THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, AugusT 11, 2023 Page 3 Emilio Matarazzo Guilty of Murder of Wife Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo E VERETT – Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Everett Chief of Police Steven Mazzie have confirmed that Emilio Matarazzo has been found guilty of first-degree murder in connection with killing his wife, Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo on December 19, 2018. Mr. Matarazzo was found guilty after a 16-day trial in Middlesex Superior Court. Sentencing was scheduled for yesterday, August 10, 2023 but the verdict was not announced by press time. “Intimate partner violence continues to be a significant public safety and public health issue. Ms. Cataldo Matarazzo had been subjected to a long history of abuse that escalated when she tried to leave the defendant. We know that when a victim decides to leave a relationship that time can be incredibly dangerous and in this case Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo was senselessly murdered when she left the defendant and fi led for divorce,” said District Attorney Ryan. “Since her murder, her family, neighbors and her many friends have drawn attention to the important message that domestic violence is a community issue. They have helped to raise awareness and provided resources to aid victims and survivors.” On December 19, 2018, at approximately 8:40 a.m., Everett Police responded to a report of a shooting on Central Avenue in Everett. Upon arrival authorities located the victim, identifi ed as Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo, 50, inside her car located in the driveway. The victim had sustained multiple gunshot wounds to the torso and was pronounced dead at the scene. Everett Police and Massachusetts State Police Detectives assigned to the Middlesex District Attorney’s Offi ce immediately began an investigation. The investigation revealed that about a month before the shooting, Ms. Cataldo Matarazzo had fi led for divorce from the defendant and moved into her parents’ Central Avenue home. She disclosed a long history of verbal abuse as well as the fact that, more recently, the defendant had become physically abusive to her, strangling and scratching her. On December 18, 2019, the defendant went to a Christmas party at St. Anthony’s Parish in Everett, where the victim worked. The defendant was angry and demanded to see his wife. He was asked to leave and pushed his daughter in anger outside the church. On December 19, 2018, sometime after 8:30 a.m., a witness heard gunshots and saw from her window, a male, later identified as the defendant, approach a car in the Central Avenue driveway with a long gun, aim it down to the window and begin fi ring into the car where the victim was seated. Later that morning, the defendant walked into the police station where he was arrested. Investigators subsequently executed a search warrant at a MURDER | SEE PAGE 6 www.eight10barandgrille.com OPEN DAILY FOR DINNER AT 4 PM. CATCH THE CELTICS, BRUINS & NCAA SPORTS ON OUR 6 LARGE SCREEN TV'S! om WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

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