THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, AugusT 18, 2023 Page 5 ~ Political Announcement ~ D ear Everett Residents, It is with great exJoe Pierotti, Jr. Candidate for Election citement that I formally announce my candidacy for election to the position of Everett City Councilor At Large. I believe that there are many significant issues facing our City that need to be addressed in a responsible and fiscal manner. As a current businessman I will continue to use my experience to correctly approve the proper decisions for the best interest for our city. This will improve our quality of life while addressing the needs of our residents in a responsible manner thus providing you the highest caliber of accountability going forward. I currently reside at 18 Belmont Park with my wife Maria and two children. I am the owner of J&S Landscaping that I have successfully owned and operated over 30 years. I look forward to talking with you and if you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 617-389-1490. Together we can do better! Sincerely, Joe Pierotti, Jr. Candidate for Election Councilor at Large Voted Citywide ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA US Attorney’s Offi ce Closes Everett Inquiry No Further Action Following 14-Month Review E VERETT, Mass - By letter dated August 8, 2023, the United States Attorney’s Offi ce for the District of Massachusetts and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (together, the “Department of Justice”) jointly informed the City of Everett that the Department of Justice is closing a preliminary inquiry relating to allegations of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment by City employees and offi cials. More than fourteen months ago, on June 2, 2022, the United States Attorney notifi ed the City that the United States Attorney’s Offi ce had opened a Title VII inquiry and requested the production of certain information relating to potential discrimination, harassment, hostile environment, or retaliation by City employees and/or offi cials. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. The City was committed to a full and fair inquiry and retained outside counsel to conduct an internal review of the allegations and to assist in the inquiry, including interacting with representatives of the Department of Justice. The City demonstrated its commitment to a thorough and timely review by cooperating fully with all aspects of the inquiry and providing information and records responsive to the requests of the Department of Justice. ACCIDENT | FROM PAGE 1 said in a release. The father then made his way to the second son’s location and was able to pull him to safety. “He went back to his wife’s location and waited for peras continue with our teachings and trainings dedicated to providing our residents and also our employees with a city government that is accessible, respectful and culturally sensitive.” Carlo DeMaria Mayor “We cooperated fully throughout the course of this inquiry,” said Mayor DeMaria. “I am pleased that the matter has been closed, but I am not surprised by the outcome.” With the written notification from the Department of Justice, the matter is now closed without further action or investigatory activities, and no charges will be brought against the City or any municipal employees or offi cials. The closing of the inquiry does not mean that the work underway in Everett will come to an end. “Our commitment to ensuring that we are an ‘Everett for Everyone’ began before this inquiry was opened and that work continues,” said the Mayor. “We will continue sonnel to arrive,” the release added. The 18-year-old son was transported to Littleton Hospital in Littleton, NH after sustaining injuries. His current condition was not available at press deadline. to fi nd ways to bring residents together to celebrate the diverse cultures that make our community special, as well GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! GO TO REVERESELFSTORAGE.COM TO RESERVE ONLINE OR SCAN QR CODE • 100% Climate Controlled Facility • Newly Constructed Facility • 5000 Lb. Oversized Elevator • Secure Units–Various Sizes • State-Of-The-Art Surveillance Cameras • Secure Units–Various Sizes

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