Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 14, 2022 Public invited to attend 4th Annual Art Walk Reception T he public is invited to attend a gathering to celebrate Everett’s vibrant creative community. The 4th annual Art Walk Reception is today (Friday, October 14) from 7-9 p.m. The reception will be held at BearMoose Brewing Company, which is located at 1934 Revere Beach Parkway. Adults and children are welcome; all activities will be family friendly. There will be music, light refreshments and local artist Karyn Alzayer’s unique and interactive wishing wall. The event is free to attend. For more information or questions, please contact Integral Arts Everett at integralartseverett@gmail.com. The Everett Community Art Walk is supported in part by a grant from the Everett Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Law Offices of • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee Monogram D4 Double siding Cedar impression half rounds ~ Letter-to-the-Editor ~ Hypocrite Samantha Lambert Dear Editor, I watched the latest joint meeting of the Everett City Council and School Committee on Tuesday, October 4, and was struck by what I consider the hypocrisy of School Committee member Samantha Lambert, who asserted that she is interested primarily in school overcrowding and student safety. This is the same school committee member whose landlord, a well-known former chairman of the committee, has at least three grandchildren enrolled in the Everett public schools who do NOT reside in Everett. To quote her, “I have heard a number of times about students who don’t live in Everett and encourage anybody who knows somebody, please call me. I have not received a call yet.” As for safety, I would point out that the son of Ms. Lambert’s landlord is a teacher in the public schools who has apparently had some problems with the law, if reports in our local newspapers are to be believed. This landlord’s son’s actions were investigated by the law fi rm of Cliff ord and Kennedy at the behest of the school committee, which recommended that the son’s school-issued computer be turned over to the Middlesex County District Attorney, and that he be suspended without pay from his teaching job. Instead, this teacher collected full pay for a year while at home on suspension. That situation seemed to have clear safety implications, did it not? If Ms. Lambert and her school committee colleagues did anything about that situation, they should tell the public what they did. And if they did nothing about it, they should tell the public why. Signed, A concerned parent, Name withheld due to fear of retaliation. JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” M Mayor announces Italian American Heritage Month Celebration Advocate Staff Report ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett will be hosting its Italian American Heritage Month Celebration on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Join us as we raise the Italian fl ag to fl y high at Everett City Hall (located at the corner of Broadway and Church Street) from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Immediately after, please join us for a celebration from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orsogna Plaza (located at 316 Main St.) to listen to live music from Sea Breeze and enjoy various Italian foods. The event is in honor of Italian American Heritage Month, which is celebrated during the month of October to recognize the achievements and cultural contributions of Italian Americans to the United States. Mayor DeMaria invites all residents to take part in the celebration of Italian culture and the many contributions that have been made to our community and our country. Harvey Vinyl 64 Replacement Windows Custom Aluminum Trim work Windows & Doors Top quality Vinyl Siding! •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Roofing •Free Estimates •Replacement Windows •Fully Licensed •Fully Insured

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