Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 7, 2024 Sen. DiDomenico hosts fi rst Poverty Commission Hearing State Senator Sal DiDomenico gave opening remarks at the beginning of the Poverty Commission hearing in Springfi eld. (Cour tesy Photo) Community leaders provided testimony at the Poverty Commission hearing. (Courtesy Photo) 50 Pictured from left to right: State Representatives Brian Ashe, Bud Williams and Marjorie Decker and State Senators Sal DiDomenico, Robyn Kennedy, Jake Oliveira and Adam Gomez. (Courtesy Photo) S Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 tate Senator Sal DiDomenico, as Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Poverty Commission, hosted the fi rst public hearing in Springfi eld with Co-Chair and State Representative Marjorie Decker, along with several commissioners. Organizations and individuals who work on addressing poverty in the area attended the hearing to testify and share their experiences and best practices for lifting people out of poverty. “It is a privilege to hear directly from people who are working on the front lines each day to combat poverty and support families in need,” said Senator DiDomenico. “Our commission’s goal is to study how we can best address inequality, reduce poverty, and promote opportunity in the Commonwealth over the next decade and these hearings are foundational to our work. I look forward to meeting with community members across our state to hear their perspectives and refl ect on how state government can be doing more to help our residents in need.” The Massachusetts Poverty Commission was created through the state budget, and Pictured from left to right) Community Action Programs Inter-City, Inc. Executive Director Richelle Cromwell, State Senator Sal DiDomenico and Senator DiDomenico’s Legislative Director, Ayla Thorntona. (Courtesy Photo) the law establishes this special commission to study poverty in the Commonwealth. Senator DiDomenico was appointed Senate Chair of this commission by Senate President Karen Spilka. Specifi cally, the Commission is tasked with studying ways to tackle poverty and address inequality in the Commonwealth and make recommendations that, if implemented, would significantly reduce poverty in our state over the next 10 years. The study will include, but not be limited to: 1. A historical analysis of poverty rates in the Commonwealth 2. An analysis of demographic disparities in poverty rates, such as any racial or ethnic disparities 3. An assessment of the underlying causes of poverty, such as any specifi c issues that contribute to the disparities identifi ed 4. An analysis of regional disparities in poverty rates in the Commonwealth 5. A survey of existing public programs and services that most eff ectively reduce poverty both in the Commonwealth and in other states This was the first of three public hearings in geographically diverse areas of the Commonwealth. Findings and recommendations will be submitted to the Legislature by December 31, 2024.

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