Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2021 head and nurse have in common? 9. What does JPEG stand for? 10. In what year were 1. On July 9, 1932, King C. Gillette died, who invented the safety razor with disposable blades and founded a company in what city? 2. Is wasabi grown outside Japan? 3. What were kayaks originally made of? 4. According to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” the hottest weather ever recorded on earth (134) was on July 10, 1913, where? 5. Who was the only U.S. president to pay all the national debt (in 1835)? 6. What is a mud pot? 7. On July 11, 1977, who was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom? 8. What do bull, hammerwomen first allowed to participate in Olympic swimming: 1895, 1912 or 1921? 11. July 12 is International Town Crier Day; what New England beach town has had a town crier since the mid-1800’s? 12. Charles Babbage has been called the “Father” of what? 13. What food has the highest water content – 96% (a member of the gourd family)? 14. On July 13, 1923, the “Hollywoodland” sign (later revised to “Hollywood”) was dedicated; what did it advertise? 15. The first-known recipe for what campfire snack was in a 1927 Girl Scout handbook? 16. By weight, what is the most-consumed melon in the country? 17. On July 14, 2013, the last telegram was sent – in what country that is the second-most populous country? 18. Revere Beach, America’s first public beach, was founded in what year: 1896, 1922 or 1931? 19. The country’s oldest church bells are in what church in Boston? 20. On July 15, 1879, a patent was issued to two men from Worcester, Mass., for the first American “dobby,” which is what? ANSWERS 1. Boston, Mass. 2. Rarely, due to its ideal growing conditions restricting wide cultivation 3. A framework of whalebone or driftwood covered with skins caulked with whale fat 4. Death Valley, California 5. Andrew Jackson 6. A hot spring with mud and venting gases 7. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 8. They are types of sharks. 9. Joint Photographic Expert Group 10. 1912 (The Olympics first included swimming in 1908.) 11. Provincetown 12. The computer 13. Cucumbers 14. A housing development in the hills near Hollywood 15. S’mores 16. Watermelon 17. India 18. 1896 19. Old North Church 20. A loom attachment used for creating small geometric patterns
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