THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 14, 2022 Page 15 Tide volleyball team falls to Chelsea, Malden By Joe McConnell T he Everett High School volleyball team (4-9) ran into a hard-hitting, hard-serving Chelsea team on Oct. 6, and lost, 3-0. According to first-year coach Mike Fineran, there were some positive takeaways, including Alejandra Cajamarca’s and Victoria Rodrigues’ serving, Jane Ebay’s passing, Nicole Brandao’s digs and Julie Miranda’s and Sam DeSouza ‘s sets. Miranda was also eight-foreight in serves, while also getting one ace. Cajamarca made 12 out of 13 serves with two aces. Brandao recorded six of eight serves to go along with two kills and one block. Rodrigues was perfect in serves with 14 in a row. She also had three aces. Vanessa Almonte accounted for four serves in six tries, while also producing one ace and two kills. Michelle Ngo ended up one kill and one block. Prior to the match versus Chelsea, they lost to Malden, 3-0 on Oct. 3. This was a tale of two contests. The Everett girls cruised in the first game, 25-15. “We were then cruising in the second game, and were serving for the win, leading 24-19, but Malden’s server got on a roll and stole the set, 26-24,” said Fineran. “If we had taken that set, things might have gone quite differently. We managed to string together some good plays after that, but not enough to really challenge them again.” Miranda was nearly perfect in serves, coming up with 17 out of 18 attempts. Emily Nogueira came up with 14 out of 16 good serves, while collecting five aces. Brandao was nine for 11 in serves, and also had two aces; six kills and one block. Rodrigues (17-for17 in serves, 4 aces), Ngo (1417 in serves, 9 aces, 5 kills), Almonte (4-5 in serves, 2 kills, 1 block) and Kaesta Sandy (2 kills, 2 blocks) rounded out the Everett statistics against the Golden Tornadoes. Meet the 2022 Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Flag Football Eagles Hailing from Saugus and Stoneham are: Nathan Thomas and Gio Amisial. Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Flag Football Eagles, pictured from left to right: in the front row: Head Coach Matthew Palma, Winsley Larrieux, Matthew Mulindwa, Mitchel Damas, Carl Damas, Gio Amisial, Jack Mangone with Assistant Coach Ryan Cerrato. Bottom row, pictured from left to right: Nathan Thomas, RJ Tayag, Adrien Chang, Joseph Volpicelli and Christ-Ryan Leconte. Hailing from Everett are, pictured from left to right: Joseph Volpicelli and Rommel Tayag, Jr. Hailing from Malden are, pictured from left to right: Matthew Mulindwa, Adrian Chang, Gio Amisial, Winsley Larrieux and Christ-Ryan Leconte during their home game last Friday night. Team leaders, pictured from left to right: Rommell Tayag Jr., Carl Damas and Jack Mangone. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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