Page 6 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 Rep. McGonagle, Massachusetts Legislature pass comprehensive tax relief package bill includes $561.3M in tax relief in Fy24, $1.02b in Fy27 and beyond I n late September, with the goal of providing financial relief to families across the Commonwealth while making Massachusetts more competitive with other states, Representative Joe McGonagle, along with his colleagues in the Massachusetts Legislature, overwhelmingly enacted “A Man of the People” a bipartisan tax relief package supporting residents across all income levels. On October 4, 2023, Governor Maura Healey signed the bill into law as Chapter 50 of the Acts of 2023. “I am thrilled we passed this long-awaited tax relief package,” said McGonagle. “House and Senate leadership have proven that we in the Legislature are making it a priority to address affordability concerns in the Commonwealth without sacrificing our standards. We want Massachusetts to continue being the best place to live and work. I’m grateful to Speaker Mariano, Chair Michlewitz and members of the conference committee for their work in getRe-Elect Jimmy Tri Le Ward 4 Councilman A vote from you on Nov. 7th will be greatly appreciated! (Paid Pol. Adv.) ting this done.” “This tax relief package strikes the critically important balance of providing permanent financial relief to residents and businesses across Massachusetts, without compromising the long-term financial security of the Commonwealth,” stated Speaker of the House Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I’m confident Joseph McGonagle State Representative that this tax reform legislation will help to make Massachusetts more affordable for all residents, while also helping to make the Commonwealth more competitive with other states. I want to thank Chairman Michlewitz, the members of the conference committee and all the members of the House, as well as Senate President Spilka and our partners in the Senate for working diligently to get this done.” “This tax relief package will help thousands of residents keep more money in their pockets by providing much needed financial assistance,” said Representative Aaron Michlewitz (D-Boston), who is Chair of the House Committee on Ways & Means. “This package will also help keep the Commonwealth an economically competitive work environment for both businesses and workers. “I want to thank Speaker Mariano for his leadership, my counterparts on the conference committee for their tireless work to make this legislation possible, as well as the entire Legislature for their collaboration on this issue.” The compromise bill includes the following tax changes: Child and Dependent Tax Credit: The bill increases the refundable tax credit for a dependent child, disabled adult, or senior from $180 to $310 per dependent in taxable year 2023, and then to $440 in taxable year 2024 and beyond, while eliminating the child/ dependent cap. This expanded credit, which will benefit more than 565,000 families, MCGONAGLE | SEE PAGE 18 Vote November 7th Joseph “Joe”D’Onofrio School Committee Ward 6 The future of Everett depends on the quality of education for our children. I will insist that all safety procedures be enforced. No student should feel unsafe going to school. I will work to expand the vocational education opportunities at Everett High School. I will be accessible to parents to ensure transparency and communication. I will advocate to expand special education services to ensure no child falls behind. Joe D’Onofrio holding the future! “I will represent your children and your family, not a select few!” He’s the POSITIVE candidate! (Paid Pol. Adv.)

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