Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 3, 2022 BEACON | FROM PAGE 17 cide; $243.8 million for charter school reimbursements; $112.5 million for children’s mental health services; $56 million for domestic violence prevention services; $30.5 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program; and $24.1 million for summer jobs and work-readiness training for at-risk youth. Supporters said that the budget also codifies new protections for receiving and providing reproductive and gender-affirming health care in Massachusetts, in response to laws in other states allowing their residents to bring legal action against individuals for traveling out-of-state to receive services and against workers who provide care. It also includes $2 million for grants for improvements in reproductive health access, infrastructure and safety. “The residents of Massachusetts are at the center of our work and their voice, advocacy and contributions are interwoven throughout our fiscal year 2023 budget,” said Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland). “I take great pride in advancing a budget that contains meaningful investments in early edCITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor, George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 16 Hatch Street Map/Lot: E0-02-000062 Person Requesting: Mr. Jonathan Evans 16 Hatch Street Everett MA 02149 PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to convert the existing 2 family residence built approximately in 1912 into a 3-family residence with the construction of a 24ft x 32ft rear addition. Reason for Denial: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: • The Existing Building is non-conforming in that the front yard is less than 10 feet • The FAR (floor area ratio) for the proposed use is .65. • The driveway shown on the plot plan is only 9.8’ wide • The proposed parking is shown to be stacked parking. Zoning: Section 3 General Requirements paragraph C which states the following: C. Existing non-conforming structure or uses may be extended or altered, provided that such extension, alteration or change of use shall be permitted only upon the grant of a Special Permit by the zoning board of appeals after a public hearing and a finding by the board that such extension, alteration or change of use shall not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing non-conforming use or structure. (Ord. of 4-29-91) Section 4 Dwelling Districts (b) Dimensional Requirements line C. All other uses--------------0.5 maximum floor area ratio (Ord. of 6-29-87; Ord. of 4-29-91 Ord. of 7/16/2002; Ord. of 11/13/2007) Section 17 Off-Street Parking paragraph I which states the following: (I) Each required car space shall be not less than 9 feet in width and 18 feet in length exclusive of drives and maneuvering space, and the total area of any parking facility for more than five (5) cars shall average two hundred seventy-five (275) square feet per car. No driveways or curb cuts shall exceed thirty, (30) feet in width. (Ord. 01-046/2001) Section 17 Off-Street Parking paragraph J which states the following: (J) Parking facilities shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle. The Board of Appeals, however, may by special permit modify this requirement and the dimensional requirements of paragraph (I) of this section, where a parking facility is under full-time attendant supervision. Section 17 Off-Street Parking paragraph O line 5 which states the following: (O)The design of parking lots for the parking of more than five (5) vehicles shall be submitted to the inspector of buildings for review and approval and shall be subject to the following requirements: 5.All parking areas shall have an access road with a minimum of eighteen (18) feet to Allow ingress and exiting at same time. BOARD OF APPEALS FOR THE CITY OF EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS Mary Gerace - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk Board of Appeals June 3, 10, 2022 Invitation for Bids will be received at 484 Broadway, Everett, Massachusetts 02149 no later than 11:00 AM on Monday, June 20, 2022 for the following and opened at the time(s) specified: The City of Everett on behalf of the Everett Public Schools is soliciting sealed bids for a Labor Rate plumber for all school buildings. Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained by emailing a request to Robert Moreschi Chief Procurement Officer June 3, 2022 - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ucation and childcare, K-12 schools, public higher education, mental health and substance use disorder treatment as well as a record level of assistance for low-income residents.” “Today, the members of the Senate have spoken and moved forward together to pass a fiscal year 2023 budget that strengthens our state’s economic foundation, upholds the fundamental rights of our people and continues our efforts to build a more inclusive commonwealth,” said Senate Ways and Means Committee chair Sen. Mike Rodrigues (D-Westport) “The budget that passed the Senate today continues our commitment to funding the urgent needs of our residents, including increased funding for housing, education, child care, and assistance for families,” said Sen. Cindy Friedman (D-Arlington), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. She added that she was also incredibly proud of her amendment which will enhance protections for residents, visitors and providers engaged in lawful reproductive and gender-affirming health care in the commonwealth.” ( A “Yes” vote is for the budget). Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes TAX CUTS (S 4) Senate 10-30, rejected a tax reduction amendment that would provide a 3-month suspension of the 24-cent -per-gallon gas tax; reduce from 12 percent to 5 percent the short-term capital gains tax rate; double the dependent care tax credit from $240 to $480 for one qualifying individual and to $960 for two or more individuals; increase the rental deduction cap from $3,000 to $5,000; increase the threshold BEACON | SEE PAGE 19 - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Invitation for Bids will be received at 484 Broadway, Everett, Massachusetts 02149 no later than 10:00 AM on Monday, June 20, 2022 for the following and opened at the time(s) specified: The City of Everett on behalf of the Everett Public Schools is soliciting sealed bids for the Maintenance and Repair of Fire Alarm and Sprinklers for all school buildings. Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained by emailing a request to Robert Moreschi Chief Procurement Officer June 3, 2022
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