Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 RESNEK | FROM PAGE 9 one paying close attention to the Leader Herald knows I’m right on the mark about what I have to reveal about the mayor and his cronies.’” Philbin acknowledges ResLawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net nek’s article, which continues, “‘The Leader Herald prints the truth. The truth is a terrible weapon of aggression,’ the Blue Suit said.” The mayor cringes at your story telling about him. It drives him crazy, this column from week to week. He hates it. You reveal nearly everything he does wrong. Everything he is sneaking.’” Philbin said that he doesn’t remember Resnek sending him the draft but is shown an email between him and Resnek at 6:30 p.m. – an hour after he sent him the draft article; in the subject line, its states, “The Eye – enjoy” – Philbin emailed back to Resnek, “How bout [sic] what a loss for the City.” Asked what he meant by his suggestion to Resnek, Philbin stated that he didn’t know what he was commenting about when he replied to Resnek. Robbins again asks Philbin to read what the subject line in his reply to Resnek states; Philbin replies, “Subject: The Eye – enjoy.” Philbin is then asked to read the subject line in his response to Resnek; Philbin states, “Oh, regarding the Eye – enjoy.” In another exhibit of the “Eye on Everett Blue Suit” column, in a June 4, 2019, email between Resnek, Philbin and Alex Yates, Philbin is shown the draft article titled “The Mayor and I talk about Life, Donuts and Money.” Resnek begins by referring to the mayor as “Kickback Carlo,” falsely writing about how the mayor was involved in a “number of incidents” involving women at his donut shop and city hall, and in one incident where he held a knife to a woman’s throat. The second page describes how the mayor received bribes, free gas from a local gas station owner whose daughter he employed, a free Mercedes from his father-inlaw, free dry cleaning and landscaping. Philbin was asked to confi rm if the article was sent to him prior to publication; he agreed, but pointed out to the attorney that there was an “Editor’s Note” disclaimer that the column was all fi ction – but this time it appeared at the end of the article. Atty. Robbins asked him why it wasn’t placed at the beginning of the column; Philbin stated that he didn’t know but it was satire and he printed it. “Did you give instructions that it be described as satire? asked the attorney. “No,” replied the witness. Philbin was then asked if he ever instructed his corrupt reporter that he should make sure that the Blue Suit articles were described as fi ction; Philbin answered, “Not that I recall.” In another incriminatory piece of evidence, Philbin is presented with an exhibit which shows a draft of an article written by Resnek and sent to Philbin the day before the paper went to press. The article is titled “An Open Letter to Andrew Lelling” (the US district attorney) – Resnek invites Lelling and an FBI agent Elio to Everett in order to investigate “Kickback Carlo” as, he writes, he’s “in his tenth year of organized, obscene, uniquely disguised municipal theft and greed.” Resnek’s obscene drivel states that he “has knowledge of the kickback, including one who says he can identify how Kickback Carlo is paid,” among other false claims. “Did Mr. Resnek ever present you with any evidence that Mr. DeMaria had ever taken a kickback?” “No. I don’t think he ever produced any evidence,” replied Philbin. “Did you ever ask Mr. Resnek if he had any evidence that Mr. DeMaria had ever committed any kind of theft or crime?” asked Atty. Robbins. “No. I don’t believe I did,” he replied. Asked if there was anything in that article which says that what is written is satire, Philbin says, “I don’t see anything in this article that suggests that, no.” “When you read the article just a moment ago, Mr. Philbin, did anything in there indicate to you that Mr. Resnek was saying it was fi ction or satire or shouldn’t be believed in any way?” “No,” was Philbin’s answer. Next week: Leader Herald owner Philbin was the last word before press time.

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