Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 14, 2022 THE SOUNDS OF EVERETT Time to shutdown Resnek and Marchese’s circus W ell folks, it looks as though #TeamCapone has morphed into #TeamResnek – or maybe it has always been #TeamResnek – as we watch the team of snowflakes waste everyone’s time at the City Council and School Committee meetings: empty heads echoing nonsense. It’s actually a laugh riot to watch Councillor Mike Marchese having to hold his nose as he stands firm with the local criminal element that went from holding signs for former mayoral candidate Fred Capone to ranting and raving against Mayor Carlo DeMaria. Pathetic – but that’s the Marchese way: hide in plain sight and mail anonymous letters with your attorney brother’s money. But #TeamResnek is still whistling past the graveyard pretending to be a newspaper publisher despite admitting in depositions that he lied, fabricated and made up stories against the mayor and other city officials under the direction of his boss, Matt Philbin. And speaking of the Philbins, they’re all hiding from the subpoenas served by the mayor’s attorneys because they’ll have to tell the truth. They should dub themselves #TeamRatnek after Josh Resnek’s lifelong nickname – when he was writing fiction in Chelsea and was a political loser as he is in Everett. Back to Mike, he’s now running against his old friend, Representative Joseph McGonagle, for the state representative seat, running Resnek-style ads in the Fishwrap, hoping that no one bothers to ask him about his once popular bar, McDonald’s Cafe on Ferry Street, when in 2003 the state police and DEA arrested eight people, including an auxiliary police officer, on drug charges. According to the Feb. 1, 2003, Boston Globe article, the bar was targeted because neighbors complained about “open drug transactions” going on for years – all while Mike was an alderman in the city. After the state shut down Marchese’s neighborhood hell hole, he went into hiding by taking a “no show” job with the Hanlon administration until the coast was clear – most likely at his real home in Florida. But fast forward to 2022 and Mike is riding #TeamResnek with the rest of the reprobates, including one Chris Lind (Billerica House of Corrections #088228), who’s doing time for felonies which may or may not include kidnapping, firearms violations, harassment, and assault with a dangerous weapon. Under the Everett Reporter Facebook page (see inset), Raymond is asking all #TeamCapone “people” to write his pal Lind as he passes time in the slammer. Truly a #TeamResnek team player. Sadly, this is what Everett has become – a traveling circus sideshow with Philbin as the ringmaster and Resnek as the clown – and Marchese is the bear riding the bicycle: a spectacle to behold. And shame on Marchese for letting Ratnek and Philbin falsely paint the city racist – all in the name of “get the mayor” at any costs. This isn’t the real Everett, folks, and despite their lunatic ravings and fake news, it never will be. It’s time to remove these scurrilous political bozos once and for all – so let’s start with Marchese in November. Good riddance to the Marchese and Ratnek circus act. —JDM The Foundation Trust Challenge Match to Support Bread of Life’s Backpack Nutrition Program O ctober 10, 2022-The Foundation Trust is offering a challenge match to help support the expansion of Bread of Life’s Backpack Nutrition Program. The Foundation Trust will match up to $10,000 of funds raised for the program in 2022. The Foundation Trust is the leading sponsor of Bread of Life’s Backpack Nutrition Program, which provides snacks and nutritious food for schoolage students in Everett, MA. The Challenge Match from the Foundation Trust will match 50% of every one-time contribution to the program in 2022, up to $5,000. In addition, the Foundation Trust will offer a 100% match of every recurring donation received during the year, up to a combined match of $10,000. These funds will enable Bread of Life’s Backpack Nutrition Program to grow to serve more students in need. Interested community members can learn more and donate by visiting: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E333299&id=41 To address a growing need for nutritious food for schoolage students, Bread of Life distributes backpacks filled with food to Everett students on a regular basis each month. Bread of Life works with school principals and guidance counselors who identify students struggling with poverty and food insecurity and distribute the backpacks. Backpack Items include snacks, juice boxes, crackers, peanut butter, cereal, milk boxes, noodle bowls, and other non-perishable food items. Bread of Life also provides blankets, gloves, hats, socks, hand warmers, towels, toothbrushes and other supplies as needed. With the support of the Foundation Trust, over 5,000 backpacks have been distributed to Everett students to date. “It’s disturbing to think about the financial strain some parents are under week after week to pay bills and make sure their kids are fed; the nutrition backpacks put good nutrition into the hands of the kids at school and help the rest of the family at home,” said Gabriella Snyder Stelmack, Bread of Life Executive Director. “We are extremely grateful that The Foundation Trust is providing the challenge grant to grow this program.” Dr. Joseph Spinazzola, Foundation Trust Executive Director noted that “we started this partnership with Bread of Life before the pandemic started, and unfortunately the need for the backpacks has grown considerably since that time. Bread of Life has risen to the challenge, and we are honored to be a small part of their About Bread of Life Bread of Life Bread of Life is a free food program based in Malden, MA, that serves the communities north of Boston with evening meals four nights a week, two food pantries, grocery delivery to senior citizens, food delivery to homeless families sheltered in local motels and a Backpack Nutrition Program for Everett students. www.breadoflifemalden.org About The Foundation Trust The Foundation Trust is a private operating foundation that partners with small to medium-sized New England nonprofits on new programming to better serve high-risk populations and elevate underrepresented communities. To learn more visit: https://www.foundationtrust.org/ tremendous work addressing food insecurity in our communities. Through this Challenge Match, we hope to assist Bread of Life in establishing lasting partnerships with individuals, families, and local businesses in Everett and the surrounding communities to ensure the sustainability of this vital program for years to come.”

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