Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, AugusT 11, 2023 GBL | FROM PAGE 9 GBL BOYS OUTDOOR TRACK ALL-STARS CHELSEA: Ariel Aracena, Nate Nadow, Theo Seale, Ali Warsame. EVERETT: Kayshaun Eveillard, Jalen Jones, Shane MacKenzie. LYNN CLASSICAL: Alexavier Gonya. MALDEN: Zion Chikel, Johnny Emmanuel (MVP), Gabe Garcia, Damien Josaphat, Andrew Louis, Chalais Saintvil, Zion Scott-Previlon. MEDFORD: Dimitri Charles, Richard Gomez-McDonald, Will Kelley. REVERE: Adam Assour, Kenan Batic, Medy Bellemsieh, Youness Chahid, Javan Close, JV Cunha, Isaiah DeCrosta, Sami El Asri. SOMERVILLE: Sam Buckley, Ford Christie, Donju Felix, Bryce Hopkins, Atticus Kaye, Jackson Love, Kerby Luxama, Will Parkes. GBL GIRLS OUTDOOR TRACK ALL-STARS CHELSEA: Kiara Ramirez. EVERETT: Tianna Allen, Layla Betancur-Cardona, Darrynn Desrameaux, Malaica Guillaume, Kaesta Sandy. LYNN CLASSICAL: Kassandra Pena. LYNN ENGLISH: Aida Bellal, Dani Diroche, Abetty Kivenghi, Victoria Samuel (MVP). MALDEN: Sabrina Dangervil, Victoria Gammon, Thora Henry, Rashmi KC, Addison McWayne, Vivian Onyejiaka, Makeila Scott. MEDFORD: Emma Beardsley, Anna Casey, Emma Casey, Maria Colombo, Iasmin De Sousa-Vieira, Ella Melchionno, Savanna Nash, Magdelawit Takele. REVERE: Yara Belguendouz, Ashley Cabrera Rodriguez, Gemma Stamatopoulos. SOMERVILLE: Charlotte Johnson, Anais Lopez, Cindy Luxama, Maria Narh-Botchway, Manal Zahid. GBL SOFTBALL ALLSTARS CHELSEA: Ada Figuera. EVERETT: Emilia Maria-Babcock, Gianna Masucci, Kayley Rossi, Kristi Skane (MVP). LYNN CLASSICAL: Rachel Dana, Manuela Lizardo, Mckayla Poisson. LYNN ENGLISH: Kate Johannson, Arianna Laboy, Leanyah Pineiro. MALDEN: Peyton Lightbody. MEDFORD: Lorelai Davis, Rebecca Price, Sophia Purifory. REVERE: Emma Cassinello, Riley Straccia. SOMERVILLE: Madison French, Nikki Grover. GBL BOYS VOLLEYBALL CHELSEA: Brandon Rodriguez, Bryan Vicente. EVERETT: Dimitar Dimitrov, Henrique Franca. LYNN CLASSICAL: Karim Chinchilla. LYNN ENGLISH: Willy Soto. MALDEN: Kyle Lee, Eric Mei, Aiden Tham. MEDFORD: Danny Diskin, Hayson Shing. REVERE: Christyan Berger (MVP), Brian Novoa, Ruben Rodriguez, Alexander Serrano-Taborda. SOMERVILLE: Elias Colley, Ozzy Marks. NEPAL DAY | FROM PAGE 2 billion investment in early education and care – the largest-ever annual appropriation for early education and care in Massachusetts history. · $475 million for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) grants; FY24 is the first fi scal year in which the annual state budget includes a full year of funding for C3 grants, signaling a historic commitment to maintain this crucial lifeline for our early education and care sector. · Early Intervention services: $42.9 million for Early Intervention services, ensuring supports remain accessible and available to infants and young toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. Housing · Eviction protection: makes permanent a pandemic-era eviction protection for renters with pending applications for emergency rental assistance under Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) or any other program administered by the Executive Offi ce of Housing and Livable Communities, a municipality or a nonprofi t entity. Under the program, a judge cannot execute an eviction before an emergency rental assistance application has been approved or denied. Expanding rights · No-cost calls: the FY24 budget removes barriers to communication services for persons who are incarcerated and their loved ones. Under this provision, the Department of Correction and sheriff s must provide phone calls at no cost to persons receiving and initiating phone calls, without a cap on the number of minutes or calls.

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