THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 16, 2023 Page 11 READY TO SET SAIL: A group photo of the veterans from the Chelsea Soldier’s Home with MMSF President & CEO Don Cox, Rep. Steve Xiarhos, Rep. Joe McGonagle, former Rep. Tim Whelan. (Courtesy of Rep. McGonagle) SUPPORT | FROM PAGE 1 gether for a day of fun while also raising money for very important causes. McGonagle was joined by Everett Director of Veterans Aff airs Antoine Coleman, MMSF President & CEO Don Cox, State Representative Steve Xiarhos and former State Representative Tim Whelan. “I was so thrilled when Don reached out to me to help with this event,” said McGonagle. “Seeing the joy of these veterans when they were able to get out on the water on such beautiful day in a spectacular location was just incredible. These brave souls put their lives on the line for all of us and our country and I am grateful for every chance I have to give back to them. This could not have been possible without all the hard work from Don Cox and Dawn Roche from the MMSF and the wonderful charter captains who provided a great day. I also want to thank Anthony and Albert Spadafora from Anthony’s in Malden who provided breakfast sandwiches and coffee for the group.” 9

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