THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, July 7, 2023 Page 9 Arts for Everett, Inc. presents fl amenco dancer and Everett resident Laura Sánchez Date: Sunday, July 16. Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. What: Open House featuring award-winning artist-in-residence Laura Sánchez. Why: She received an Everett Cultural Council Grant to perform fl amenco dancing for the community. Where: Arts for Everett, Inc. (Art Lab Everett), 132 Bucknam St., Everett. A rts for Everett, Inc. is pleased to present flamenco dancer and Everett resident Laura Sánchez as artist-in-residence on July 16 from 3-5 p.m. with a brief master dance class at 4 p.m. Sánchez is an award-winning fl amenco artist, creator, choreographer and educator originally from Cádiz, Spain. As a Spanish speaking immigrant woman and mother of a child with multiple disabilities, Laura explores her own personal struggles to create interdisciplinary pieces with fl amenco in the core to tell stories that others can relate to. She began her fl amenco education as a child and received professional training from the Dance Conservatory of Madrid. Laura holds a Professional Certifi cate in Expressive Arts Therapies from Lesley University, where she developed an emerging therapeutic dance IN REMEMBRANCE | FROM PAGE 3 needed to get to an advertiser – even on weekends – and I’d be right there to help him out. I was just proud to be a part of a fast-growing business. Jim’s dad never got pushed around. But for those who didn’t have the wherewithal to defend themselves like special needs kids he was right there for them. Kids like Phil constantly hung out in the offi ce, because he always made them feel right at home. There was also the late Bobby C, an actor who had small parts in major motion pictures, who was misunderstood by many, but Jim’s dad made him feel important, and if he needed a few extra bucks, he was right there to give him some, or the ability to earn it by cleaning up the offi ce or delivering newspapers weekly. For me personally, there are so many stories. I will never forget him for his support of me when my mom passed away two days after 9/11. It was a Thursday, and I was coming into work when my dad called to tell me she had Tanning Salon anning Salo Come See Why Sizzle Tanning is The Best on the North Shore! Laura Sánchez Flamenco Dancer practice, Expressive Flamenco© . She facilitates workshops, presents this work internationally and continues to serve annually as Guest Professor for the Lesley University Expressive Therapies Master’s Program. In 2021 her most recent research work was published in the official journal of the American Dance Therapy Association. Laura actively perjust died. I was on my way to Revere to pick up pictures for that week’s papers, but when I returned, I met Jim outside to tell him the sad news. He naturally told me to go home. I remembered Kristen, who helped the Mitchells paginate the papers back then, telling me afterwards that he was quiet for the rest of the day. He just quickly wrapped up Everett. Once done, Kristen stayed to finish up Revere, while he went home to call me to see if I was OK. The day of my mom’s wake he came to Somerville with his wife and son to pay their respects. I’ll never forget this. A year later, he helped me secure a mortgage on my condo with a letter of employment and how much he paid me. He’d also often say to anyone who’d listen that I was the greatest writer he ever knew, who never went to every game. Jim’s dad would make many of us who worked for him over the years feel like a part of his family. I carried that a step further about eight years ago when I used Joe Mitchell as a pen name, when I wrote for his Lynnfi eld Advocate to forms as soloist in fl amenco venues in the Eastern United States, and she placed third at the 2016 Flamenco Certamen USA, an international competition that takes place in NYC annually. She works as an independent choreographer for many organizations, works as an independent producer and has presented several flamenavoid any conflict of interests with another North Shore publisher that employed me at that time. I didn’t think twice about it, because it seemed so natural for me, and that’s why the news of his death remains diffi cult for me to comprehend. Ironically, he died on the day The Advocate hits the streets, a sure sign that he was a true professional newspaperman right to the very end. co shows over the past few years in Massachusetts. In her last production, Flamenco at Starlight, she brought the fl amenco community back together to perform for the fi rst time in Cambridge since Covid-19. During the pandemic she created an award-winning short film called “After Dark” to tell the resilience stories of a community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. She was granted the prestigious Live Arts Boston grant from the Boston Foundation in 2021 and was honored to be a member of Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana in NYC, a group dedicated to growing fl amenco on the national stage in 2020. P9S REDLIGHT Therapy Tanning SIZZLE OFFERS HIGH-END, STATE-OF-THE-ART SUNLESS AND UV TANNING! 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