Page 6 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 15, 2023 Mayor Congratulates Everett Little League Massachusetts District 12 Champions players, coaches and parents met with the mayor at City Hall to enjoy refreshments and discuss their season M ayor Carlo DeMaria recently invited the Everett Little League Massachusetts District 12 championship-winning team to Everett City Hall to congratulate them on their achievement. The team was invited to enjoy pizza and other refreshments in the Mayor’s conference room while chatting with him. The team proudly displayed their championship banner, which was recently awarded to them as a token of their accomplishment. “I’d like to thank the team for meeting with me at City Hall to enjoy some pizza, refreshments and to discuss their remarkable season,” said Mayor DeMaria. “I wish them all the best of luck and continued success in everything they do.” Afterwards, in the City Council Chambers, the Mayor, alongside the Everett City Council, presented citations to each player and coach in recognition of their achievement. Mayor Carlo DeMaria was pleased to meet with the Everett Little League District 12 champions at City Hall.. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and the Everett City Council presented citations to every player and coach in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Carlo DeMaria talked with the players in the Mayor’s conference room. on Tuesday, September 19 (Paid Pol. Adv.) For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net

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