THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 3, 2022 Page 11 Mayor congratulates Kiwanis Scholarship Award recipients M Special to The Advocate ayor Carlo DeMaria attended the Annual EvMayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Samaga Pokharel, who was awarded the Ersilia Cataldo Matarzzo Empowerment Award. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Eduarda Ferreira Herdy, who was awarded the Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Humanitarian Award. erett Kiwanis Scholarship Awards Luncheon at the Crimson Café at Everett High School on Tuesday. The event was held to award graduating Everett High School seniors Kiwanis Club scholarships for their postsecondary education. Lunch was prepared and served by the students who are part of the high school’s Culinary Arts program. Items on the menu included chicken piccata and baked haddock served with rice and sauteed broccoli and julienne red and yellow peppers. For dessert, the items offered were peach cobbler, chocolate molten cake and carrot cake. Following the lunch, MayMayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Rebecca Ribeiro, who was awarded the Culinary Arts Award. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Celeste Fuccillo, who was awarded the Everett Kiwanis Award. or DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle awarded citations to students to honor their scholarship awards. Not every student who was awarded a scholarship was present at the luncheon. School Supt. Priya Tahiliani was a special guest, and the event was led by Kiwanis Club President KathyAnn Dottin. Mayor DeMaria and the City Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Shani Headley, who was awarded the Everett Kiwanis Award. Everett High School Culinary Arts students did a wonderful job preparing and serving afternoon lunch. of Everett would like to congratulate the students on being awarded the scholarships and wish them the best of luck in what they decide to do after high school. Students who were awarded scholarships are as follows: • Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Memorial Award: Gitalia Boyce. • Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Service Award: Brandon Ho. • Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Humanitarian Award: Eduarda Ferreira Herdy. • Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Empowerment Award: Samaga Pokharel. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Olivia Parziale, who was awarded the Everett Kiwanis Award. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Sarai Velez, who was awarded the Everett Kiwanis Award. • Frank Woodward Award: Jackelyne Abranches. • Dr. Sidney Listernick Award: Benjamin Pezo. • Culinary Arts Award: Rebecca Ribeiro. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Sarai Velez. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Alyssa Hurley. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Celeste Fuccillo. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Olivia Parziale. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Shani Headley. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Representative Joe McGonagle with Gitalia Boyce, who was awarded the Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Memorial Award. Everett High School Culinary Arts students did a wonderful job preparing and serving lunch. • Everett Kiwanis Award: Briana Rodriquez. (Photos courtesy of Ronald Coleman)

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