Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 13, 2023 FRAUDULENT | FROM PAGE 4 Be alert to any unknown email sources containing links. Never click on a link unless you are expecting one or you know the sender and recognize the email address – this may be a phishing scheme to obtain access to your computer. Create security credentials that you will remember but are hard for others to guess. Do not give your security credentials to ANYONE – DUA will never contact you asking for that information. Responses to requests from DUA should only be uploaded through claimant’s secure accounts at https://uionline.detma.org/Claimant/Core/Login. ASPX or https://ui-cares-act. mass.gov/PUA/_/. Report any changes or suspicious activity involving your UI claim immediately to DUA by calling (877) 626-6800. Monitor communications from DUA often in case you receive a message that a change has been made to your account or to make you aware of an ongoing scheme that has affected claims or warnings from other UI agencies. DUA WILL NOT ask you to verify your eligibility for unemployment benefits, or for personal information by email, phone, or text message. If you receive an email, phone call, or text message and you are unsure if it came from DUA, contact us at (877) 626-6800. If you notice that your payment or contact information has been changed without your knowledge, make sure to change it back to the original information and report those discrepancies or changes not made by you immediately to the DUA by calling (877) 6266800. If you believe someone is using your identity to falsely claim unemployment benefits, please complete our secured form to alert us at: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/report-unemployment-benefits-fraud. Customers who have concerns about potential scams can contact the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation by calling the Consumer Hotline at (617) 9738787, or toll-free in MA at (888) 283-3757. For the latest DUA updates and information, visit Mass. gov/DUA or follow the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development on X (formerly Twitter) @MassLWD and LinkedIn. Consumers looking to report a scam or have concerns are encouraged to file a complaint on the AG’s website.

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