THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 13, 2023 Page 5 Weatherize ahead of winter with help from the sponsors of Mass Save A s the seasons change and cooler temperatures approach, it’s essential to prepare your home for the challenges of winter. Weatherization is a proactive approach to improving your home’s energy effi - ciency and comfort while also reducing heating and cooling costs, and it’s easy to schedule your appointments. Readers should know that fall is the time to make the necessary weatherization upgrades to their homes or businesses, because once the temperatures drop contractors can book out for weeks or even months. The Sponsors of Mass Save® encourage homeowners, renters and small businesses to utilize Mass Save rebates and incentives to weatherize and offer the following tips to help you get started! • Sealing Air Leaks: Air leaks are responsible for signifi cant energy loss in homes, leading to drafty rooms and higher heating bills. Fall is an ideal time to identify and seal air leaks to help mitigate drafts prior to winter. Check for gaps around windows, doors, electrical outlets and plumbing fi xtures. Use weatherstripping, caulk or expanding foam to seal these gaps and prevent cold air from entering your home and warm air from escaping. • Insulating Floors, Attics and Walls: Sufficient insulation is crucial to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and reducing energy consumption. Insulating your floors, attic and walls helps to prevent heat loss during the winter and can keep your home cooler in the warmer months. In fall, before the temperature drops, evaluate your insulation levels and consider adding more if necessary. Insulate exposed pipes and ducts to prevent freezing and heat loss. This simple step can signifi cantly reduce your heating costs and increase overall energy effi ciency. • Maintaining Your Heating System: Before the cold weather arrives, ensure that your heating system is in good working condition. Regular maintenance – such as cleaning or replacing air filters, checking thermostats and scheduling professional inspections – can improve the effi ciency and lifespan of your heating system. Fall is an opportune time to address any issues or make necessary repairs before the demand for heating increases. • Conserve Your Heat: Doing small tasks – such as setting your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature or making sure the damper is closed on your fi replace when it is not being used – can make a huge diff erence in conserving your home’s heat. A chimney can draw out as much as 25 percent of the heated or cooled air in your house if the damper is left open. For every 1 degree Fahrenheit you set your thermostat back, you might save between 1 to 3 percent on your annual heating bill. • Installing Window Covers: Windows are a common source of heat loss. Installing drapes or shades to cover your windows can prevent heat from escaping and cold air from entering, aiding you in maintaining a consistent indoor temperature and saving you money on heating bills all winter long. • Inspecting and Cleaning Gutters: During fall, leaves and debris tend to accumulate in gutters, blocking the fl ow of water. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, ice dams and roof leaks. Regularly inspect and clean your gutters to ensure proper drainage. Remove any debris and consider installing gutter guards to prevent future clogging. Properly functioning gutters will help protect your home from water-related issues during the winter season. • Preventing Ice Dams: Ice dams are a serious problem many face during Massachusetts winters. If you see a row of icicles hanging from your roofline, that is the time to check to see if there’s any ice dams. Insulation and air sealing improvements can help reduce the chance of ice dams and protect your roof from potential damage. In addition to keeping gutters clean, you should increase attic fl oor insulation and improve ventilation in your roof, attic and eaves to avoid damage. A NGELO’S FULL SERVICE 1978-2023 Celebrating 45 Years in Business! Regular Unleaded $3.359 Mid Unleaded $3.989 Super $4.189 Diesel Fuel $4.179 Heating Oil at the Pump $4.759 $3.73 9 DEF HEATING OI 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS Hours. Mon.-Wed. 6AM - 6PM / Thurs. & Fri. 6AM - 7PM / Sat. 7AM / Sun. 9AM-5PM Anthony DiPierro for Ward 3 City Council LEADERSHIP THAT LISTENS Anthony On Tuesday, November 7th VOTE h DiPi ierro Dear Neighbor, I’m running to be your Ward Three City Councilor to ensure our neighborhood gets the very best from City Government and the attention it deserves. During the time I represented Ward 3, I worked closely with my colleagues in City Government to make sure the needs of our residents were met, that our streets were clean, our neighborhoods safe, and our children receive a top tier education. My work as your City Councilor has yielded proven, tangible results. I’ve built the relationships necessary to make certain our Ward receives top notch city services and to help residents navigate City Hall. Ward Three, you deserve a City Councilor that can make sure your voice is not only heard, but listened to. This election, I humbly ask for your vote, so I can return to the City Council and get back to work for the people of Everett. I promise, I won’t let you down. PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTE TO ELECT ANTHONY DIPIERRO Prices subject to change DIESEL TRUCK STOP FLEET

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