Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 4, 2022 Sounds of Everett Rep. Joe McGonagle deserves re-election ust thinking folks….Mayor DeMaria brought the casino to Everett while bringing J 59 15 4.45 5.49 By Container Only 5.17 DEF SALE! $13.99/ 2.5 gals millions to the city as part of the agreement with the casino owners.. Meanwhile, the Philbins bought the fishwrap on Church Street, and hired Josh Ratnek to get the mayor out of office. That failed, of course. Ratnek pounded the mayor in the fishwrap, week after week, which made fools out of the Philbins and Ratnek with their scurrilous lies and yellow journalism. Now, because the mayor supports the reelection of Rep. Joe McGonagle, McGonagle is their new target. The Everett Advocate endorses Rep. McGonagle who has earned reelection, while bringing millions in state aid to Everett. That folks, is public record. Marchese doesn’t work, he collects rents and does no heavy lifting, of course. He owned and sold the “drug place” on Ferry Street which was raided by the state police and Feds. Eight people were arrested. Marchese has bonded with Josh Ratnek, who admits during his latest deposition that in every article about the mayor, he lied and fabricated stories – for years on end. The Philibins want to run the city. It’s all about power, money and influence. On Election Day, Nov. 8 get them before they ruin the city. Give Rep. McGonagle your vote. He’s earned it. Mike Marchese is just another stooge for Ratnek, the Philbins’ and the fishwrap. And that folks, is the Truth. Land Use Attorney: “Five-year housing moratorium would be challenged”; animal testing bans to be reintroduced By Tara Vocino A public hearing free petition, in accordance with Section 8-1 of the Everett City Charter, requesting a five-year moratorium on new housing developments in the city greater than three families and strict enforcement of current city ordinances regarding building and conversation of 1-2-and 3-family properties was discussed at length during Tuesday’s Special City Council meeting at City Hall. The city’s Land Use Attorney, Jonathan Silverstein, said he suspects if the fiveyear moratorium was challenged, it would be successful. On Tuesday, he broke down the free petition into two Master Plan process underway, which there is not.” Calling it a process problem, he said the petition was not put forth as a zoning ordinance, but in his opinion, it would have to be since it is controlling housing development. Silverstein said the court would likely strike it. Councillor-at-Large Michael Jonathan Silverstein Attorney parts: the five-year moratorium and strict enforcement of zoning laws. “A number of recent planning initiatives have highlighted the need for more housing in the city, not less,” Silverstein said. “I suspect that five years would be deemed too long, even if there was a Marchese said there’s no parking – to start off with – unless the city goes to 24-hour/ seven day-residential parking permanently. Looking at his notes, he asked Silverstein what spot zoning means. Silverstein replied that spot zoning is when a municipality passes an ordinance or bylaw ATTORNEY | SEE PAGE 7 OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 519 BROADWAY, EVERETT SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: Rocco Longo, Owner WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

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