Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 13, 2023 Mayor thanks El Mundo Boston and La Hora Del Café Presents citations and plaques in recognition of their donations of time and services M ayor Carlo DeMaria recently had the pleasure of presenting citations and plaques to members of El Mundo Boston and La Hora Del Café to recognize their donations of time and services to assist in promoting the City of Everett’s annual Fiesta Del Río event. The support was given through providing continuous promotion time, live reads on various media platforms and helping raise awareness of Fiesta Del Río, which is part of the Everett for Everyone initiative, within our Hispanic community. “We will continue to provide events that are welcoming and open to all of our residents where we can learn about and enjoy the many different cultures that make up this great community,” said Mayor DeMaria. “I’d like to thank El Mundo and La Hora Del Café for all their help with our recent efforts.” ~ Political Announcement ~ Ward 6 Council Candidate Alfred Lattanzi Endorsed by Greater Boston Labor Council Mayor Carlo DeMaria, along with his staff, presented citations and plaques to representatives of El Mundo Boston and La Hora Del Café in recognition of their donations of time and services. Alfred Lattanzi Ward 6 Councillor n a letter dated October 4, 2023, Alfred Lattanzi, the incumbent candidate for ward 6 city council, was informed that his campaign for reelection was being endorsed by the Boston Labor Council. The letter, written by ExecI utive Secretary-Treasurer Darlene Lombos, described the surging support for unions throughout the country and the organization of union workers on a daily basis. “The time is ripe to unite against the corporate elite who want to make themselves richer off the backs of working people. With strong partnerships, we can continue to make Greater Boston a region for all of us,” stated Lombos. “Together, unions represent They Need A Strong Voice For Better Education Jim Mastrocola, the father of three daughters, says: “Everett Schools in the past did well by our children. I want them to do well in the future for all Everett children. “I think that some members of the school committee have lost touch of what education is about. “It’s not about political in fighting! “It’s about children. I know! “So I am running for school committee from Ward 4. “I can promise voters that if I am elected, my only interest will be education in Everett.” Give him your vote!! James A. “Jim” Mastrocola School Committee Ward 4 …he’s for Better Education! (Paid Pol. Adv.) more than 100,000 hardworking families throughout every neighborhood in Greater Boston. We stand for opportunity, equity, and safety. We’re hotel workers, construction workers, healthcare workers, janitors, teachers, and more. We are also voters. Our labor champions on City Councils, School Committees and in Mayors’ offices across the region are essential to creating communities where working people can live and thrive,” stated the executive secretary-treasurer. “Thank you for engaging in our endorsement process and for pledging to fight together for our communities.” FACEBOOK.COM/ ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

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