THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Page 11 ~ Editorial ~ For the Good of the Commonwealth G ateway City leaders awoke Monday morning to incredibly disheartening news: The legislature had failed to pass the economic development bill and its long-awaited increase in the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP). Session after session, the omnibus economic development bill has been the primary vehicle for economic policy in Massachusetts. Many interests are now waiting patiently as legislators, fulfi lling their responsibility to serve as fi scal stewards, seek to better understand how an overlooked 1980s tax law will impact state revenues. While there is still hope that the legislature will suspend the rules and reconvene to take up the full economic development package in the fall, a piecemeal approach is also a possibility. If this occurs, legislators will focus on the most time-sensitive provisions, perhaps through a slimmeddown version of the bill or a supplemental budget. To ensure that HDIP moves forward under this scenario, Gateway ELECTED | FROM PAGE 10 values, and taking on the big challenges as the People’s Lawyer,” said Palfrey. “I’m so honored to have the support of this impressive group of local leaders, and I look forward to the chance to partner with them as Attorney General to deliver on the most pressing issues aff ecting the people of Everett, Malden and across the Commonwealth.” “As a local elected offi cial, I endorse Quentin for Attorney General because he is a policymaker and a true public servant,” said Dawn Macklin. “He understands the very real issues we are facing today, and I am very impressed with his progressive ideas for the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. I trust that he has the skills and experience to be ready on day one to take action.” “Quentin is dedicated to protecting the rights of the people, holding people accountable and ensuring equity and accessibility for everyone,” said Malden Democratic City Committee Chair Ari Taylor. “He is a bold leader who will be ready on day one to tackle the issues that matter. He is a champion for educaCity leaders must once again demonstrate their steely resolve and draw attention to the benefi ts a timely increase in HDIP will generate for the entire state. By our estimates, the HDIP provisions both branches adopted in their respective versions of the economic development bill would generate 12,000 housing units and $4 billion in total investment over the next 10 years. Without HDIP, these projects will not break ground. Even more worrisome, there’s a good chance that developers who made substantial investments to submit applications for this state program will simply sour on it, abandoning all eff orts to build residential housing in Gateway Cities for the foreseeable future. Massachusetts desperately needs these housing units. Governor Baker and his housing and economic development team have long championed the program because they have seen the outsized role it can play in helping the state address a housing crisis caused by decades of undertion, healthcare, voting rights, and more. I am proud to support him as our next AG!” These leaders join the Massachusetts Democratic Party, the Massachusetts Sierra Club, 350 Mass Action, Massachusetts’ leading progressive advocacy organizations, and over 300 grassroots endorsers from communities in every county in Massachusetts in their support of Palfrey’s campaign for Attorney General. Palfrey is a former Assistant Attorney General and was the fi rst chief of the offi ce’s healthcare division. He also served in senior roles in both the Obama and Biden Administrations, and is the founder of the Voter Protection Corps, an organization that works to combat voter suppression. Everett and Malden Leaders Endorsing Quentin Palfrey Everett City Councilor Stephanie Martins Everett City Councilor Vivian Nguyen Malden School Committee Member Keith Bernard Malden School Committee Member Dawn Macklin Former Malden City Councilor Debbie Demaria production. By off ering modest incentives to make projects fi nancially feasible in relatively weak Gateway City housing markets, the state can position these dense urban communities to house tens of thousands more residents in the years to come. This urban infi ll will help Massachusetts accommodate growth in a manner that is environmentally and fi scally responsible, preserving quality of life for residents throughout the commonwealth. In our last journal, we celebrated the power of the collective determination of Gateway City leaders. Perhaps it was a bit premature, but we certainly did not exaggerate. Challenges are all too familiar to Gateway City leaders. They will not shy away when the going gets tough. When it comes to battling the state’s housing crisis, they have the grit and resolve to be part of the solution, starting with getting HDIP across the fi nish line. Note: This article appeared in the MassINC website on August 5, 2022. Malden Democratic Committee Chair Ari Taylor Democratic State Committee Member Kathleen Manning Hall Democratic State Committee Member Alexander Pratt Democratic State Committee Member Amanda Smith Democratic State Committee Member Matthew Walsh Progressive Activist Zayda Ortiz For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net

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