Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, AugusT 11, 2023 1. On Aug. 11, 1911, in Honolulu, Duke Kahanamoku set a 100-yard freestyle swim record (55.4) that was thought too good to be true but was later accepted by AAU, which stands for what? 2. What foreign beverage’s name means “drowned”? 3. What U.S. state has only one school district? 4. August 12 is World Elephant Day; what are elephant tusks made of? 5. In what Olympic sport would you find the “clean and jerk”? 6. What clam’s name includes the name of a waterfowl? 7. On Aug. 13, 2004, what chef who had played on Smith College’s basketball team died at 91? 8. What is the most common animal for solar grazing? 9. On Aug. 14, 1959, athlete Earvin Johnson, Jr. was born; he is better known by what nickname? 10. What model was the first celebrity to become a Barbie doll (in 1967)? 11. What is the most populous island: Java, Sri Lanka or Taiwan? 12. Sand in Massachusetts beaches is made up mostly of what mineral: garnet, mica or quartz? 13. On Aug. 15, 1939, what musical film that included the song “If I Were King of the Forest” premiered at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in LA? 14. In 1991 why did lab mates at the University of Cambridge set up a webcam (the first ever) to monitor a coffee pot? 15. What sport includes a term that is the name of an emotion? 16. What president in 1825 was the first who did not wear knee breeches to his inauguration? 17. On Aug. 16, 1777, the Battle of Bennington took place in what state when the British were headed to another state for a cache of munitions and weapons? 18. What bird’s name includes the name of a pasta shape? 19. What is it called when a lobster sheds its shell? 20. August 17 is National Massachusetts Day; in what year did Maine and the Plymouth colony merge into the Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1501, 1691 or 1734? ANSWERS 1. Amateur Athletic Union 2. Affogato (Italian) 3. Hawaii 4. Ivory 5. Weightlifting 6. Geoduck 7. Julia Child 8. Sheep; they enjoy low-mount solar panels’ shade 9. “Magic” Johnson (basketball star) 10. Twiggy 11. Java 12. Quartz 13. “The Wizard of Oz” 14. So they would not have to make pointless trips to check if it was empty 15. Tennis (“Love” means no score.) 16. John Quincy Adams 17. New York (in Walloomsac, which is near Bennington, Vt.; Vermont celebrates Bennington Battle Day) 18. Macaroni penguin 19. Molting 20. 1691

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