Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 30, 2023 Craftsman Glass celebrates 40 years in business Mayor Carlo DeMaria said that the community is grateful to have had Craftsman Glass as part of the Everett business community for 40 years. A large gathering of business owners and friends came out. Mayor Carlo DeMaria presented a Citation on behalf of the City of Everett to the Sully family. Pictured from left to right: Standing: Mary Lynn Sully, Kathy Conti, Lillian Conti, Richard Sully, Maria Sully and John Conti; back row: Peter Conti, Patrick Slavin and Steven Conti. Ward 1 Councillor Wayne Matewsky congratulated Craftsman Glass & Mirror owner Richard Sully. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Friend Ed Swansburg and Craftsman Glass Owner Richard Sully. Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi, Mayor Carlo DeMaria and Ward 1 Councillor Wayne Matewsky awarded a Citation from the Mayor and City Council celebrating Craftsman Glass & Mirror’s 40th anniversary. Shown from left to right: Ward 1 Councillor Wayne Matewsky, Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi, Gina D’Angelo-Dunn, Sgt. Joseph Gaff and Steve Dunn. Craftsman Glass owner Richard Sully thanked everyone for coming. By Tara Vocino raftsman Glass & Mirror celebrated 40 years in business with citations from Mayor Carlo DeMaria and City Councillors Wayne Matewsky and Alfred Lattanzi last Wednesday. C Everett Chamber of Commerce members, shown from left to right: Vinny Panzini, Linda Maloney, Richard Sully, Thomas Fiorentino and David O’Neil. Shown from left to right: Real Auto Glass owner Frank Vera, Gold N Oldies owner Conrad Casarjian, GGM Autoworks Inc. owner Ben Spinazzola, Craftsman Glass owner Richard Sully and Thrust Insurance Agency President/CEO Cristiano Machado. Shown from left to right: Everett Bank President/CEO Richard O’Neil, Craftsman Glass Owner Richard Sully and Everett Bank Executive Vice President John Migliozzi.

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