Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 5, 2023 City of Everett Hosting Annual Memorial Day Flag Placement Mayor Asks Residents to Help Place Flags on Graves of Veterans Special to Th e Advocate E VERETT, MA – Mayor Carlo DeMaria, in collaboration with Antoine Coleman, the City of Everett’s Director of Veterans Aff airs, is pleased to announce the City of Everett will be hosting the annual event to place U.S. fl ags on the graves of veterans at Glenwood and Woodlawn cemeteries. Mayor DeMaria is asking residents to take part in the special task of honoring those who served our country and are now laid to rest by helping place U.S. flags on the graves of veterans. Many of these heroes gave their lives for our freedom while on active duty and it’s important to never forget their sacrifi ce. “If you haven’t had the opportunity to join us for this effort before, it is a truly humbling experience to be reminded of the sacrifi ces that the men and women from our very own community were willing to make to defend our country and our freedom,” said Mayor DeMaria. “Placing fl ags is a small, but important way for us to thank and remember the individuals who have gone before us for their service.” Volunteers are asked to meet at the following locations and times: Glenwood Cemetery (Washington Ave., Everett, MA 02149): • Tuesday, May 9: 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. • Woodlawn Cemetery (302 Elm St., Everett, MA 02149): • Tuesday, May 16: 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. • Wednesday, May 17: – 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. If you are able to participate, please contact Antoine Coleman, Director of Veterans Aff airs, at Antoine.Coleman@ ci.evere� .ma.us. If you have any questions, please contact Antoine Coleman or Gerri Miranda in our Veterans Services Offi ce at 617-394-2320. RESNEK | FROM PAGE 2 tion chances in the Fall of 2021. The emails and text between Resnek and Estes refl ected the two reporters’ plan to take advantage of what they believed to be Cornelio’s emotional vulnerabilities and psychiatric problems in order to pressure Cornelio into giving an interview that they hoped would damage DeMaria. The controversial relationship between Resnek and Estes, which included the two discussing how they wanted to harm the mayor and planning on ways they could do so, was referenced in Boston Magazine’s recent profi le on Resnek’s corruption, entitled, “Bomb Shell”. In it, writer Gretchen Voss highlighted Resnek’s sworn admissions that he had completely fabricated numerous accusations about the mayor, invented purported quotes from “sources” that never actually said the things attributed to them, manufactured phony “notes” of interviews that never took place and lied under oath. According to statements Resnek made under oath which he later stated were false, Estes was a “confi dential source” of Resnek’s in respect to the land acquisition by DeMaria and Cornelio. For her part, Estes appears from the emails and texts that she sent to Resnek to be relying on Resnek for her articles even though Resnek has been shown as the Boston Magazine article put it, to be a “fabulist.” Estes would write a 2021 article regarding the mayor being interviewed by the FBI over Cornelio’s allegations that DeMaria pressured him for $96,000 over their legitimate real estate deal, to which the Globe gave great prominence. However, there’s no evidence that there’s been any investigation by the FBI into that land deal and it does not appear that the interview, if it ever took place, has gone anywhere. Resnek would later admit in his sworn testimony that he fabricated quotes from Cornelio pertaining to the land deal and also facilitated a meeting between Cornelio’s mother, who was running for political offi ce, and Estes in order to push her and Cornelio into off ering up information about the mayor’s “extortion” which later proved to be false. Estes’ story would be published in the Boston Globe in November 2021– all part of Philbin’s and Resnek’s plan to take down the mayor by any means necessary. Resnek has boasted in numerous emails to Philbin and to his friends about his close relationship with Estes and has taken credit in his emails for getting the Boston Globe to publish the stories that he fed Estes. In the many articles and editorials published by the Leader Herald from 2017 through 2021, Resnek admitted in his sworn testimony that he knew Estes from working with her at various newspapers, including the Globe, and sought her out to help in his mission to ruin DeMaria. The Globe has also published stories about the mayor, including a 2022 article by reporter Stephanie Ebbert, about the outgoing supt. of school fi nding surveillance cameras in her offi ce, which have proven to be placed there years before her taking the position and had been disconnected long ago. There has been no evidence presented that the mayor had anything to do with the cameras or anything about them. The Everett School Board recently voted not to renew the superintendent’s contract.

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