THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 Page 17 Everett Chamber of Commerce hosts Annual Golf Tournament T By Tara Vocino he Everett Chamber of Commerce hosted a golf tournament at Gannon Golf Course last week. Cataldo Ambulance, shown from left to right: Dennis Cataldo, Rupert Thomas, Stephen Riley and Brenden Hayden. Stratford Insurance, shown from left to right: Chris Giovanniello, Mike Supino, Vinnie Capozzi and Rich Manzi. Schnitzer Steel, shown from left to right: Peter Grava, Matt Harlow and Brandon Sullivan. Craft Brewers, shown from left to right: Ryan Innarelli, Maria Kenney, Brandon Bailot and Derek Terry. Members Plus Credit Union, shown from left to right: Leo Lemos, Chris Ross, Eric Rich, Justin Lasko and John Murphy. Everett Bank 3, shown from left to right: Tom Busa, Michael Smith, John Citrano and his cousin John Citrano. National Grid, shown from left to right: Marc Comeau, Ed Kouyoumdjian, Andrew Wallace and Jerry Worthylake. Team Sachetta, shown from left to right: Michael Callahan, Joseph Sachetta, Stephen Ahern and Stephen Sachetta. Everett Bank, shown from left to right: Eric Jackson, Brian Vidler, Ed DeSimone and Dave Salvo. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Mackey Law, shown from left to right: Andy Lyne, John Mackey, Jeff Goldberg and Glenn Curtis. Constellation 8A, shown from left to right: Mike Brown, Alex Pettenati, Brian Pettenati and Joe Scola. Riverside Auto, shown from left to right: John Spinelli, Joe Capelo, Ed Mahlo and Mike Pacheco. Eagle Bank: Pictured from left to right: Derek Devoe, Lindsay Dube, Tyler Otfinoski and Rebecca Scott. Team Rocco, shown from left to right: Ed Connors, Alan Fucci, Steven Rocco and Pete Simonelli. Soep Painting, shown from left to right: Gerry Reichart, Bruce Ferro, Ryan Keaney and Dennis Keough. State Line Graphics, shown from left to right: Gino Cohee, Kevin Giannino, Rick Berardino and Steve Berardino during Wednesday’s Everett Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament at Gannon Golf Course. Constellation 3, shown from left to right: Jonathan Lauck, Sam Zakrzewski and Daniel Foley. Constellation 9, shown from left to right: Archie Gleason, Pete Callahan, Connor Gleason and Aoife Callinan.

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