Charles W. Smith Joseph W. Smith Ernest M. Spear Carl Stein Raymond J. Stickney Ernest C. Tilton Pasquale A. Todesco Martin F. Turco Lawrence R. Varley Pasquale A. Vertullo Willard H. Vinal Jr. Albert Vokey Nelson Atkins Waters Herbert L. Williams Burwell H. Woodell Orin E. Woods Jr. James V. Taurisano David Allan Kuhns Korea James R. Joyce Bernard Kniznick Robert A. McManus George F. Miller Jr. Robert C. Simard Arthur E. Smith Nicholas Sorrento Terry Kennedy Governor’s Council Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi Sacro Companies Whitney Lorenti House Sacro Plaza Glendale Court

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 17 BBB Scam Alert: Looking for this season’s hot toy? Beware of scams! E very year, there are always a few “must-have” toys on most kids’ holiday wish lists. The hot toy sells out fast and becomes expensive and hard to find. On top of that, parents worry about getting their deliveries on time. In 2022, according to Amazon (a Better Business Bureau [BBB] Accredited Business), these toys include Magic Mixies Magical Misting Crystal Ball, Snap Circuits, Breyer Horses Unicorn Magic Wooden Stable Playset, National Geographic Break Open 10 Geodes and everyone’s favorite, Squishmallows. Scammers are using the toys’ popularity to trick parents out of their money. How the scam works: You are looking for these toys, but they are sold out at every store you visit, so you decide to shop online. A quick search takes you to a page that miraculously has the toy in stock. The site might look professional and have original images of the product. It might even off er the product at discounted prices, claiming a “last-minute deal” or SCAM ALERT | SEE PAGE 18 - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Docket No. MI22P3869GD Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 In the interests of: PEDRO De CARVALHO VIANA Of EVERETT, MA Minor NOTICE AND ORDER: PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF A MINOR NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES 1. Hearing Date/Time: A hearing on a Petition for Appointment of Guardian of a Minor filed on 07/20/2022 by Luziane Crispin de Carvalho of Everett, MA will be held 11/18/2022 08:30 A.M. Pretrial Conference-Probate and Guardianship Located 10-U Commerce Way, Woburn, MA 01801. Courtroom 2. 2. Response to Petition: You may respond by filing a written response to the Petition or by appearing in person at the hearing. If you choose to file a written response, you need to: File the original with the Court; and Mail a copy to all interested parties at least five (5) business days before the hearing. 3. Counsel for the Minor: The minor (or an adult on behalf of the minor) has the right to request that counsel be appointed for the minor. 4. Counsel for Parents: If you are a parent of the minor child who is the subject of this proceeding you have a right to be represented by an attorney. If you want an attorney and cannot afford to pay for one and if you give proof that you are indigent, an attorney will be assigned to you. Your request for an attorney should be made immediately by filling out the Application of Appointment of Counsel form. Submit the application form in person or by mail at the court location where your case is going to be heard. 5. Presence of the Minor at Hearing: A minor over age 14 has the right to be present at any hearing, unless the Court finds that it is not in the minor’s best interests. THIS IS A LEGAL NOTICE: An important court proceeding that may affect your rights has been scheduled. If you do not understand this notice or other court papers, please contact an attorney for legal advice. Date: October 17, 2022 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 11, 2022 MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals November 11, 18, 2022 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that, the matter referenced below, originally scheduled to be heard on November 21, 2022, will instead be heard at a Special Meeting on November 28, 2022 at 6: 00 P.M, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor in the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. The matter will be called at the Board’s November 21, 2022 meeting solely for the purposed of immediately continuing the matter to November 28, 2022. No testimony or evidence will be taken in this matter at the November 21, 2022 meeting. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 52 School Street Map/Lot: E0-03-000071 Person Requesting: Mr. Raul Duverge 12 Ericsson Street, 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02122 PROPOSAL: To demolish the existing two--family house and garage and construct Four (4) story Forty-six (46) unit residential building with Thirty-two (32) parking spaces Reason for Denial: The proposed use as a Forty-six (46) unit building is not permitted is this Zoning District Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Violations: • A Forty-Six (46) unit residential use is not permitted • The FAR (floor area ratio) for the proposed use is 1.89 where 0.5 is the limit • The number of floors Four (4) is not permitted. • Parking shown on the lot only indicates 32 spaces where 92 spaces are required • The applicant must file with the Planning Board for the TDM program Zoning: 1) Section 4 Dwelling Districts (a) Uses quoted below (a) Uses. Within any dwelling district as indicated on the zoning map, no building, structure or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used in whole or in part for any industry, trade, manufacturing, or commercial purposes, of for other than the following specified purposes: An apartment building is not an allowed use. 2) Section 4 Dwelling districts b) Dimensional Requirements 2) line C Quoted below C. All other uses--------------0.5 maximum floor area ratio (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord. of 4-29-91 Ord. of 7/16/2002; Ord. of 11/13/2007) 3) Section 4 Dwelling Districts b) Dimensional Requirements 2) line 3 Height: a. No structure shall exceed the average height of buildings within two-hundred (200) feet of the lot, exceed three stories, or exceed a height of forty-five (45) feet maximum. 1. Not applicable to church spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, radio and flag poles, water tanks or hose towers are not more than fifty (50) percent higher than the average height of the roof of the main structure. (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord. of 4-29-91; Ord. of 11/13/2007) (This is the requirement for this Zoning District but the applicant must file with the TDM because of the number of required spaces.) Section 17 Off-street Parking line 2 (A) Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements as outlined below. Where the Term “gross square feet” is used, it shall mean the total occupiable floor area measured within the exterior walls of the building. (Original Ord. Of 2-26-1965, 6-29-1987 2. Multifamily dwellings--------------------------------2 spaces per dwelling unit.

Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 SCAM ALERT | FROM PAGE 17 “flash sale.” Unfortunately, many such offers are fake. In many cases reported to BBB.org/ScamTracker, buyers thought they were ordering a high-quality toy. Instead, they received a cheap counterfeit version. In other cases, the products never shipped at all and the CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that, the matter referenced below, originally scheduled to be heard on November 21, 2022, will instead be heard at a Special Meeting on November 28, 2022 at 6: 00 P.M, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor in the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. The matter will be called at the Board’s November 21, 2022 meeting solely for the purposed of immediately continuing the matter to November 28, 2022. No testimony or evidence will be taken in this matter at the November 21, 2022 meeting. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 38 High Street. Map/Lot: M0-01-000026 Person Requesting: Mr. Cesar Lopez Berrio 20 Chatham Rd. Everett, MA, 02149 PROPOSAL: The owner wishes to convert the existing three (3) family dwelling into a four (4) family dwelling in a Dwelling District. The plot plan submitted indicates that seven parking spaces are proposed in the yard. The permit is respectfully denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Appendix A for the following reasons: Reason for Denial: • A four (4) family is not an allowed use in this district • • The floor area is above the allowable at .51 FAR The parking plan provided indicates that a vehicle will be required to be moved in order for the other vehicles to enter and leave the parking lot. • • • The parking plan provided indicates that a vehicle will be parked within the required minimum specified building setback (7’) The parking plan provided indicates that a vehicle will be parked closer that eight (8) feet from a habitable window. The parking plan provided does not indicate an 18’ aisle to allow vehicles to ingress and egress at the same time. Zoning: 1. Section 4 Dwelling Districts (a) Uses: A. Uses. Within any dwelling district as indicated on the zoning map, no building, structure or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected which is intended or de signed to be used in whole or in part for industry, trade, manufacturing, of commercial purposes, of for other thank the following specified purposes: 17. Conversion of Dwelling. No new dwelling unit created by conversion of an existing dwelling shall be permitted unless the requirements of minimum lot area and off-street parking are satisfied for all dwelling units in existence and proposed in the dwelling after the conversion or enlargement. (Ord. 02-046 of Oct. 22, 2003) 2. B. Dimensional Requirements 2. Lot Area (CC) All other uses----0.5 maximum floor area ratio (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord of 4-29-91 Ord of 7-16-2002; Ord of 11-13-2007) 3. Section 17 Off Street Parking (J): “Parking facilities shall be designed so that eat motor vehicle ma proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle.” 4. Section 17 Off Street Parking (K): “Parking facilities shall be designed so that no vehicles shall be parked nearer to any street lines that the minimum specified building setback for the Zoning District in which the parking facility is located.: 5. Section 17 Off Street Parking (M): “No parking stall shall be located within eight (8) feet of any window of habitable rooms in the basement or first story level of any building.: 6. Section 17 Off Street Parking (O) 5. “All parking areas shall have an access road with a minimum of eighteen (18) feet to allow ingress and exiting at same time. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals November 11, 18, 2022 Short Term Laddered U.S. Treasuries W ith the Federal Reserve increasing the overnight federal funds rate once again by .75%, interest rates on US Treasuries have not been this good in many years. The interest rate on the 90 day US Treasury Bill as of Friday, November 5th , was 4.06%. Interest rates will continue to rise into the new year until the Feds are convinced that inflation is under control and reflects consistent downward trends. At some point the Feds will begin lowering the federal funds rate and the rates on US Treasuries will fall. Once approach to investing in such Treasuries is by utilizing a laddered shortterm Treasury Bill portfolio. For example, if you invested $50,000 in such a portfolio, you could have five different maturing Treasury Bills, each with $10,000. There would be a 3 month Treasury Bill, a 6 month Treasury Bill, a 9 month Treasury Bill , a 12 month Treasury Bill and a 15 month Treasury Bill. As the 3 month Treasury Bill matures, interest is added to the $10,000 and that amount is then invested in a 15 month Treasury Bill. The original 15 month Treasury Bill now has only 12 months to mature, the 12 month Treasury bill now has only 9 months to mature, the 9 month Treasury Bill now has only 6 months to mature and the 6 month Treasury Bill now has only 3 months to mature. The process repeats itself. The laddered short-term Treasury bill portfolio offers very good liquidity and of course, tremendous safety. The Treasuries are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. As long as you hold on to each bond until maturity, you will not lose any money, even if interest rates continue to rise. There is an inverse relationship between websites vanished. In either case, when the dissatisfied customers tried to follow up with the company, they found that the staff either didn’t respond or refused to provide a refund. For example, one shopper told BBB Scam Tracker that they fell for a phony deal on a popular plush toy: “This company offered hard-to-find Squishmallows. I purchased one for $40. The website claims there is a 30day hassle-free policy. I fiSCAM ALERT | SEE PAGE 19 interest rates and an existing bond price. When interest rates rise, the price of that bond will decrease. When interest rates fall, the price of that bond will increase. The benefit of the short-term duration laddered Treasury portfolio is that every three months you are investing in a new Treasury. If interest rates rise, the new Treasury will reflect the higher rate. Also, they are state income tax free. If you needed to access monies, you could decide not to roll over a 3 month Treasury Bill into a 15 month Treasury Bill upon maturity. You could simply cash in the 3 month Treasury Bill with the interest earnings added to the original bond purchase. This strategy could be on option for those that wish to invest safely while earning rates of returns that we have not seen in many years. This strategy could also complement a typical stock and bond portfolio designed for long-term results. Hard to believe that only one year ago the interest rate paid on a 3 month Treasury Bill was only .05%. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a master’s degree in taxation.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 19 SCAM ALERT | FROM PAGE 18 nally received the product and it is counterfeit. There are no tags on it and it is of very poor quality. I have tried to use the email provided to request a return label and it is not a real email. They also have a chat available on the website, but gee, guess what? No one is on the chat! I will be disputing the purchase on my credit card.” Another shopper found what seemed like a great deal on a Magic Mixies Cauldron, but the product never shipped. “I tried to reach out by email, website contact form and phone with no response. The phone goes to a Gmail mailbox,” the consumer told BBB Scam Tracker. “I was able to resolve it via a PayPal dispute, however, the company falsely had a Priority Mail tracking.” Tips to avoid toy scams • Only buy toys from reputable stores and websites. The best way to avoid getting scammed when purchasing toys is to buy them directly from a seller you know and trust. • Don’t be fooled by extra-low prices. Unreasonably low prices are a red fl ag for a scam on many products. Avoid making a purchase from a retailer you aren’t familiar with just because the price sounds too good to be true – it probably is! • Research before you buy. If a company seems legitimate but you aren’t familiar with it, be extra careful with your personal information. Before off ering up your name, address and credit card information, make sure the company has a working customer service number. For more info See BBB.org/onlineshopMAINTENANCE AIDE The Everett Housing Authority seeks qualified applicants with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience in all areas of building maintenance. Qualified applicants must have strong mechanical ability and experience in maintaining grounds, heating, plumbing, electrical and carpentry work. Applicants must have a valid Massachusetts Driver’s License and access to reliable transportation. The wage rate for this position is $32.26/hr., with an excellent benefits package. Submit resume and cover letter to SKergo.eha@comcast.net or Stephen Kergo Executive Director, Everett Housing Authority, 393 Ferry Street, Everett MA 02149. Everett Housing Authority is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. November 11, 18, 2022 - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSION 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 PHONE: 617-944-0211 philip.antonelli@ci.everett.ma.us annette.debilio@ci.everett.ma.us ping for more online shopping tips. For more about avoiding scams this holiday season, check out BBB.org/ Holiday. If you’ve spotted a scam (whether or not you’ve lost money), report it to BBB Scam Tracker. Your report can help others avoid falling victim. If you see a questionable ad, report it to https://www.bbb.org/all/ bbbi/adtruth so BBB can investigate. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC GRADE II/PLUMBER The Everett Housing Authority seeks qualified applicants with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience in all areas of building maintenance. Qualified applicants must have strong mechanical ability and knowledge of plumbing, heating, HVAC and basic electrical systems. A Massachusetts Plumber’s License is required. Applicants must also have a valid Massachusetts Driver’s License and access to reliable transportation. The wage rate for this position is $36.29/hr., with an excellent benefits package. Submit resume and cover letter to: SKergo.eha@comcast.net or Stephen Kergo Executive Director, Everett Housing Authority, 393 Ferry Street, Everett MA 02149. Everett Housing Authority is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. November 11, 18, 2022 SKATING CENTER www.Roller-World.com 781-231-1111 HELP WANTED Earn $16. Per Hour Skate Guards • Snack Bar & Office Help Must be 17 years or older - Hours Can Be Arranged Open 7 Days Per Week Call Jerry at 617-620-9201 Located at 425R Broadway (Route 1 South), Saugus MBTA Bus Route 429 Public Hearing Monday, November 21, 2022 @ 6:30 PM This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 @ 6:30 P.M. at Everett City Hall, 2nd Floor, in room 27. Opinions will be heard regarding the following application: An application has been presented to the License Commission from Nirajan Tuladhar & Anisha Tuladhar for the approval of a Short-Term Rental License for 289 Main Street, Apt 2 & 3, Everett, MA 02149. A copy of the application is on file and available in the Office of Inspectional Services, room 26 located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be viewed by request during regular City Hall business hours by contacting ISD at 617-944-0211. All interested parties may attend. Phil Antonelli Chairman November 11, 2022 ~ Home of the Week ~ SAUGUS....Wonderful family Colonial filled with potential! Bring your imagination to 14 Harvard Avenue! Colonial style home offers 10 rooms and 6 bedrooms spanning 3 levels, original detailed woodwork and hardwood flooring. Three seasons front porch leads you to an open entryway, living room with fireplace, tiled kitchen with half bath, dining area, with wall of windows overlooking yard and Saugus river. Sunlit staircase with stained glass windows leading to second floor with full bathroom and flexible layout, 4+ bedrooms or office space, third floor hosts an additional two bedrooms. Four car driveway, carport, and yard with two storage sheds. Don’t miss this opportunity! Offered at $499,900 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com

Page 20 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Jeanette E. Keene to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, dated March 31, 2021 and recorded in the Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 77952, Page 27, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, by assignment from: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, its successors and assigns to Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, recorded on November 16, 2021, in Book No. 79154, at Page 346 for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 AM on December 7, 2022, on the mortgaged premises located at 9-11 Timothy Avenue, Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land with the buildings thereon situated in Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, on the Northeasterly side of Timothy Avenue, being shown as Lot 4 on a plan of land in Everett, A.F. Sargent, Surveyor, dated October 25, 1917 and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds at the end of Book 4187, bounded and described as follows: SOUTHWESTERLY: by Timothy Avenue, 45.50 feet; NORTHWESTERLY: by Lot 3 on said plan, 86 feet; EASTERLY: by Lot 7 on said plan, 19 feet; NORTHEASTERLY: by said Lot 7, 27.9 feet; and SOUTHEASTERLY: by Lot 5 on said plan, 75 feet. Containing 3630 square feet of land. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 25315, Page 488. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California St., Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. REVERSE MORTGAGE FUNDING, LLC Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California St. Newton, MA 02458 (617)558-0500 November 11,18, 25, 2022 - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSION 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 PHONE: 617-944-0211 philip.antonelli@ci.everett.ma.us annette.debilio@ci.everett.ma.us OBITUARIES Vincent James Grossi Public Hearing Monday, November 21, 2022 @ 6:30 PM This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 @ 6:30 P.M. at Everett City Hall, 2nd Floor, in room 27. Opinions will be heard regarding the following application: An application has been presented to the License Commission from La Mesa Restaurant and Lounge Corp, DBA La Mesa Restaurant and Pizzeria, 29 Norwood Street, Everett, MA 02149, for an Annual All Alcoholic Beverages License. A copy of the application is on file and available in the Office of Inspectional Services, room 26 located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be viewed by request during regular City Hall business hours by contacting ISD at 617-944-0211. Phil Antonelli Chairman November 11, 2022 Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 F ormerly of Everett, entered into eternal rest on Thursday, November 3, 2022 in the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers. He was 95 years old. Born in Watertown, Vincent made Everett his home for most of his life before transitioning to Lynn these last few years. He served in the United States Navy during World War II and was honorably discharged with a disability after a hearing loss encounter aboard ship. Jim was a proud member and past president of the DAV Chapter 51, Everett. He worked and retired from Local 4 union as a hoist engineer. He was the son of the late Nicola and Joanne (Santangelo) Grossi; beloved husband to Josephine M. (Tringali); dear and devoted father to Vincent J. Grossi, Jr., and his wife, Patricia of Groveland, Anthony J. Grossi and his wife, Amy of Holland, MA, Steven J. Grossi and his wife, Sandra of Eastford, CT, Maryann Cormier and her husband, Glenn of Lynn, and John J. Grossi and his wife, Cynthia of Wakefield; brother to Ralph Grossi of Wakefield, and the late Joseph, Nicholas and Anthony Grossi and Theresa Petrocelli; loving grandfather of 8 surviving grandchildren, 2 deceased grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend Vincent’s visiting hours in the Cafasso & Sons FunerOBITUARIES | SEE PAGE 21

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 21 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 20 al Home, 65 Clark St. (Corner of Main Street) EVERETT, Sunday, November 6 from 1-4 p.m. His funeral will be from the funeral home on Monday at 9 a.m. with a funeral Mass to follow in the Immaculate Conception Church, 487 Broadway, Everett, at 10 a.m. Burial is private. Services will conclude with the United States Navy presenting military honors. In lieu of fl owers, contributions in Vincent’s memory to the DAV.org would be sincerely appreciated. Parking with attendants on duty. Norma A. (Alessandrini) Plunkett O f Everett. Born in and a longtime Everett resLEGAL NOTICE ident, passed away at home on November 2nd at 92 years REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR WELLNESS CENTER OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT The City of Everett is soliciting proposals from qualified wellness center operations and management firms to perform management, operations and custodial services for the City of Everett Wellness Center located at 548 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts 02149. RFP documents may be picked up at the Treasurer’s Office, Room 15, City Hall, Everett, MA beginning Monday, November 14, 2022 or via email request to monica.ford@ ci.everett.ma.us. Proposals are due no later than Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Proposals should be submitted to: City of Everett, Attn: Monica Ford, Treasurer, City Hall, Rm 15, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. This RFP is being procured in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30B. Monica Ford, Treasurer November 11, 2022 old. In addition to being a fulltime mother, Norma was a longtime maintenance supervisor for Woodlawn Manor Nursing Home in Everett for many years. Norma enjoyed spending time in the sunshine surrounded by her family. She was the loving wife of the late of Robert R. Plunkett. Loving daughter of the late Liarte and Norma Alessandrini. Loving mother of Debbie A. MacCuish of Lynn, formally of Everett and Robert J. Plunkett of Lynn, formally of Everett. Cherished grandmother of Christopher Rao of Methuen, David Rao of Everett, Jaime Young of Saugus, Robert E. Plunkett of Salem, NH, and Daniel Plunkett of Salem, NH. Cherished great-grandmother of Chad Rao of Methuen, Jared Rao of Methuen, Kameron Young of Saugus, Ryan Young of Saugus, and Lillian Rao of Everett. A visitation was held at the JF Ward Funeral Home, 772 Broadway, Everett, on Monday with a prayer service at 7:30 pm at the funeral home. In Norma’s memory, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society www.cancer.org Brenda L. Lewis O f Chelsea. A retired Amtrack Mechanic, passed away on November 6, at the age of 61. Brenda was born in Boston in 1960, the daughter of John M. and Marion R. Kaczorowski. She was raised in Everett OBITUARIES | SEE PAGE 22

Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 S y Senior Top Financial Scams Sa a a Dear Savvy Senior, What are the most common scams today that target elderly seniors? My 75-yearold mother has been swindled several times over the past year, so I’m being extra cautious. Paranoid Patty Dear Patty, Great question! While many scams today are universal, there are certain types of fraud that specifi - cally target older adults or aff ects them disproportionately. And unfortunately, these senior targeted scams are on the rise. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2021 there were 92,371 older victims of fraud resulting in $1.7 billion in losses. This was a 74 percent increase in losses compared to 2020. Here are fi ve of the most common senior scams that were reported last year, that both you and your mom should be aware of. Government imposter scams: These are fraudulent telephone calls from people claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration or Medicare. These scammers may falsely tell you that you have unpaid taxes and threaten arrest or deportation if you don’t pay up immediately. Or they may say your Social Security or Medicare benefi ts are in danger of being cut off if you don’t provide personal identifying information. They may even “spoof” your caller ID to make it look like the government is actually calling. Sweepstakes and lottery scams: These scams may contact you by phone, mail or email. They tell you that you’ve won or have the potential to win a jackpot. But you need to pay a fee, or cover taxes and processing fees to receive your prize, perhaps by prepaid debit card, wire transfer, money order or cash. Scammers may even impersonate wellknown sweepstakes organizations, like Publishers Clearing House, to fool you. Robocalls and phone scam: Robocalls take advantage of sophisticated, automated phone technology to carry out a variety of scams on trusting older adults who answer the phone. Some robocalls may claim that a warranty is expiring on their car or electronic device, and by Jim Miller Fiil S Targeting Seniors Today payment is needed to renew it. These scammers may also “spoof” the number to make the call look authentic. One common robocall is the “Can you hear me?” call. When the older person says “yes,” the scammer records their voice and hangs up. The criminal then has a voice signature to authorize unwanted charges on items like stolen credit cards. Computer tech support scams: Theses scams prey on senior’s lack of knowledge about computers and cybersecurity. A pop-up message or blank screen usually appears on a computer or phone, telling you that your device is compromised and needs fi xing. When you call the support number for help, the scammer may either request remote access to your computer and/or that you pay a fee to have it repaired. Grandparent scam: The grandparent scam has been around for several years now. A scammer will call and say something along the lines of: “Hi Grandma, do you know who this is?” When the unsuspecting grandparent guesses the name of the grandchild the scammer most sounds like, the scammer has established a fake identity. The fake grandchild will then ask for money to solve some unexpected fi nancial problem (legal trouble, overdue rent, car repairs, etc.), to be paid via gift cards or money transfers, which don’t always require identifi cation to collect. Other Scams Some other popular scams targeting older adults right now are romance scams through social media and online dating sites, COVID-19 scams, investment scams, Medicare and health insurance scams, and Internet and email fraud. For more information on the different types senior scams to watch out for, along with tips to help your mom protect herself, visit the National Council on Aging website at NCOA.org, and type in “the top 5 fi nancial scams targeting older adults” in the search bar. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Seni nior n r ior OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 21 and graduated from Everett High School, Class of 1979. She continued her education taking classes at Bunker Hill College. Brenda went on to join the Carmans Union and worked as a mechanic for Amtrack & the MBTA Commuter Rail. She was a woman who took great pride in her job. Brenda married her first love, Henry A. Lewis, in June of 1989. They settled down in Chelsea where they raised their three children. They shared 33 years of marriage together. Brenda was a loving person full of life, making friends wherever she went. She had a strong work ethic surpassed only by her love & dedication to her family & friends. She is survived by her husband Henry A. Lewis, her children, Kenneth T. Lewis of Chelsea, Kristy M. Lewis of Chelsea, and Ronnie C. Lewis of Chelsea, her siblings, Robert J. Kaczorowski of Somerville, Christine A. Kaczorowski of Lynn, Deborah M. Jenner of Melrose, and her grandchildren, Nataliah, Alinah, and Hannah. She was preceded in death by her sisters Roberta A. Kaczorowski, Donna M. Kaczorowski, her brother Ronnie C. Kaczorowski. And dedicated friend Elizabeth E. Calabro. Visitation will be held on Sunday, November 13th, OBITUARIES | SEE PAGE 25 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that, the matter referenced below, originally scheduled to be heard on November 21, 2022, will instead be heard at a Special Meeting on November 28, 2022 at 6: 00 P.M, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor in the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. The matter will be called at the Board’s November 21, 2022 meeting solely for the purposed of immediately continuing the matter to November 28, 2022. No testimony or evidence will be taken in this matter at the November 21, 2022 meeting. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: Person Requesting: 17 Albert Park Map/Lot: A0-05-000047 Harcharan Singh and Jagtar Singh 17 Albert Park Everett, MA 02149 Owners Representative: John Mackey 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: To alter the existing single family residential house into a two (2) Family residential house Reason for Denial: The lot size is too small at 4657 square feet in area, and no parking was indicated on the supplied plot plan. Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Violations: • The existing lot does not have the required size of 7,000 square feet • The supplied plot plan does not indicate any proposed parking for the required four (4) required spaces Zoning Ordiance: Section 4 Dwelling Districts b Dimensional Requirements line 2 Lot Area which states: b. Two Family Dwelling------7000 Square Feet Section 17 Off-street Parking line 2 (A) Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements as outlined below. Where the Term “gross square feet” is used, it shall mean the total occupiable floor area measured within the exterior walls of the building. (Original Ord. Of 2-26-1965, 6-29-87) 2. Multifamily dwellings--------------------------------2 spaces per dwelling unit MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals November 11, 18, 2022

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 23 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This notice is to inform you that, the matter referenced below, originally scheduled to be heard on November 21, 2022, will instead be heard at a Special Meeting on November 28, 2022 at 6: 00 P.M, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor in the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. The matter will be called at the Board’s November 21, 2022 meeting solely for the purposed of immediately continuing the matter to November 28, 2022. No testimony or evidence will be taken in this matter at the November 21, 2022 meeting. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: Property Owner: 530 Second Street Map/Lot: K0-07-000002 JAM Realty Group 530 Second Street Everett, MA 02149 Person Requesting: Mr. Zachary Richards PE Bohler Engineering 45 Franklin Street 5th Floor Boston, MA 02110 PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to demolish the existing structure and construct a Five (5) Story Sixty (60) foot high 84-unit apartment building Reason for Denial: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Violations: • The Front Yard in the Apartment District on the provided plot plan indicates a distant of Seven (7) feet with only Six (6) of landscaping • The Front Yard in the Business District of the provided plot plan indicates a distance of Seven (7) Feet and only Six (6) feet of landscaping • The Rear Yard in the Business District on the provided plot plan indicates a Seven (7) foot rear yard • The Corner Lot (at Second and Revere Streets) is only Three (3) feet • As part of the development is located in an Apartment District (10 units) the minimum lot requirement is 14,000 square feet where only 3,953 square feet exist. • The Floor Area Ratio is shown to be 3.6 • • The proposed building number of 5 stories are not compliant in the Apartment or Business Districts. There are 4 (sets) of Tandem parking spaces and approximately 11 “compact” spaces in the parking area indicated on the plans submitted. • The Parking is non-compliant and be handled by the TDM Zoning: • Section 5 Apartment District: Line 5. Front Yard: a. Twenty (20) feet minimum of which ten (10) feet shall be used for landscaping. • Section 6 Business District: 4. Front Yard: None required, except when used for residential purposes there shall be a ten (10) foot minimum of which no less than five (5) feet shall be used for landscaping. (Ord. of 6-29-87) • Section 6 Business District Rear Yard: Line 6. Rear Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum unless the lot extends from one (1) street to another street, in which case no rear yard is required, except for any residential use which shall require a ten foot minimum. (Ord. of 6-29-87) • Section 5 Apartment District B. Dimensional Requirements: b. Height: Four thousand (4,000) square feet plus one thousand (1,000) square feet per unit up to a total of ten (10) units, then five hundred (500) square feet per unit for all units in excess of ten (10) units. (Ord. of 6-29-87) • Section 5 Apartment District line 4. Four (4) stories, not to exceed sixty (60) feet maximum. Penthouses shall not be subject to four-story limitations provided the total height of the building including penthouses does not exceed sixty (60) feet. Total floor area of church spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, radio and flag poles, water tanks, hose towers and penthouses shall not exceed in aggregate twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the first floor, and provided that such church spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, radio and flag poles, water tanks and hose towers, penthouses and shall not be more than fifty (50) percent higher than the average height of the roof of the main structure. (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord. of 4-11-88) • Section 6 Business District line 3. Height: a. Four (4) stories, not to exceed sixty-five (65) feet maximum, but not applicable to church spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, radio and flag poles and gas holders, which shall not exceed thirty-three (33) percent of the floor area of the first floor, and provided that such church spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, radio and flag poles and gas holders shall not be more than fifty (50) percent higher than the average height of the roof of the main structure. (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord. of 4-11-88) • Section 6 Corner Lot Line 8. Corner Lot: None required except seven (7) feet required when residential use. (Ord. of 6-29-87) • Section 5 Lot Area B. Dimensional Requirements line 2 All other residential: Floor area ratio, 1 to 1 maximum (Ord. of 6-29-87) • Section 6 Lot Area Line 2. • Lot Area: a. Residential----1.5 to 1 maximum floor area ratio. Section 17 Off-street parking paragraph/s I and J which state the following: I. Each required car space shall be not less than 9 feet in width and 18 feet in length exclusive of drives and maneuvering space, and the total area of any parking facility for more than five (5) cars shall average two hundred seventy-five (275) square feet per car. No driveways or curb cuts shall exceed thirty (30) feet in width. (Ord. 01-046/2001) J. Parking facilities shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle. The Board of Appeals, however, may by special permit modify this requirement and the dimensional requirements of paragraph (I) of this section, where a parking facility is under full-time attendant supervision. • Section 17 Off-Street Parking: line 2 Multifamily dwellings 2 spaces per dwelling unit. {See Section 35 for the Transportation Demand Management MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals November 11, 18, 2022

Page 24 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 ~ HELP WANTED ~ Experienced Oil Truck Driver wanted. Hazmat and CDL required. Must present driver’s record history. Please send resume to: dina@angelosoil.com or call 781-231-3500 We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! 855-GO-4-GLAS Frank Berardino MA License 31811 • 24 - Hour Service • Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial Service Gas Fitting • Drain Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount ADVOCATE Call now! 617-387-2200 ADVERTISE ON THE WEB AT WWW.ADVOCATENEWS.NET 379 Broadway Everett 617-381-9090 All occasions florist Wedding ~ Sympathy Tributes Plants ~ Dish Gardens Customized Design Work GIFT BASKETS Fruit Baskets www.EverettFlorist.net CLASSIFIEDS

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 25 9. On Nov. 14, 1732, the Library Company of Philadelphia signed off on hiring its fi rst librarian; where did it get books? 1. On Nov. 11, 1953, in Cambridge, Mass., what virus was fi rst identifi ed and photographed? 2. In what locale is the animated series “Darkwing Duck” set: Duckburg, Cape Suzette or St. Canard? 3. On November 12 in what year did “Pudge” Heff elfi nger became the fi rst pro football player: 1892, 1915 or 1926? 4. According to Guinness World Records, in October 2022 a team of eight created the largest sushi roll ever (over seven feet) – in what New England city? 5. How are “The Republic,” “Lost Horizon” and “Walden Two” similar? 6. November 13 is World Kindness Day; in 1998 the day was created by a coalition of NGOs, which stands for what? 7. How are the Galloping Gobbler, Pudding Pie and Turkey Leg similar? 8. What author’s estate has registered “Queen of Crime” as a trademark? 10. What is the stage name of singer/dancer Ernest Evans? 11. Which monarch ruled for the longest: King Louis XIV, Queen Elizabeth II or Tutankhamun? 12. The CBS eye symbol was inspired by what that its designer saw while driving in Pennsylvania Dutch country? 13. On Nov. 15, 1904, King Camp Gillette received a patent for his safety razor; thereafter, where did his company manufacture them? 14. Guinness World ReOBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 22 from 4 – 8PM at the Weir-MacCuish Golden Rule Funeral Home, 144 Salem St. Malden. Services will be on Monday, November 14th at 10 AM, followed by a private interment at Woodlawn Cemetery. Anita Norma (Hallet) Dillon A ged 95, passed away on October 31st in Canaan, CT.Anita was born on August 1st, 1927 in Everett. Wife of sixty-three years to the late George K. Dillon predeceased Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. We also do demolition. Best Prices Call: 781-593-5308 781-321-2499 cords has spotlighted people paddling what unusual orange craft? 15. What comic strip’s original title was “Plain Clothes Tracy”? 16. On Nov. 16, David Livingstone (of “Doctor Livingstone, I presume?” fame) became the first non-African to see what waterfall on the Zambezi River? 17. What does the Latin word “novem” mean? 18. What state has the nickname “Spud State”? 19. What is the November fl ower? 20. On Nov. 17, 1928, what sports venue opened in Boston near public transport? on February 4th, 2010.Beloved Mother of Donna M. White of Ashley Falls, Kenneth G. Dillon and his wife, Tina of Averil Park, NY, and the late David B. Dillon. Dear Sister to the late Burham L. Hallet and the late Thelma Tsagaris. Also lovingly survived by fi ve Grandchildren, Justin White and his wife Rachel of Merrimac; Kendra Hewins and her husband Walter of Ashley Falls; Kayla Dillon of East Greenbush, NY; Kenneth Dillon and his wife Lisa of Waterford, NY, and Jena Dillon of Averil Park, NY. As well as six Great Grandchildren, Walter, Sydnee, Brody, Chace, Vera, and Ellie. Anita was also a loving Aunt to nuOBITUARIES | SEE PAGE 26 - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 865-4000 Docket No. MI22P5436EA Estate of: EDWARD J. DIMOND Also Know As: Edward Dimond Date of Death: June 20, 2022 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Michelle Bessler of Everett, MA Michelle Bessler of Everett, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. November 11, 2022 ANSWERS 1. Polio 2. St. Canard 3. 1892 4. Boston 5. They are fictional utopias (written by Plato, James Hilton and B. F. Skinner, respectively) 6. Non-Governmental Organizations 7. They are names of awards given by broadcasters to Thanksgiving Day football game players. 8. Agatha Christie’s 9. England 10. Chubby Checker 11. King Louis XIV 12. Hex symbols on barns 13. South Boston 14. Giant pumpkins 15. “Dick Tracy” 16. Victoria Falls (also called Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning “Smoke that Thunders”) 17. Nine 18. Idaho 19. Chrysanthemum 20. The Boston Garden

Page 26 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TIONS Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. BUYER1 BUYER2 Barker, Paul Nguyen, Quang Vasquez, Domingo Ueike, Ayaka Vasquez, Maria E SELLER1 Rinaldi RT MTGLQ Investors LP Soldani, William A SELLER2 Rinaldi, Vincenzo Soldani, Karen M ADDRESS 11 Forest Ave 41 Henry St 31 Clifton Ave OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 25 merous nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held at Woodlawn Cemetery, 302 Elm St., Everett, MA on Friday, December 2nd at 2 pm. CITY DATE Everett Everett Everett 10.14.22 10.14.22 10.18.22 PRICE 975000 400000 725000 Funeral arrangements entrusted to J.F. Ward Funeral Home, 772 Broadway, Everett. A heartfelt thank you to the professional staff and caregivers at Geer Village in Canaan, CT. CM Masonry & Construction Honesty. Quality. Trustworthy. Comprehensive Chimney and Masonry Services * General Masonry * Chimney Build & Repair * Basements and Foundations * Over 30 Years of Construction Experience * Fully Licensed and Insured * Free Estimates and Great Rates Call us at (781) 364-8591 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net 38 Main St. Saugus (781) 558-1091 20 Railroad Ave. Rockport (978)-999-5408 mangorealtyteam.com 22 Saugus Ave. Saugus, MA 01906 Sunday 11/13 12-2PM I I Hi, my name is Jeanine Moulden. I joined Mango Realty Inc. in 2022 as a licensed real estate agent. I grew up in Charlestown, MA where my love of real estate began. I graduated from Suffolk University with a determination to start buying and flipping properties in my home town of Charlestown, MA. Welcome home. This two family with large units and an additional living space in the lower level. 5 Baths total. Unit 1 is New which holds a 4 Room 2 bedroom fireplace, washer and dryer. Unit 2 offers a 6 Room 3 Bedroom and 2 full baths with a fireplace that leads to dining area with sliding door overlooking deck where you could view miles of flat land. Generous size rooms with ceiling fans and plenty of storage space. 2 tier decks, heated pool. 2 car drive way with space for 8-10 cars, cabana with a full bath and a kitchen. Close to shopping malls, transportation, Airport, and more .....$819,000 SAUGUS I purchased my first 2 family home with my husband in 1997. I converted this home into 2 condominiums and renovated them for rental and eventually selling them for great profit which catapulted me into more and more investing opportunities in Charlestown. My next move was to start investing in areas that I felt were good opportunities to start spearheading my love of short term rentals which to me has been a game changer in my investment portfolio. In 2012, I bought a multi-family on Martha's Vineyard, MA and started renting by the day instead of by the month. I quickly realized that I could make the mortgage payment in a week instead of a month. For the past 7 years, I have been an Air bnb hostess and property manager for 6 properties; 3 in Rockport, MA, 2 on Martha's Vineyard and my newest property on Lake Mascoma, NH which is a sprawling lake front property my first 1031 exchange which is when you sell an investment property and to defer the capital gains tax, you purchase another investment property (definitely a little tricky). This is where my passion for real estate and investing is beneficial to guiding clients in either buying or selling their home. I know the ins and outs of how to think outside the box. How easily a coat of paint and staging can add thousands of dollars to selling a home or adding instant equity to a home. 20 Pamela Ln U-20 Amesbury, MA 01913 My experience has always taught me to buy properties that have potential or "good bones" in a desirable neighborhood. That with a little love and some elbow grease, a home can be transformed into your DREAM HOME!! Spectacular sun-filled Colonial with exceptional flow and robust space. Details matter and this lovely home is brimming with beautiful woodwork, trim and much character. The open concept kitchen offers stainless appliances and plenty of granite tops which flows to living room and inviting fireplace which leads to double door going onto the deck. Balancing things off on the second floor are 3 generous bedrooms. The main bedroom has a large sitting room, main bath all leading to a spacious roof top balcony. Large driveway, level yard, 1 car garage and more. ...$668,000 au au ept k r g wh ead g to a r eading r gara ng drooms. Th m o a rooms. The m spac oo s. g t a s ci g to a spac e m n bed cious main thin hin main ain ciou n b bed things o ngs o o o whi hi on the om h he he he sec hich l hich le n bed om h he sec le he sec on he sec cond ead eads co co cond f s to ds to d te to to d te to to d s to do to do cond floo floo double door g flo doublle ops w ops w w doublle which f le doo le doo doublle door flow k flow flow kitche kitchen kitchen hen en flows ws ws ws to l ut n off iving ffe whi h f ws to livings to li iv ept k ws to living Let me represent YOU in the sale of your home. I am dedicated and hard working and take my job very seriously. I'll do everything to build trust with you as my client and show your home in the best light from helping to stage your home to simple ways to add value when selling. I would also love to represent YOU as a buyers agent to help you buy your next home and provide vision to how you can add instant equity with simple changes. I was born to do this!!! Call me today so I can start YOU on the path to realizing your real estate dreams!! 617-312-2491 Amesbury Would you like to know about coming soon properties? Reach out to us for a Free Pre-Listing Review, were we can discuss the best options for your family. We turn Real Estate into SOLD! CALL NOW 781-558-1091 Call Sue: (781) 558-1091 or Email infowithmango@gmail.com for a Free Market Analysis! Find us on Google and see what our clients have to say about us! Would you like a compliment of wonderful neighborhood, space, and many amenities nearby? This private setting townhouse offers so much. The main level boasts an eat in kitchen, along with living room and 3 generous bedrooms on the second floor. the lower level or could also be categorized as the ground level offers a large family room or bedroom with a full bath. Did I mention washer and dryer in the units, 1 deeded parking, 1 car garage., transportation, nearby shops, and churches? Make this nestled home a win ...$369,000 SAUGUS Turnkey awaits for new owner. Spectacular sun-filled 3 bedroom ranch that boasts gleaming hardwood floors throughout, including central air. The open concept kitchen offers stainless appliances and plenty of granite counter tops, stainless appliances, center island that flows into the dining area and open concept of large living room. If you want a home within a suburban feel that offers a deck, shed, level fenced yard, driveway, dead end and more! This lovely property abutts Middle School and Bike Trail....$579,000 droo droo oo pt of la subu subu bu Sc dr urban drive Sch ve ur an ew n feel of lar n f el driveway, deway, deaeway, de n feel arge liv l that ar e l l t l that rge l that t liv ng oom. Iliving oom. If yo anite er isl er isl nd tha living oom. If y sl nd ha oo t offe t off t off anite at flo at lo te at lo e cou ow ows in ou ows in ows in ept k unter ept k un er ept at flows in I nt t k e counter ow un er kitch unter nto t nto t r t th the r t ps, ch he ps r top r top the ps, hen off off s, stai r tops, stai kitch hroughou ffe s hrougho ou ho off s, stai nle ffe n fers fers nle fers s s s out, stain stain nle nle nles nles nles les UNDER AGREEM NE T UNDER AGREEMENT ND R GR EM N U D R AGREEMENT N E UNDER AGREEMENT

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Page 27 ............. # 1 Listing & Selling Office in Saugus “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service” Free Market Evaluations CRE CarpenitoRealEstate.com View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 SAUGUS - 8 room, 3 bedroom Colonial, 1 ½ baths, gourmet kit w/ granite counters & double ovens, dining room w/ slider to deck, fireplace lvrm 3 season porch, located in Lynnhurst neighborhood Offered at $679,900. SAUGUS - 1st AD - 10 room colonial offers 5-6 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, wood flooring, located on Saugus River, home is in need total rehab. Offered at $499,900. SAUGUS - 7 room, 3 bedroom Garrison Colonial offers 2 full baths, sunroom, kit w/center island, finished lower level offers family rm and second kitchen updated roof, easy access to all major Routes & shopping. Offered at $539,900. LYNN - 6 NEWLY COMPLETED STORE FRONT FACADES offers consisting of two condos, ALL occupied – great income, minimal expenses make this a great investment, 1031 tax exchange, etc, centrally located, close to public transportation. Offered at $2,799,900. WONDERING WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? CALL US FOR A FREE OPINION OF VALUE. 781-233-1401 38 MAIN STREET, SAUGUS COMING SOON NEW CONSTRUCTION TO SAUGUS AVE 5 NEW HOMES FROM HAMMERTIME CONSTRUCTION GET IN SOON TO PICK YOUR LOT AND YOUR HOME. SAUGUS STARTING AT $895,000 CALL ANTHONY FOR MORE PRICING AND DETAILS 857-246-1305 LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL CALL ERIC ROSEN CALL HIM FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! (781) 223-0289 FOR SALE - 2 PLUS ACRES OF RESIDENTIAL LAND. WATER AND SEWER AT SITE SAUGUS $850,000 CALL RHONDA FOR DETAILS 781-706-0842 COMING SOON-THIS GREAT WEST PEABODY CAPE 3 BEDS, 2 FULL BATHS, UPDATED KITCHEN AND SPACIOUS ROOMS. NEW VINYL SIDING , CARPETING, AND FRESHLY PAINTED INTERIOR. PRIVATE YARD W/DECK. PEABODY CALL KEITH FOR DETAILS 781-389-0791 FOR SALE FOR SALE -MOBILE HOME 2 BED , 1 BATH. WITH ADDITION , MANY UPDATES, NEW FURNACE AND PELLET STOVE PEABODY $149,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 COMING SOON FOR SALE SAUGUS - 1st AD - 7 rm, 3 bedroom Colonial offers 1 ½ baths, family room with woodstove, kit w/granite counters, convenient 2nd floor laundry, walk-up attic for future expansion, finished lower level, AG pool, cabana w/kitchenette, side street. Offered at $599,900. REVERE - Wonderful New Construction offers 8 rm Center Entrance Colonial boasting elegant, designer kitchen, 4 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths, spacious master suite, hardwood flooring throughout, great mudroom when entering from garage, level, fenced lot. Offered at $875,000. LET US SHOW YOU OUR MARKETING PLAN TO GET YOU TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR HOME! LITTLEFIELDRE.COM FOR SALE - LOCATED AT THE END OF A CULDE-SAC THIS 3 BED, 2.5 BATH CONTEMPORARY HAS CONSIDERABLE POTENTIAL. WITH OVER 3000 SQFT OF LIVING SPACE, EXTRA LARGE ROOMS, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS, AND 3 LEVELS OF LIVING, BRING YOUR DESIGN IDEAS AND MAKE THIS YOUR DREAM HOME! 1200 SQ. FT. OF ADDITIONAL SPACE THAT IS PARTIALLY FINISHED. HUGE GARAGE UNDER THE HOUSE MAKES THIS TRULY A ONE OF A KIND HOME! SAUGUS $759,000 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 FOR SALE FOR SALE - CHEAPER THAN RENTING! 1 BED, 1 BATH TOP FLOOR LARGE CONDO LOW CONDO FEE W/ HEAT & HW INCLD. GAS COOKING, CLOSE TO MAJOR RTS. PETS ALLOWED. NORTH READING $269,900 CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 FOR SALE FOR SALE - BRAND NEW MANUFACTURED MOBILE HOMES. TWO CUSTOM UNITS LEFT, ALL UNITS ARE 2 BED , 1 BATH 12 X 52, DANVERS $199,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289

Page 28 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 11, 2022 Follow Us On: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Thank You to o Sandy Juliano Broker/President America’s Veterans! ! WE KNOW EVERETT!! Call TODAY to sell or buy with the best! FOR SALE Condo 1 Riverview Blvd, Methuen Building 5, Unit 204, 2 bed, 2.5 bath $349,900. Call Sandy at 617448-0854 for Details! UNDER AGREEMENT BACK ON THE MARKET! NEW LISTING BY SANDY, 3 FAMILY, 234 WILSON AVE., NAHANT $1,600,000. PLEASE CALL SANDY FOR DETAILS @ 617-448-0854 New Listing by Sandy Single family, 81 Florence Street, Everett SINGLE FAMILY, 21 WALDEN TERRACE, SAUGUS. $849,900. CALL SANDY FOR 617-448-0854 FOR RENT 51 RICH STREET, EVERETT CALL NORMA FOR DETAILS 617-590-9143 NEW PRICE: $649,900 NOW RENTING! NEW LISTING BY NORMA UNDER AGREEMENT COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON BROADWAY, EVERETT PLEASE CALL NORMA AT 617-590-9143 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW LISTING BY SANDY Open Daily From 10:00 A Joe DiNuzzo - Broker Associate Norma Capuano Parziale - Agent Denise Matarazzo - Agent A.M. - 5:00 P.M.00 PM 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Follow Us On: Rosemarie Ciampi - Agent Mark Sachetta - Agent 617-294-1041

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