THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 Page 3 ~ Letters-to-the-Editor ~ Parent upset over Abbruzzese’s candidacy; relationship with supt. Dear Editor, As a parent of three children in the Everett Public Schools, two at the high school and one at the English School and a Ward 6 resident, I am appalled to see Tom Abruzzese running again for school committee. His interests are not for the students but with his family. He has seven members of his family on the school payroll, his three sons, two daughterin-laws, a niece, and a nephew. The present superintendent has promoted two of his children, one to a truant offi - cer and the second to a lead teacher. I am further appalled that he and the present superintendent did nothing regarding with what was reported in the local paper about his son’s illegal activities on a school-based computer during school hours. The fi rm hired to investigate his son’s illegal activities recommended that the computer be turned over to the district attorney for further investigation. We paid him to stay home for one year. In the end, our superintendent failed to forward the report to the District Attorney. Instead, she brought him back to work and looked the other way. It should be noted that Tom Abruzzese led the committee to elect her superintendent. I am further appalled that a school committee member, Samantha Lambert, who is a tenant of Tom Abruzzese, talks about integrity on the school committee and did nothing to protect our children. She did nothing with this report. Let’s not turn back the clock. Signed, Name withheld for fear of retaliation to my children Resident supports ward 3 city councillor’s challenger Dear Editor, As an Everett homeowner and Ward 4 resident, I write to express my concern regarding our City Councilor Jimmy Tri Le. He is unable to attend council meetings due to allegations of sexual assault against a colleague. What is troubling is the apparent acceptance of these allegations by some of his fellow council members. This raises questions about their ethical standards and honor in public service. Adding to the dismay, Mr. Le has admitted to the facts of the crime, yet he continues to canvass our neighborhood and seek re-election. This despite a guaranteed “stay away” order that has kept him out of the council and will continue if he to win! I am compelled to discuss with my neighbors why he cannot perform his duties. New date for City of Everett’s second annual Community Bowl Everett High School alums will compete in a competitive and friendly game of fl ag football M ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett’s second annual Community Bowl will now take place on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium on Cabot Street. The originally scheduled date was postponed due to the weather. As part of Mayor DeMaria’s Everett for EveryANNUAL | SEE PAGE 7 Does he have no shame? In light of these concerns, I encourage my Ward 4 neighbors to consider supporting an alternative candidate, Holly Garcia, who exemplifi es the qualities we expect in our public offi cials: integrity, transparency, and responsible leadership. Signed, Timothy J. Boots US Army (retired) EXPERIENCE AND LEADERSHIP FOR WARD 3 As City Councilor, Anthony DiPierro has led on the issues that matter to Ward 3 and Our City  Established Council’s Committee on Opioid Crisis.  Lobbied administration to hire a city clinician and substance abuse coordinator.  Modernized outdated lodging laws to ensure developers pay their fair share.  Advocated for the Student Opportunity Act, which increased Everett’s School Funding by tens of millions of dollars.  Passed the 25 MPH city-wide speed limit to make our neighborhoods safer.  Sponsored Police Cadet legislation in an effort to further diversify our Police Department.  Consistently voted for infrastructure improvements and the beautification of Ward 3.  Earned Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Certificate from Suffolk University. Vote ANTHONY DIPIERRO by Tuesday, November 7 (Paid Pol. Adv.)

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