THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 4, 2020 Page 3 THANK YOU, EVERETT!! STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOE MCGONAGLE Dear Neighbor, Thank you! I’m truly humbled that Everett placed their trust in me once again in the Democratic Primary Election. Competitive elections are good for candidates, good for our community – and good for democracy. While this election took place in strange and uncertain circumstances, it once again demonstrated the vibrancy of our community and our city, and what I learned speaking to voters will make me a better State Representative. I intend to take the thousands of conversations I had with voters in this campaign back to Beacon Hill and fight for everybody in Everett. I’m anxious to get back to work for you - If there is any way I can help you or your family, please contact me. With Gratitude, Joe McGonagle State Representative CONTACT JOE Joe works for you and is always available to help. 617-240-0767 If you need to contact Joe, please use the information below. PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT JOE McGONAGLE. Connect on Facebook Connect on Twitter
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