Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 15, 2023 City offi cials support International Overdose Awareness Day M embers of the Everett City Council are shown outside City Hall during International Overdose Awareness Day (Aug. 31) to remember the individuals, families and communities who have all been impacted by overdose. Shown from left to right are Health and Human Services Equity Access Officer Antoinette Blanchard, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, Melodie Bazillion, Jeff Chasen, Everett Recovery Connection (ERC) Substance Abuse Coordinator Chris Simonelli, Offi cer Nicole O’Donnell, Ward 6 Councillor Al Lattanzi, Mrs. Duncan and Everett Overcoming Addiction founder Patty Scalesse. Through the city’s Health Dept., ERC is available to off er help for those in need of recovery from alcohol and substance abuse. Call 617-579-6421 or go to Everett City Hall (484 Broadway, Room 20) to speak to Coordinator Simonelli. MASTROCOLA | FROM PAGE 3 service over 3,000 clients. Through his extensive professional background, Jim knows his management skills and professional experience will be an asset to the city and will reinforce the skills needed to be a valuable and productive member of the school committee. If elected, he looks forward to working with his fellow school committee members in managing the school department budget in order to provide the students of Everett with every opportunity to become successful and productive members of society. The success of our school system is a collective eff ort of our entire community. In order to maximize our children’s future success, he will ensure that our administrators, teachers, and coaches are doing everything possible to provide the children of Everett the education and skills needed to maximize their potential. As a taxpayer and home owner, he knows our school system is the most crucial component in our city’s future success. Jim’s greatest credential, however, is his passion for the Everett school children, and devotion to the success and betterment of their lives, in this community and beyond. James Mastrocola humbly asks for your support by casting your Ward 4 School Committee vote. Jim can be reached at 972-273-0211 with any questions or concerns.

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