THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 15, 2023 Page 13 REMEMBRANCE | FROM PAGE 1 closing prayer. The Everett High School Chorus gave a beautiful performance of the National Anthem, and a member of the Everett High School band performed Taps to honor the victims of 9/11. The ceremony was well-attended by the Everett community, members of the Everett City Council, Everett firefighters and police officers. “We must never forget the thousands of innocent lives that were taken on that terrible day,” said Mayor DeMaria. “I’d like to thank everyone who contributed and joined us to remember the victims of 9/11.” Elected officials, community members and first responders gathered together at the 9/11 Memorial stone to remember the victims of 9/11. Mayor Carlo DeMaria speaking at the podium. Sgt. Joe Gaff speaking at the podium on behalf of Police Chief Steve Mazzie. Bishop Robert Brown opened the ceremony with a prayer. State Rep. Joe McGonagle speaking at the podium. The Everett Fire Department Honor Guard. Father Khiet Dang Cao closed the ceremony with a prayer. A member of the Everett High School band performed Taps. Everett Fire Department Deputy Chief William Hurley emceed the ceremony. Members of the Everett High School chorus and band performed Taps and the National Anthem at the ceremony.

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