Page 24 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 10, 2024 BHRC | FROM PAGE 23 “As a former mayor, I know how much this money means to our cities and towns,” said Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll. “In particular, Chapter 90 apportionments go a long way in making sure our - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSION 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 PHONE: 617-944-0211 philip.antonelli@ci.everett.ma.us annette.debilio@ci.everett.ma.us transportation system is safe and reliable for people who live, work and visit our communities.” HOME OIL LEAKS (S 2737) – Public Hearing Monday, May 20, 2024 @ 6:30 PM This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Monday, May 20, 2024 @ 6:30 P.M. at Everett City Hall, 2nd Floor, in room 27. Opinions will be heard regarding the following application: An application has been presented to the License Commission for a transfer of the Off Premise Wine and Malt Package Store license from Diep Ngoc Ngo d/b/a Fine Mart Convenience Store, 201 Elm St, Everett to Brigu Inc, d/b/a Fine Mart Convenience Store, 201 Elm St, Everett. All interested parties may attend. Phil Antonelli Chairman May 10, 2024 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Monday May 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: Map/Parcel: Building Permit #: Property Owner: 98 Linden Street Everett, MA 02149 C0-03-000090 B-24-41 Mr. Jose S. Duarte 98 Linden Street Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: To convert the existing single family into a two-family residential dwelling Reason for Denial: Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance as follows: The existing Building is a non-conforming structure on the right side of the property. The lot is only 5750 square feet in area, where 7,000 is required. Zoning Ordinance: Section 3 General requirements paragraph C Section 4 Dwelling District B Dimensional requirements line 2-b Mary Gerace - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of Board of Appeals May 03, 10, 2024 The House gave initial approval to a bill that would mandate that insurance companies in the Bay State automatically provide residential owners with insurance for damage to home and property caused by a leak in a residential liquid fuel tank or home fuel supply lines. Each policy would provide this coverage and homeowners can either keep the coverage or opt out. Current law requires that companies make coverage available for owners but supporters say that while coverage is available, there are many documented cases of companies not making owners aware that the coverage is available. They said this often results in homeowners being unaware they do not have insurance coverage until after they experience a liquid fuel tank leak. Supporters said that some 100 homeowners experience an oil leak in Massachusetts every year. They noted that leaks can incur costly damage to the residence itself, but under Massachusetts law owners are responsible for environmental cleanup, which can rise to $100,000 or more, to dispose of contaminated soil and mitigate the spread in surrounding areas. “A constituent who had a leaking oil tank, unaware of available leak insurance, had to deplete their savings for a leaking basement oil tank cleanup,” said sponsor Rep. Steve Howitt (R-Seekonk). Howitt explained that the opt out option, as opposed to the current opt in option, would protect more consumers.” The Senate has already approved a different version of the bill. DRIVING WITH AN EXPIRED LICENSE (H 3376) – The House gave initial approval to a bill making driving with an expired license a civil infraction. Current law classifies it as criminal and carries with it a fine up to $500. The bill would reduce the fine to $50 if the license has been expired for less than 90 days and $100 if the license is expired for 90 days or more. The legislation distinguishes an expired license from a revoked license or a driver who never possessed a license. “This legislation makes sense because sometimes people merely forget to renew their license,” said sponsor Rep. Chris Markey (D-Dartmouth). “People should not be arrested for being forgetful as opposed to someone who is knowingly endangering others on the road.” QUOTABLE QUOTES “This new program is paramount for nurturing a thriving creative ecosystem across the commonwealth. This funding is a catalyst for innovation, offering the recipients the freedom to explore new ideas, take risks, and push the boundaries of their craft.” ---Michael Bobbitt, Executive Director of Mass Cultural Council, announcing $1.9 million in $5,000 grants to 385 Massachusetts artists, culture bearers and creative practitioners from the fiscal year 2024 Grants for Creative Individuals. “These predatory for-profit schools harmed vulnerable students for their own financial gain, leaving student borrowers burdened with debt and without viable job or financial prospects. Thanks in part to the diligent work of my office, I, alongside the Department of Education, am tremendously proud to announce meaningful debt relief for former students of The Art Institutes and help advance consumer and economic justice for these struggling borrowers.” ---Attorney General Andrea Campbell announcing $80 million in federal student loan debt will be discharged for over 3,500 former Massachusetts borrowers who attended the Art Institutes, including the New England Institute of Art, a Brookline-based predatory for-profit school that made false promises and misleading enrollment claims. “It is welcome news for small businesses and residents alike that Gov. Healey is not pursuing any tax increases for the foreseeable future. The more money we keep in the pockets of employers and consumers the better as the effects of prolonged inflation persist.” ---Christopher Carlozzi, State Director for the Nation Federation of Independent Business in Massachusetts. “Massachusetts consumers, restaurants and bars can all toast to the fact that cocktails togo are here to stay. During the pandemic, cocktails to-go were a critical source of revenue for many businesses, and now, the increased convenience and stability they offer is permanent.” --- Andy Deloney, senior vice president at the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States on Gov. Healey signing a supplemental budget that keeps in place some pandemic-era programs, set to expire, including allowing restaurants to sell beer, wine and cocktails for takeout. HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been filed. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of April 29May 3, the House met for a total of 24 minutes and the Senate met for a total of 17 minutes. MON. APRIL 29 House 11:01 a.m. to 11:12 a.m. Senate 11:08 a.m. to 11:12 a.m. TUES. APRIL 30 No House session No Senate session WED.MAY 1 No House session No Senate session THURS. MAY 2 House 11:03 a.m. to 11:16 a.m. Senate 11:08 a.m. to 11:21 a.m. FRI.MAY 3 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019.

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