Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, AugusT 11, 2023 City hosts colorful 2023 Nepal Day Festival The Everett community and the greater Boston Nepali Community gathered to celebrate Nepali culture S unday, August 6, 2023, was an amazing day at Glendale Park as the City of Everett played host to the 2023 Nepal Day Festival for the very first time. It was a great collaboration with the Greater Boston Nepali Community (GBNC). The weather was perfect and attendance was astounding – estimated at 2,000 plus. The crowd enjoyed Nepali cuisine, music and many other aspects of the rich Nepali culture. Those who attended who were not of Nepali descent were able to learn much about the Nepali culture through the many stunning performances of both dance and music and NEPAL DAY | SEE PAGE 13

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