Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 5, 2023 Everett Little League celebrates Opening Day with a new batting cage E By Tara Vocino verett Little League celebrated Opening Day with a new batting cage on Saturday at Sacramone Park. Coaches, players and parents marched in the grand parade to Sacramone Park. The Polson family, who own Church at The Well, was one of the main sponsors for Everett Little League. Shown from left to right: Jessie, Adon, Archer, Ainsley and Joe Polson and Brian Savi. DA Boston Services Director of Operations Willen Dos Anjos, Isabella Dos Santos, Felix Dos Santos and Everett Little League President Brian Savi; the company was one of the main sponsors of the batting cage. The batting cage was named in honor of George Castiello. Mayor Carlo DeMaria threw out the first pitch. Shown from left to right: State Representative Joseph McGonagle and State Senator Sal DiDomenico. Josh White, of Church at The Well, flipped burgers during Saturday’s Little League Opening Day at Sacramone Park. The church donated food to the event. Catcher Nicholas Young caught the ball from Mayor Carlo DeMaria. Natalia Negron, who broke her jaw last season when she was up at bat, threw out the second pitch. Last season’s injured player Natalia Negron is shown with Everett Little League President Brian Savi. Players are now required to wear a c flap to protect their jaw. Honorary Forever Member George Castiello got emotional during the ceremony naming the batting cage in his honor. At right is Little League President Brian Savi. It was all pomp and circumstance during the parade procession.

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