THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, July 26, 2024 Page 19 BEACON | FROM PAGE 18 that pet cemeteries are upheld with the dignity and respect they deserve.” BILLS STUCK IN COMMITTEE – These three bills were all given initial approval by the House in April but have not moved since. They are stuck in the Bills in Third Reading Committee. EXPAND PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS FOR POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS (H 2890) - Would expand the current law which provides a property tax abatement to the surviving spouses and minor children of police offi cers and fi refi ghters “killed in the line of duty.” The bill provides that the abatement also go to the families of offi cers who “died in the line of duty.” “Killed in the line of duty” has a limited defi nition usually meaning the individual lost their life in an incident, accident or due to violence that are directly related to their service. “Died in the line of duty” is broader and can account for a number of medical emergencies like stroke or heart attack. “This legislation honors the sacrifice of our brave police and fi refi ghters,” says sponsor Rep. Paul McMurtry (D-Dedham). “This simple language change will assure that surviving family members receive the tax benefit they are deserving of and what I believe was the original intention of the exemption.” TAX INCENTIVE FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE (H 2852) – Would promote urban agriculture and horticulture by al- LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT DEPARTMENT MIDDLESEX, ss Docket No: MI24E0057PP To: Domingos Depina of Everett in the County of Middlesex, in the and to all persons interested. A petition has been presented to said Court by Nancy Ansari a/k/a Nancy Guerrero and Ramon Ortiz of Everett, in the County of Middlesex, representing that they each hold as a tenant in common a 33.33% undivided part or share of certain land lying in Everett, in the County of Middlesex, and briefly described as follows. A certain parcel of land, with the buildings thereon situated in Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Lot 43 on a plan entitled “Plan of Building Lots in Everett, belonging to Isaac C. Harvey, A.F. Sargent, Surveyor, recorded with Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 145, Plan 41. Said Lot 43 is bounded and described as follows: NORTHERLY by Clarence Street, 46 feet; EASTERLY by lot numbered 44 on said plan, 80 feet; SOUTHERLY by lot numbered 28 on said plan, 46 feet; and WESTERLY by lot numbered 42 on said plan, 80 feet. Being the same premises described in deed dated September 22, 2002 and recorded with Middlesex (South) District Registry of Deeds, Book 36553, Page 207. Setting forth that the petitiioner desires that all said land may be ordered to be sold at private sale or Public auction, for not less than ($672,500.00) SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and praying that the partition may be made of all the land aforesaid according to law, and to that end, that commissioner be appointed to make such partition and be ordered to make sale and conveyance of all, or any portion of said land which the Court finds cannot be advantageously divided, either at private sale or public auction, and be ordered to distribute and pay over the net proceeds thereof in such manner as to make the partition just and equal. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance and answer in said Court at Woburn before ten o’clock, on the twenty-first day of August 2024 the return date of this citation. Witness, Honorable Terri L. Klug Cafazzo, Esquire, First Justice of said Court, this tenth day of July, 2024 TARA DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE COURT July 26, August 2, 2024 City of Everett PLANNING BOARD 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 LEGAL NOTICE lowing Gateway cities as well as cities and towns, with populations of more than 50,000, to exempt from property taxes any land of two acres or less that is used for commercial urban agriculture and horticulture. Additionally, the parcel must have had at least $500 in gross sales of agricultural or horticultural products in the prior year to be eligible for the tax exemption. “Rep. Vanna Howard (D-Lowell) and I fi led this bill together to support small-scale urban agriculture, which expands access to healthy food and promotes economic growth in cities,” says co-sponsor Rep. Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury). “In addition to these benefi ts, urban agriculture also improves environmental health and makes local food systems more resilient. By incentivizing urban agriculture, this bill will help cities obtain the benefi ts of these operations.” INCREASE PARKING FINES (H 3326) – Would allow cities and towns to double the maximum fine for some parking violations. Current law sets a maximum fi ne for many violations at $50 if paid within 21 days, $55 if paid after 21 days and $75 if paid after the parking clerk reports the parking off ense and fi ne to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The bill increases the fi nes to $100 if paid within 21 days, $110 if paid after 21 days and $150 if paid after the parking clerk reports the parking offense and fi ne to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Rep. Susan Giff ord (R-Wareham), the bill’s sponsor, says the current maximum fines have not been changed since 2004, nearly twenty years ago. “This bill does not establish any minimum fi nes or mandate an increase in any existing fi nes,” continued Giff ord. “It merely gives communities the option BEACON | SEE PAGE 20 LEGAL NOTICE EVERETT PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Public Hearing on an application by Cesar Lopez Berrio Property located at: 118 Main Street Site Plan Review & Inclusionary Zoning Special Permit In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L Chapter 40A and with Sections 6, 19, and 32 of the Everett Zoning Ordinance, the Everett Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Speaker George Keverian Hearing Room, Everett City Hall, Room 37, to consider the above-listed application for Site Plan Review and Inclusionary Zoning Special Permit. This proposal is for the demolition of an existing two-family dwelling and the construction of a three-story, 12-unit multi-family dwelling, 2 of which shall be deed-restricted affordable, with no parking. The proposed work will also include new utilities, including fire service and roof infiltration system. 118 Main Street is a parcel of land in the Business District and is referenced by Assessor’s Department as E0-05-000152. A copy of the application and plans are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk and the Department of Planning and Development, both located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be inspected online anytime at: http://www.cityofeverett.com/449/Planning-Board and/or by request during regular City Hall business hours by contacting The Planning and Development Office at 617-394-2334. All persons interested in or wishing to be heard on the applications may attend and participate in the hearing by attending the hearing in Room 37 in Everett City Hall. The Agenda for the meeting will be posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law under Planning Board at: http://www.cityofeverett.com/AgendaCenter. Questions and comments can be directed in advance of the public hearing to Matt Lattanzi of the Department of Planning & Development at Matt.Lattanzi@ci.everett.ma.us or 617-394-2230. Frederick Cafasso Chairman July 19, 26, 2024

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