Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 5, 2023 City of Everett holds Monthly Lunch & Learn T City was joined by CHA Department of Community Health improvement members he City of Everett recently held its Lunch and Learn for the month of April at Everett City Hall. This month’s program was titled “Building A Healthy Community: 2022 CHA Regional Wellbeing Report – A Community Health Needs Assessment.” The City was pleased to be joined by members of the Department of Community Health Improvement of Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) to talk about some of their recent work to improve health outcomes for residents of Everett. Some of the topics they spoke about were the social determinants of health, health equity and the data that has been collected about Everett and its surThe City of Everett held its Lunch and Learn for the month of April. (Photo courtesy Ron Colman) St. Anthony’s Church Flea Market & Bazaar Saturday, May 13,, 2023 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Featuring Crafts, Nick-Nacks & So Much More! ~ Admission Only .50 Cents ~ For info, call Linda: (781) 910-8615 All proceeds benefit St. Anthony’s Church rounding cities. The presenters also shared data about the key focus areas in Everett and nearby communities: Housing Affordability and Sustainability; Equitable Economies; Equity in Access to Care, Services, Info; and Climate Health and Environmental Justice. Mayor Carlo DeMaria would like to thank the members of Cambridge Health Alliance’s Department of Community Health Improvement for sharing their work at the April Lunch and Learn program. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and the City of Everett’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director, Cathy Draine, alongside presenters from Cambridge Health Alliance’s Department of Community Health and Improvement. (Photo courtesy Ron Colman) The monthly Lunch and Learn was held in the ECTV studio. (Photo courtesy Ron Colman) The Department of Community Health Improvement works to improve health through collaborative relationships, education and clinical services. Their specific goals are to reduce health inequities, better understand health by conducting community assessments, serve as community conveners and connect patients and staff to services within communities Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 “Same name, phone number & address for over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed •Roofing • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! Celebrating 65 Years in Business! S and CHA. Lunch and Learn is a monthly program created and moderated by the City of Everett’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director, Cathy Draine. It allows City employees to come together, share ideas and experiences and discuss new topics while enjoying lunch. The series is a part of the City’s commitment to engage, educate and elevate. Summer is Here!

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