Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 14, 2024 Everett High School Hosts All Sports Banquet Girls’ Varsity Track, shown from left to right: Front row: Distance Coach Katie Kukova, Senior Tiana Allen, Junior Milena Antoino, Junior Sonia Flores, Senior Gleidy Tejada, Sophomore Casey Martinez, Sophomore Isabella Pimenta, Senior Captain/Greater Boston League All-Star/GBL Female Field Athlete of the Year Darrynn Desrameaux and Senior Captain Nicole Brandao; back row: Head Coach Jehu Cimea, Senior Captain Suzanne Maharjan, Junior Fahema Coudo, Junior Yelsa Garcia, Senior Malaica Guillaume, Senior GBL All-Star Kaesta Sandy, Senior Captain/GBL All-Star Layla Betancur-Cardona, Throwing Coach Claudy St. Juste and Distance Coach Brendan Hahesy. Boys’ Varsity Track, shown from left to right: Seated: Junior David Huezo-Erazo, Freshman Domenico Delle Rose, Sophomore Jeremy Whitlow and Sophomore Anthony Whitlow; second row: Head Coach Jehu Cimea, Sophomore Lucas Nunez, Sophomore Adrien Reyes, Senior Captain/Greater Boston League AllStar Dawens Germain, Senior Captain Jalen Jones, Senior Matthew LaMonica, Sophomore Jonathan Goes and Distance Coach Katie Kukova; third row: Sophomore Carlos Pagan Landeo, Sophomore Tyre Lule, Sophomore Gaetano Foster, Senior Sterley Hall, Senior Captain/GBL All-Star Shane MacKenzie, Throwing Coach Claudy St. Juste and Distance Coach Brendan Hahesy. Boys’ Varsity Tennis, shown from left to right: Back row: Head Coach Greg Bluestein, Randy Cruz, Eduardo Guevara, Romy Ortiz Romero, Christian Pereira, Henry Chen, Anthony Fontes, Marcos Santos, Pablo Jimenez, Lucas Liberato, Captain/ Greater Boston League All-Star Bryant Jimenez and Ricardo Contreras Chacon; front row: Emerson Pineda Chacon, Gabriel Ponce Lemus, Captain Nilabhro Pal, Sushant Shrestha and Erik Vo. Missing from photo: Tam Tran and Daniel Claros. Unified Track, shown from left to right: Richard Gaul, Unified Track and Basketball Coach Christopher Chase and Timmy Ciampi Dugan. By Tara Vocino E verett High School hosted an all sports banquet at Anthony’s of Malden last week. Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse, shown from left to right: Bottom row: seniors Christine Laforest, Natalia Ruiz, Jackie Sampaio, Yasmin Linhares and Khadija Ailane; middle row: Assistant Coach Andrea Kendrick, Isabela Bicalho, Trinh Dang, Victoria Rodrigues, Amanda Verteiro, Victoria Bicalho, Aura Linhares, senior Brigitte Reyes Cortez and Alexa Hall; top row: Leilani Ros-Morales, Nicole Damaceno, Lily Ros-Morales, Tanessa Duvilaire, Lindsey Paul, Emily Acacio, Lais Antonio and Head Coach Chelsea McNiff. Not pictured: Allia Polynice, Flantchesca Charles, Josee Mayard Colin, Ludmila Rodrigues, Laicka Paul, Kadwina Alcin, Ildha Fevrier and Katherine Olivares Guzman. Boys’ Varsity Baseball, shown from left to right: Back row: Head Coach Malik Love, Justin Longmore, Enrico Vega, Isaiah Goffigan, Derek Soper, Jose Portillo, Anderson Santiago and Nico Loconte with Coaches Luis Luciano, Chris Miller and George Holman; bottom row: Jevaun Berberena, Charles Govostes, Armani Negron, Nordeivy Santana, Greater Boston League All-Star Alex Lara and Reinaldo Santiago. Girls’ Varsity Softball, shown from left to right: Back row: Head Coach Stacy Schiavo, Mia Allen, Greater Boston League All-Star Peyton Warren, Alexa Uga, Ashley Seward, Greater Boston League All-Star Emilia MariaBabcock, Kassidy Rivera, Jayla Davila, Olivia Dresser and Assistant Coach Jenn Nigro; front row: Stephany DeSouza, Alessandra Foster, GBL Most Valuable Player Gianna Masucci, GBL All-Star Emma Longmore, Arabella Cvitkusic and GBL All-Star Bryanna Mason. Boys’ Varsity Volleyball, shown from left to right: Standing: Head Coach Michael Fineran, Caleb Jackson, Mark Pierre, Peter Bhana, Greater Boston League All-Star Kalleb Miranda, Noel Lopez Ardon, Sidney Valentim and Assistant Coach Michael Muñoz; seated: Gustavo Franca, Nischal Tamang, Christian Ramirez, Bryan Soares Gomes, GBL All-Star Henrique Franca. Girls’ Varsity Tennis made the tournament this year, coached by Courtney Menninger. Supt. of Schools William Hart (seated in center) joined coaches during last Tuesday’s All Sports Banquet at Anthony’s of Malden. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Varsity Co-Ed Crew, shown from left to right: Leyna Nguyen, Gabe Cunha, Michelle Germain, Captain Gurkiran Kaur, Lexi Chen, Marielle Ssegujja and Head Coach Kate Mayes and Naiya Mayes.

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