Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 28, 2023 RESNEK | FROM PAGE 1 ‘You knew he was planning on publishing articles which would damage Mr. DeMaria’s reputation, correct?” “He mentions a few things,” said Philbin. Philbin is then shown an exhibit from a July 2021 email where Resnek, in a strategy about the next seven weeks prior to the primary election, writes, “One big blast seven days before the primary. He can’t and won’t answer it.” “Yeah, that’s what he says,” states Philbin. Philbin then attempts to defl ect Resnek’s intentions in the same email telling Philbin that he would be launching an “atomic attack” on the mayor the week before the Sept. 2021 primary. “I don’t know what he meant by that, if it was really negative and really positive on either side of, but,“ states Philbin until he’s cut off by the Atty. Robbins, who asks, “Oh, so you thought that when he said, “An atomic attack,” that it could be that he was going to write a very positive story about Mr. DeMaria; is that what you’re saying?” “No, maybe about Mr. Capone and Adrien (Guerley),” says Philbin, DeMaria’s two primary opponents. “Really? That’s what you thought?” asked Atty. Robbins. “I don’t know what I thought back then. I don’t know what I thought.” Despite Philbin’s best attempt to refute his and Resnek’s motives of publishing the newspaper, Atty. Robbins produces another email dated Jan. 27, 2019 between Philbin and Resnek, where the corrupt publisher writes to Philbin, “No prisoners is the only way to run this thing. The mayor is what this war is all about.” “Do you see that?” asked the attorney to Philbin. “Yes.” The attorney continues reading Resnek’s email where the corrupt publisher describes to his boss an absurd, power-hungry scenario. “If we remain an honest voice, a powerful compelling voice, we achieve success, we breakdown the mayor’s stranglehold on the city by making life miserable for all those who do his bidding, and ultimately, we live to see the day he leaves offi ce or is thrown out of offi ce or is arrested, indicted and convicted. The department heads, the councilors, the school committee people, the superintendent, they come and go. They must all be made to understand in the weeks and months to come, that if they are with the RESNEK | SEE PAGE 12 Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 “Same name, phone number & address for over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed •Roofing • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! Celebrating 65 Years in Business! S Summer is Here!

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