Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, July 7, 2023 Astros Crowned Everett Little League Minor League Champs Qin, Albert and Bowen Li, who live in Revere, celebrated the win. The Astros celebrated their win on Monday night. Pictured from left to right: Back row: Assistant Coaches Mike Cardello, Arturo Cortes and Steven Carapellucci, Head Coach Mike Minichiello and Assistant Coach Jason Papa; middle row: Joyani Namey, Richard Carapellucci, Lorenzo Papa, Kayaki Battle, Albert Yan and Sophie Gilbert; front row: Noel Arturo Cortes, Samuel Cardello, Brayden Minichiello, Mia Papa, Symon Golden, Baibars Alkhatatbih and Julian Minichiello. Angels Head Coach Mike Graham, whose team won the championship last year, poured ice water onto Astros Head Coach Mike Minichiello to celebrate their win. Assistant Coach Michael Cardello, Samuel, Julianne, David Pretti and Millie Cardello. Brayden, Julian, Nicole and Head Coach Mike Minichiello were stoked to win. Astros Head Coach Mike Minichiello was surprised when Angels Head Coach Mike Graham (at left) poured ice water on him. By Tara Vocino T Front row, pictured from left to right: Assistant Coaches Mike Cardello and Jason Papa, Head Coach Mike Minichiello and Assistant Coach Arturo Cortes. Shown in back: Richard Carapellucci and Steven Golden were all smiles. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) he Astros won the Astros players ran to home base in excitement. Everett Little League minor league championships against the Pirates, 16-11, on Monday at Sacramone Park.

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